Difference between an applied math and pure math degree.

In summary, the conversation discusses the differences between applied math and pure math. Applied math focuses on using results from pure math to solve real-world problems, while pure math is more concerned with studying theoretical situations. Applied math often uses the pure math that was developed beforehand, and can overlap with pure math in certain cases.
  • #1
From what I've heard, both do theory, but applied math has a lot more computational and applicable electives, vs. the theoretical based electives of pure math.
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  • #2
The focus is completely different, but things do overlap.

In applied math, we take results from pure math to solve actual problems in the real world.

I'll give you a concrete example.

Take for example linear models in statistics. The goal of linear models is to use linear equations (think matrices) to measure various statistics and use them to draw inferences.

Now the framework uses a lot of results from linear algebra including idempotent matrices, least squares, psuedo-inverse matrices, and so on to calculate something useful.

Contrast this to pure math, where if you were say a research in linear algebra, you might have been working on the theory of pseudo-inverses and its calculation for generic square matrices. You probably don't care that (or least don't have the perspective that) a statistician needs your work to estimate a linear model. You are likely to be more interested in studying some generic situation and trying to use the existing work of pure mathematicians to extend their work to a more generic situation.

Maybe you have come across some problem that was a previous thought experiment of a previous pure mathematician and you become interested in it. It may have no immediate scientific application, and may just be a curiosity, but what it may do is lead to further results, and maybe results that form an analytic framework for some analysis of a more generalized model.

One thing you should remember is that a lot of applied math nowadays is using the pure math that was developed before. Think about all the stuff that engineers use in their daily work from signal analysis to optimization, to cryptography, it's all there.

Sometimes it's hard to distinguish between pure and applied, but if a particular topic is used to solve a particular problem in some applied science, then it is applied.

Related to Difference between an applied math and pure math degree.

1. What is the main difference between an applied math and pure math degree?

An applied math degree focuses on the practical application of mathematical concepts and theories to solve real-world problems, while a pure math degree focuses on the development and advancement of mathematical theories and principles for their own sake.

2. Which degree is more useful in the job market?

Both degrees have their own value in the job market. An applied math degree is often preferred for jobs in industries such as finance, engineering, and data analysis, while a pure math degree is highly valued in fields such as academia and research.

3. Can I pursue graduate studies in applied math with a pure math undergraduate degree?

Yes, it is possible to pursue graduate studies in applied math with a pure math undergraduate degree. However, you may need to take some additional courses to gain a better understanding of the practical application of mathematical concepts.

4. What kind of courses can I expect to take in an applied math degree program?

Courses in an applied math degree program may include topics such as calculus, probability and statistics, linear algebra, differential equations, and computer programming. You may also have the opportunity to specialize in a specific area, such as financial mathematics or computational mathematics.

5. How can I decide which degree is right for me?

It ultimately depends on your interests and career goals. If you are interested in using math to solve real-world problems and have a strong background in mathematics, an applied math degree may be a good fit. If you have a passion for theoretical and abstract mathematical concepts and want to pursue a career in academia or research, a pure math degree may be more suitable.

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