Difference between Scalar Function and Vector Function?

R^n for all n. Otherwise, how do you define R^3? (I've never seen a definition of R^3 that doesn't depend on the first three positive integers!)In summary, a scalar function is a function with a one-dimensional range, while a vector function is a function with a three-dimensional (or n-dimensional) range. In physics, scalar functions are often used to represent energy potential, while vector functions are used to represent force fields. However, there is some blurring of the lines between scalar and vector functions, as a function that takes in a single vector variable can also be considered a scalar function. Additionally, R^1 and R are isomorphic, meaning they are essentially
  • #1
Okay I know the definition of a Vector and of a scalar... but I am getting a little confused for some reason.

Wolfram.com gives this definition of a scalar function:

A function [itex]f(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)[/itex] of one or more variables whose range is one-dimensional, as compared to a vector function, whose range is three-dimensional (or, in general, n-dimensional).

So if what if n=1 then is the vector function really a scalar function?

I know this is a stupid question, but if I can answer it, I may or may not have to ask a series of even more stupid questions. :smile:
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  • #2
Saladsamurai said:
Wolfram.com gives this definition of a scalar function:

A function [itex]f(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)[/itex] of one or more variables whose range is one-dimensional, as compared to a vector function, whose range is three-dimensional (or, in general, n-dimensional).

So if what if n=1 then is the vector function really a scalar function?

Hi Saladsamurai! :smile:

Short answer … yes! :biggrin:

(that's assuming you're referring to the second n :wink:)
  • #3
Saladsamurai said:
Okay I know the definition of a Vector and of a scalar... but I am getting a little confused for some reason.

Wolfram.com gives this definition of a scalar function:

A function [itex]f(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)[/itex] of one or more variables whose range is one-dimensional, as compared to a vector function, whose range is three-dimensional (or, in general, n-dimensional).

So if what if n=1 then is the vector function really a scalar function?

I know this is a stupid question, but if I can answer it, I may or may not have to ask a series of even more stupid questions. :smile:

Wolfram is usually not very good when it comes to general mathematics definitions, in my experience. Usually, Wikipedia has a leg up on, so you might want to check their page.

In general, each function is associated with two sets called the domain and codomain. A function is a way to take elements from the domain and associate them with elements of the codomain. A function f with domain A and codomain B is notated f : A -> B (read f is a function from set A to set B).

So, standard real-valued functions you study in algebra are would be notated R -> R. You can also use your knowledge of the function to be more specific. The exponential function exp(x) = e^x can take any real number as input, but always outputs a *positive* number, so we can say exp: R -> R+ (exp is a function from the reals to the positive reals). Similarly, sin(x) takes any number and maps it to a number between -1 and 1, so we can say sin: R->[-1,1] (sine is a function from the reals to the closed interval between -1 and 1).

When you get to about your third year of calculus, you start dealing with functions other than R->R. We start working with R^2, R^3, or in general, R^n. These are all just sets, of course.

A function like f(x, y) = x^2 + y^2 is a function of two real variables. But we often blur the distinction and pretend like it's a function of a single vector variable instead. The output, though, is a real number (because x and y are real, their squares are real, and their sums are real). So we would say f: R^2 -> R. This is often called a scalar function in physics.

A function f(x, y) = (x^2, y^2) is also a function of two real variables. But the output this time is a vector. So f: R^2 -> R^2. Because the output is a vector, physicists often call this a vector field or a vector function.

So summary: scalar-function and vector-function refer to the *codomain* of a function, and general, the domain is assumed to be R^2 or R^3.

A few concrete examples. Energy potential as a function of space is a scalar function. At each point in space (represented by a vector), there is a single energy potential (a scalar).

A force field is a vector function. At each point in space (represented by a vector), there is a force that applies to objects at that location (another vector).

Lastly, about your question where n=1. Consider this. R^3 is a 3-dimensional space. R^2 is a plane. What does R^1 look like? It looks like a line. But interestingly, it looks EXACTLY like R. The two are called "isomorphic" because for every point on R^1 there is exactly corresponding real number and vise-versa. Here, again, we blur the distinction, and many authors would just go ahead and say R = R^1, but it's all a matter of interpretation.
  • #4
Hi Tac-Tics! :smile:
Tac-Tics said:
… many authors would just go ahead and say R = R^1, but it's all a matter of interpretation.

i'm not an author, but i'd say it also …

how are you defining R^1? :confused:
  • #5
tiny-tim said:
how are you defining R^1? :confused:

In a very straightforward manner.

You take an n-tuple to be a function from the set 0, 1, 2, ..., n to some other set.

For example, R^n represents the set of functions from {1, 2, ..., n} to R. This leads to the same familiar R^n for n>= 2. But additionally, it produces two more sets R^1 and R^0.

R^1 is a set of functions and is distinct from R, but it is isomorphic to R. All elements in R^1 have the form f(0) = x (for some real x).

R^0 is a silly trivial space, consisting of a single function: the function which maps the empty set to the reals. (It's a vacuous existence, but an existence none the less!) The single function in R^0 is the zero vector in that space.

Of course, this is all technical nonsense ;-)

Related to Difference between Scalar Function and Vector Function?

1. What is the main difference between a Scalar Function and a Vector Function?

A scalar function is a mathematical function that takes in a single input and produces a single output, which is a scalar value (such as a number). On the other hand, a vector function takes in multiple inputs and produces multiple outputs, which are vector values (such as position or velocity).

2. Can you provide an example of a Scalar Function and a Vector Function?

An example of a scalar function is the temperature of a room, which can be represented by a single value. An example of a vector function is the position of a moving car, which can be represented by multiple values (x, y, and z coordinates).

3. How are Scalar Functions and Vector Functions used in real-world applications?

Scalar functions are commonly used in fields such as physics and engineering to describe quantities like temperature, pressure, or voltage. Vector functions are used in fields such as mathematics and computer science to represent motion, forces, or other dynamic systems.

4. Are there any similarities between Scalar Functions and Vector Functions?

Both scalar functions and vector functions are mathematical functions that map inputs to outputs. They can also both be represented by equations or graphs.

5. Can a Scalar Function and a Vector Function be combined?

Yes, a scalar function and a vector function can be combined to create a new function. For example, a scalar function representing the temperature of a room can be combined with a vector function representing the position of a person in the room to create a new function that maps the temperature at different positions in the room.

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