Difference between double and surface integrals? Purpose of surface integrals?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of surface integrals in vector calculus and how they differ from double integrals. Surface integrals are used to sum up values of a function over all points on a surface and can be calculated by projecting the surface onto the xy plane. They have a meaning independent of double integrals and are commonly used in applications such as calculating flux of a vector field across a surface.
  • #1
I'm preparing for a vector calculus course in the fall and I've been self studying some topics.

I've taken multivariable calculus and I'm familiar with using double integrals, how to solve them and how to use them to find volume.

From what I've read so far, I'm familiar with how to SOLVE a surface integral by projecting the surface onto the xy plane.

This just turns it into a double integral right? And what does the double integral of this projection give you (surface area?)? I'm just trying to figure out the PURPOSE of surface integrals and how they differ from double integrals.

Sorry if my question is silly, but I haven't taken vector calculus yet and I'm trying to get ready.
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  • #2
What happens if the solid object you are integrating has a variable projection on the xy-plane though?

Triple integrals are how continuum mechanics in 3 dimensions is built, so it's a crucial subject to understand.

In any case, you can usually go back and forth double and triple integrals, using the divergence theorem or (more generally) the Stokes theorem. Keep in mind that there are applications where you can get 4 or more integrals though:wink: A great example is if the object is also moving (time is added).
  • #3
A "double integral" can be used in applications that have nothing to do with "surfaces".

It is not necessary that a surface be given in terms of a function x and y at all, For example, we can always write a surface as x= f(u,v), y= g(u,v), z= h(u,v)- that is, as parametric equations in the parameters u and v. In that case, our integral would be with respect to the parameters x and y.

We can write any point in the surface as the vector equation [itex]\vec{r}(u,v)= x\vec{i}+ y\vec{j}+ z\vec{k}= f(u,v)\vec{i}+ g(u,v)\vec{j}+ h(u,v)\vec{k}[/itex] so that the derivatives [itex]\vec{r}_u= f_u\vec{i}+ g_u\vec{j}+ h_u\vec{k}[/itex] and [itex]\vec{r}_v= f_v\vec{i}+ g_v\vec{j}+ h_v\vec{k}[/itex] are tangent vectors and their cross product is normal to the surface.

The integral of a vector function, [itex]\vec{F}(u,v)[/itex], on the surface, would be the dot product of [itex]\vec{F}[/itex] with that cross product, dudv. And the integral of a scalar function, f(u,v), on that surface, would be the product of f(u,v) with the length of that cross product, dudv.
  • #4
Surface integrals are useful if you want to "sum up" the values of a function over all the points on a surface. That is what the integral of a function over a surface represents.

The other thing is that your surface could be more complicated than the graph of a function. Consider the surface of a donut. How are you going to project that to the xy plane in order to calculate a surface integral? You have to use a parametrization like Halls describes.

Here is a common application. You have a vector field (such as an Electric field, a velocity field for a fluid, a Force field, among other possiblilities). One thing that is commonly calculated for various reasons is the flux of that vector field across a given surface. If the field is the velocity field V of a fluid, then the flux represents the total amount of fluid crossing the surface per unit time. That is calculated by a surface integral.

Finally, surface integrals have a meaning independent of double integrals. Just because you use double integrals to calculate surface integrals doesn't make that an essential feature of surface integrals. If anything double integrals are a special case of surface integrals where the surface is a flat region in the plane.

FAQ: Difference between double and surface integrals? Purpose of surface integrals?

What is the difference between double and surface integrals?

Double and surface integrals are both types of integrals used in calculus, but they differ in the number of variables they integrate over. A double integral integrates over two variables, typically x and y, while a surface integral integrates over three variables, usually x, y, and z. This means that double integrals are used to find the area under a curve in two dimensions, while surface integrals are used to find the volume under a surface in three dimensions.

What is the purpose of surface integrals?

The purpose of surface integrals is to calculate the flux or flow of a vector field through a surface. This is useful in various applications, such as calculating the amount of fluid flowing through a surface or the amount of heat transferred across a surface. Surface integrals are also used in physics to calculate the work done by a force on an object that moves along a surface.

How do you set up a double integral?

To set up a double integral, you need to define the limits of integration for each variable and the function to be integrated. The limits of integration for the inner integral depend on the value of the outer variable, and the outer limits of integration are usually constants. For example, if we want to find the area under the curve y = x^2 between x = 0 and x = 2, we can set up the double integral as ∫020xx^2 dydx.

How do you evaluate a surface integral?

Evaluating a surface integral involves finding the limits of integration for each variable, setting up the integral, and then solving it using appropriate integration techniques. The limits of integration for surface integrals can be given in various forms, such as parametric equations or in terms of other variables. It is important to carefully consider the geometry of the surface and choose the appropriate coordinate system to set up the integral.

What are some applications of double and surface integrals?

Double and surface integrals have various applications in mathematics, physics, engineering, and other fields. In mathematics, they are used to calculate areas, volumes, and centroids of geometric shapes. In physics, they are used to calculate the flux of a vector field, work done by a force, and moments of inertia. In engineering, they are used to analyze stresses and strains in materials and to design structures. Other applications include calculating probabilities in statistics and finding electric and magnetic fields in electromagnetism.
