Difference between sigma algebra and topological space

In summary, sigma algebra and topological space are both structures defined on a set, but they differ in their closure properties. While a sigma algebra allows countable unions and intersections, a topology allows arbitrary unions and finite intersections. Additionally, a sigma algebra is also closed under complements. These structures are important in mathematics and have various applications in different fields.
  • #1
What is the difference between sigma algebra and topological space topological space?also what is the meaning of algebra on a set? the definitions are very similar except that in the case of sigma algebra the union is taken to include infinite number of sets .right?
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  • #2
The difference between an algebra and a sigma-algebra is that we allow countable unions and intersections in sigma-algebra's. With algebra's, we only allow finite unions and intersections.

The difference between a topology and a sigma-algebra is this:
  • In sigma-algebra's we only allow countable unions, but in topologies, we allow arbitrary unions.
  • In sigma-algebra's we allow countable intersections, but in topologies we only allow finite unions.
  • In sigma-algebra's we allow complements, but in topologies we don't.
  • #3
Topology: [itex](X,\tau)[/itex].

[tex]\text{T1.}\enspace\enspace(\emptyset\in\tau)\&(X \in\tau);[/tex]

[tex]\text{T2.}\enspace\enspace ((\forall i \in I)[A_i \in\tau ]) \Rightarrow \left ( \bigcup_{i \in I} A_i \in \tau \right ), \enspace I \text{ any index set};[/tex]

[tex]\text{T3.}\enspace\enspace (A_1,A_2,...A_n\in\tau)\Rightarrow \left ( \bigcap_{i =1}^n A_i \in \Sigma \right ).[/tex]

That is: T1. The empty set and (its complement), X, are in tau; T2. Each union of elements of tau is in tau (tau is "closed under unions"); T3. Each intersection of finitely many elements of tau is in tau (tau is "closed under finite intersections").

Note: This sense of the word "closed", applied to tau itself, is totally unrelated to the sense in "a closed set" (=the complement of an element of tau), applied to subsets of X.
Sigma Algebra: [itex](X,\Sigma)[/itex].

[tex]\text{S1.}\enspace\enspace\Sigma\neq\emptyset ;[/tex]

[tex]\text{S2.}\enspace\enspace(A \in\Sigma)\Rightarrow(X\setminus A \in\Sigma);[/tex]

[tex]\text{S3.}\enspace\enspace((\forall i \in \mathbb{N})[A_i \in\Sigma ]) \Rightarrow \left ( \bigcup_{i \in \mathbb{N}} A_i \in \Sigma \right ).[/tex]

That is: S1. Sigma is nonempty; S2. If a subset of X is in sigma, its complement is in sigma (sigma is "closed under complementats"); S3. Each union of countably many elements of sigma is in sigma (sigma is "closed under countable unions").

Equivalent forms of axiom S1, which make the resemblance to a topology seem even closer, are


[tex]\text{S1c.}\enspace\enspace X \in\Sigma.[/tex]

An equivalent axiom to S3 is to require sigma to be closed under countable intersections. And yes, for an algebra of sets, replace S3 with the requirement that each union of finitely many elements of sigma is in sigma.

FAQ: Difference between sigma algebra and topological space

What is a sigma algebra?

A sigma algebra is a mathematical concept used in measure theory. It is a collection of subsets of a given set that has certain properties, such as being closed under countable unions and complements.

What is a topological space?

A topological space is a mathematical structure used in topology. It is a set of points with a defined notion of nearness or continuity. It studies the properties of space that are preserved under continuous deformations, such as stretching or bending.

What is the difference between a sigma algebra and a topological space?

The main difference between a sigma algebra and a topological space is the types of sets they contain. A sigma algebra only contains measurable sets, while a topological space contains both open and closed sets. Additionally, a topological space has a notion of continuity, while a sigma algebra does not.

How are sigma algebras and topological spaces related?

Sigma algebras and topological spaces are both structures used in mathematics to study different aspects of sets and their properties. While they have different definitions and properties, they are often used together in measure theory and topology to analyze different types of spaces and their behavior.

Why are sigma algebras and topological spaces important?

Sigma algebras and topological spaces are important concepts in mathematics because they provide a framework for studying different types of sets and their properties. They are used in many areas of mathematics, such as analysis, probability, and geometry, to understand the structure and behavior of different mathematical objects.

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