Difference between 1D, 2D and 3D Flow

In summary, 3D flows assume that a particle of fluid can go either forward or backward, up or down, left or right.
  • #1
Hey guys,

I'm new to this forum and was hoping to get a clear answer regarding the difference between 1D, 2D and 3D flows in hydraulics (ex. 2D Numerical Model...) ?

Thanks a bunch!
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  • #2
It usually refers to the number spatial (or time) dimensions over which the flow variables vary in a given situation or problem.
  • #3
Thanks for the response! So if you say 2D flow - it's the flow in a plane whereas 1D would be linear?
  • #4
Pretty much, though a 1D flow would be awfully uninteresting. A 2-D flow may also arise if, say, the flow is axisymmetric.
  • #5
Fair enough. What kind of "real-life" flow would be considered axisymmetric?
  • #6
The flow around a cone at zero angle of attack, the flow around the Apollo space capsule if it is at zero angle of attack the flow around the front end of a missile, the flow around a non-rotating sphere (in the Stokes limit), and the flow out of a rocket engine would all be examples of axisymmetric flows.
  • #7
so an equation like v=1xt i + 2xt j +6xt k would be 3d

but V= 1xt i +6x j+7 k wouldbe 1D?
  • #8
A 3D flow assumes that a particle of fluid can go either forward or backward, up or down, left or right.

All flows are 3D, but some can be estimated to a 2D or even 1D flow to simplified the calculations without loosing to much accuracy.

For example, you can study an airplane wing section to evaluate its lifting potential in 2D (particles goes from front to rear and can also go up or down):
You can also study flow in a pipe in 1D situation (from inlet to outlet). In the above example, instead of considering the particles moving up and down when entering the enlarged pipe, we can just consider the area change:


More info about One, Two and Three Dimensional Flows.

FAQ: Difference between 1D, 2D and 3D Flow

What is the difference between 1D, 2D and 3D flow?

The difference between 1D, 2D and 3D flow lies in the number of dimensions in which the flow is occurring. 1D flow occurs in a single dimension, typically represented by a straight line. 2D flow occurs in two dimensions, usually represented by a plane. 3D flow occurs in three dimensions, represented by a space or volume.

How does the dimensionality of flow affect its behavior?

The dimensionality of flow affects its behavior in several ways. In 1D flow, the flow is typically unidirectional and can be easily described using one variable, such as velocity. In 2D flow, the flow can become more complex as it can occur in multiple directions and can have vortices and eddies. In 3D flow, the flow is even more complex and can exhibit turbulent behavior.

What are some examples of 1D, 2D and 3D flow?

1D flow examples include flow through a pipe or flow along a river. 2D flow examples include flow over a flat surface or flow over an airfoil. 3D flow examples include flow in a tornado or flow around a three-dimensional object like a car or airplane.

How is the behavior of 1D, 2D and 3D flow described mathematically?

1D flow can be described using a one-dimensional continuity equation, while 2D flow can be described using a two-dimensional continuity equation and the Navier-Stokes equations. 3D flow requires the use of a three-dimensional continuity equation and the full Navier-Stokes equations to describe its behavior.

What are some practical applications of understanding the differences between 1D, 2D and 3D flow?

Understanding the differences between 1D, 2D and 3D flow is crucial in many fields, such as aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, and fluid mechanics. It is essential for designing efficient and safe structures, such as airplanes, bridges, and dams. It also has applications in weather forecasting, oceanography, and environmental studies.
