Difference between a field and a ring

In summary, a field is a more specific type of ring that is commutative and has division, while a ring is a more general concept that may or may not have these properties. Moduli, or quotient rings, are a way of creating a new ring from an old one by specifying elements that should be equal to zero. In general, if a field is divided by an irreducible polynomial, the resulting quotient ring will also be a field. The term "ring" was introduced by Hilbert in algebraic number theory, and it comes from the German word "Zahlring" meaning "number ring". Not all rings are fields, as fields have additional properties such as commutivity and well-defined multiplicative inverses.
  • #1
Saint Medici
I think the title describes my question fairly well. Could someone please explain to me the difference between a field and a ring? While you're at it, feel free to explain the concept of "mod." I see these all the time when I'm reading, but I've never had anyone to tell me what they actually are. I have a rough idea, but I think it would serve me better if someone who knew what they were talking about shared their knowledge with me. Thanks.
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  • #3
A field is a ring that is commutative and has division.

An example of a field is Q, the rational numbers.
An example of a ring that is not a field is Z, the integers.

However, Z is something called a domain, which means that if ab = 0, then a = 0 or b = 0.

For any commutative domain, one can define its fraction field. As its name suggests, it consists of all fractions whose numerator and denominator are in the domain. The fraction field of Z is, of course Q.

Another example is R[x], the ring of real polynomials in x. It is a domain, and it has a fraction field, R(x), the field of all real rational functions in x.

I'm going to assume that you understand modulo arithmetic of integers...

Let R be the the ring of integers modulo 8. This ring is not a domain because, for instance, 2 * 4 = 0. Thus, R does not have a fraction field. However, we can make some fractions. For example, we could take S = {1, 3, 5, 7} as the set of allowable denominators. This is called the localization of R at S, denoted RS. The same thing is also described in the opposite way; the localization of R at T where T = {0, 2, 4, 6}, also denoted as RT

moduli, in general, are a way of making a new ring from an old ring by specifying a set of elements that should be equal to zero, called an ideal. For example, we make Z mod 8 by declaring the set {..., -16, -8, 0, 8, 16, ...} to be equal to zero. If R is the ring, and I is the ideal, then we call the ring formed in this way the quotient ring of R over I, written R/I.

To satisfy this intuition, an ideal has special properties. I is an ideal of a ring, R, iff:
for any r in R and x in I: rx and xr are in I. (because multiplying by zero yields zero)
for any x, y in I: x - y are in I. (because zero - zero = zero)

(However, Z mod p, where p is a prime, is a field!)

An example of this is the ring S = R / (i^2 + 1)... (where R is the real numbers)

R is the ring of all real polynomials in the variable i.
i^2 + 1 is an element of R, and we use the notation (i^2 + 1) to mean the smallest ideal containing i^2 + 1.

The resulting quoteint ring consists of things that look like: {x + yi | x, y in R}. To see that this set is closed under multiplication:

(a + bi) (c + di) = ac + (ad + bc)i + (bd)i^2
= ac + (ad + bc)i + (bd)(i^2 + 1 - 1)
= ac + (ad + bc)i + (bd)(-1) (because, in S, i^2 + 1 = 0!)
= (ac - bd) + (ad + bc)i

which is, again, of the form x + yi.

In fact, you'll recognize that S is just the ring of complex numbers!

In general, if F is a field, and f is an irreducible polynomial in F[x], then it turns out that F[x]/(f), that is F[x] mod f, is always a field.
  • #4
Just out of curiosity(or naiivete, take your pick), what is the rationale behind naming the concept a "ring"? Is there some geometric basis for this?
  • #5
Ask Fraenkel. :smile: According to my text, the term "Zahlring" appeared in algebraic number theory; I'm not sure what it meant.
  • #6

I'll pick laziness ;). From the article on Rings linked above:

The word ring is short for the German word 'Zahlring' (number ring). The French word for a ring is anneau, and the modern German word is Ring, both meaning (not so surprisingly) "ring." The term was introduced by Hilbert to describe rings like
[tex]\mathbb{Z}[\root 3\of 2] = {a + b\root 3\of 2 + \root 3\of 4 \mbox{ such that } a,b,c \in \mathbb{Z}}[/tex]​
By successively multiplying the new element [itex]\root 3\of 2[/itex], it eventually loops around to become something already generated...
  • #7
AKG said:
it eventually loops around to become something already generated

Thanks for the information. I myself have wondered about the reason for that word being used.
  • #8
Every field is a ring but not every ring is a field. A field is a ring with a few more properties like commutivity and that fields have multiplicative inverses are well defined for each non-additive-zero element.

For example, Z_4={0,1,2,3} is not a field because there is no well-defined multiplicative inverse of 2. 2*0=0, 2*1=2, 2*2=0, 2*3=2. None of these is 1.
The other nonzero elements of Z_4 have inverses: 1*1=1 and 3*3=1. Note that 2 does not have an inverse becuase it is a zero divisor: 2*2=0. I think Hurkyl talked about zero divisors.

Z_n is a field whenever n is a prime and if n is not a prime then Z_n is not a field (I think). These finite fields are important in cryptography unless I've completely lost my mind.

FAQ: Difference between a field and a ring

1. What is the difference between a field and a ring?

A field is a mathematical structure with two operations, addition and multiplication, that follows certain rules and contains elements that can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided. A ring is also a mathematical structure with two operations, addition and multiplication, but it does not necessarily follow the rules of division, making it a more general structure than a field.

2. What are the defining properties of a field?

A field must satisfy the commutative, associative, and distributive properties for both addition and multiplication. Additionally, it must have two distinct elements, 0 and 1, which act as the additive and multiplicative identities, and every non-zero element must have a multiplicative inverse.

3. Can every ring be considered a field?

No, not every ring can be considered a field. A ring must have the properties of addition and multiplication, but it does not necessarily have division. In order for a ring to be a field, it must have the additional property of division, making it a more specific type of mathematical structure.

4. How are fields and rings used in real-world applications?

Fields and rings are used extensively in the fields of mathematics, physics, and computer science. They are used to model and solve various problems, such as encryption algorithms, coding theory, and particle interactions. They also have applications in finance, statistics, and engineering.

5. What is an example of a field and a ring?

An example of a field is the set of real numbers, where addition and multiplication follow the rules of commutativity, associativity, and distribution, and every non-zero number has a multiplicative inverse. An example of a ring is the set of integers, where addition and multiplication are defined, but not all elements have a multiplicative inverse.

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