Difference between centroid and break away/in point

In summary, the conversation discusses the root locus concept in control engineering and the difference between centroid and breakaway points. The example function given has three poles and the website calculates the centroid at -1.67. The breakaway points are at -2.5 and -0.78, with the latter not being counted. The participants are unsure of the role of the breakaway point and the difference between centroid and breakaway point in layman terms.
  • #1

Hi, I am studying control engineering and we are covering root locus concept right now. My knowledge of this concept is varied..I get some things and others I don't. One thing I don't understand is the difference between centroid and breakaway/in point. So for example for this function: 1/((s)(s+2)(s+3)), we have 3 poles at s=0,-2, -3. The website that has the example calculates the centroid at -1.67 (which I agree with). And the breakaway points are -2.5 and -.78.

-2.5 won't be counted because it isn't part of the root locus. However, what's the role of -.78?. In the picture above the author seems to put the square that represents the breakaway point in the same point as the centroid. I'm not sure why...which tells me that I do not have a good understanding of the role played by the centroid versus breakaway point. if someone can explain in layman terms the difference, i would appreciate it. Thanks!
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
dear u have calculated wrong value for break point. seconed break away point occurs between 0 and 2.
and breakaway points are the point from where two branches meet and tend to either zero or infinity while centroide is just intersection point of asymptote.

FAQ: Difference between centroid and break away/in point

1. What is the difference between centroid and break away/in point?

The centroid and break away/in point are two important concepts in the field of geometry and physics. While both refer to a point, they have different meanings and applications.

2. How is the centroid defined?

The centroid is defined as the geometric center of a shape or object. It is the point at which all the mass of the object is evenly distributed.

3. What is the significance of the centroid?

The centroid is important in many fields, including physics, engineering, and mathematics. It is used to calculate the center of gravity, determine the stability of structures, and find the average of multiple points.

4. What is a break away/in point?

A break away/in point, also known as a critical point, is a point on a graph or curve where the direction of the curve changes. It marks the point where a system transitions from one state to another.

5. How is a break away/in point different from the centroid?

Unlike the centroid, which is a fixed point in an object or shape, a break away/in point is a variable point that can change depending on external factors. It also has a different mathematical definition and is used in different applications.
