Difference between a solenoid and a stack of loops

In summary, the B field inside a solenoid is given by B = mu0 * N * I / l, derived using Ampere's law. On the other hand, the B field at the end points of a stack of circular loops is given by B = mu0 * N * I / (2a), derived using Biot-Savart law. These formulas give different results because they are for different regions, with the former being for the inside of the solenoid and the latter for the end points of the stack of loops. Ampere's law cannot be applied to the stack of loops because the path does not enclose any current, and it is also assumed that the B field on the outside of the sol
  • #1
The B field at the center of a stack of N circular loops each carrying current I is
B = mu0 * N * I / (2a)
where a is the radius of the loop, derived using Biot-Savart law.

The B field inside a solenoid is
B = mu0 * N * I / l
where l is the length of the solenoid, derived using Ampere's law.

Yet everywhere I searched it is always stated that a solenoid can be thought of as a stack of circular loops. Then why are the results different? Why can't I use Ampere's law on the stack of loops to get mu0 * N * l?

It is also stated that in a solenoid the B field at the ends of the solenoid is 1/2 of the B field inside the solenoid, or
B = mu0 * N * I / (2l)

Could that be it? That is, the B field calculated using Biot-Savart law for stack of loops is the same as that for a solenoid B field but ONLY at the ends of the solenoid?

I am citing Figures 28.14 and 28.24 in University Physics by Young and Freedman, 13th edition.
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  • #2
It looks like your "stack" has a negligible length.

The formula for the solenoid assumes an "infinite" length.

Different setups lead to different formulas with different results.

Could that be it? That is, the B field calculated using Biot-Savart law for stack of loops is the same as that for a solenoid B field but ONLY at the ends of the solenoid?
a and l are different things.
  • #3
No. There is nothing about the equation for the B field of a stack of rings being valid only for a short length. The number of loops is N and can be as large as I want. Moreover, the solenoid does not have to be infinite for the equation to be valid.

Of course I recognize the quantity "a" in the loop equation is the radius of the loop and "l" in the solenoid equation is the length of the solenoid. I am trying to reconcile these 2 formulas.

B = mu0 * N * I / (2a) for a stack of loops
B = mu0 * N * I / l for a solenoid

I want a serious answer, not just an off-the-cuff answer. I have been researching this for quite some time and have not found any article that addresses this question. Thank you for your help.
  • #4
warrenchu000 said:
No. There is nothing about the equation for the B field of a stack of rings being valid only for a short length. The number of loops is N and can be as large as I want. Moreover, the solenoid does not have to be infinite for the equation to be valid.
Just check where these equations come from, and which assumptions were made to derive them. If the stack of rings is allowed to have a variable length, this length would have to appear in the formula.

In the same way, I recognize the formula for solenoids, and it uses the approximation that the solenoid is very long relative to its diameter.
I want a serious answer
I posted one.
Thank you for your help.
You're welcome.
  • #5
I believe I have the answer.

B = mu0 * N * I / l is for the INSIDE of a solenoid far from the ends.

B = mu0 * N * I / (2a) is for a stack of loops on the END POINT of the stack.

Ampere's law was used to find the B field in the solenoid where it is ASSUMED it is uniform.

Ampere's law cannot be used for the B field of a stack of loops at points OUTSIDE the stack because the path does not enclose any current.

Moreover the B field on the outside is ASSUMED to be zero when applying Ampere's law. That is not true at the ends of the solenoid.

So these 2 formulas are for 2 completely different regions.

FAQ: Difference between a solenoid and a stack of loops

What is a solenoid?

A solenoid is a coil of wire that is typically wound in a cylindrical shape. When an electric current flows through the coil, it creates a magnetic field.

What is a stack of loops?

A stack of loops is a collection of individual loops or coils of wire that are stacked on top of each other. When an electric current flows through the stack, it creates a magnetic field.

How are solenoids and stacks of loops similar?

Both solenoids and stacks of loops are used to create magnetic fields by running an electric current through a coil of wire. They both involve the use of multiple turns of wire to increase the strength of the magnetic field.

How are solenoids and stacks of loops different?

The main difference between a solenoid and a stack of loops is the physical arrangement of the coils. A solenoid has a single coil wound in a cylindrical shape, while a stack of loops has multiple individual coils stacked on top of each other.

What are the applications of solenoids and stacks of loops?

Solenoids and stacks of loops have a variety of applications in different industries. They are commonly used in electric motors, electromagnets, and in various electronic devices such as speakers and door locks. They are also used in medical equipment, scientific instruments, and in the aerospace industry.
