Difference between SO(3) and so(3)

In summary, SO(3) is a Lie group; so(3) is the Lie algebra of SO(3). SO(3) is a manifold; so(3) is a vector space with a bilinear, antisymmetric bracket that satisfies the Jacobi identity.
  • #1

What is the difference between lie group SO(3) and lie algebra so(3)? I just got the idea in terms of terminology that one represents the group and the other stands for algebra. But can anyone please provide details as to what exactly is the difference?

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  • #2
SO(3) is a Lie group; so(3) is the Lie algebra of SO(3). SO(3) is a manifold; so(3) is a vector space with a bilinear, antisymmetric bracket that satisfies the Jacobi identity.

That really is all there is to it.
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  • #3
In terms of differential geometry, so(3) is the tangent space at the identity element of SO(3), with a Lie bracket [itex](X,Y)\mapsto[X,Y][/itex] defined by setting [X,Y] equal to the commutator at the identity, of the left-invariant (or right-invariant) vector fields corresponding to X and Y. (Those are the fields defined in the quote below. The two Lie algebras defined this way are isomorphic, so it doesn't matter if we use left multiplication or right multiplication to define the Lie bracket).

In terms of matrices, SO(3) is the set of 3×3 orthogonal matrices with determinant 1, and so(3) is the set of matrices X such that exp(tX) is in SO(3) for all real numbers t. (This is a trick to find a Lie algebra that's isomorphic to the group's Lie algebra. It works for matrix Lie groups). So it's the set of all antisymmetric traceless 3×3 matrices. (Mathematicians use the term "skew symmetric" or just "skew" instead of "antisymmetric". It means XT=-X. "Traceless" means Tr X=0, where Tr X is the sum of the diagonal elements).

Fredrik said:
Suppose that M and N are manifolds and [itex]\phi:M\rightarrow N[/itex] is a diffeomorphism. Then we can define a function

[tex]\phi(p)_*:T_pM\rightarrow T_{\phi(p)}N[/tex]

for each [itex]p\in M[/itex].

A Lie group is both a group and a manifold. We can use any member g of a group G to construct two diffeomorphisms [itex]\rho_g[/itex] and [itex]\lambda_g[/itex] that map G onto itself:


The Lie algebra associated with the Lie Group is defined as the tangent space at the identity element, with a Lie bracket that will be defined below. Let's use the notation [itex]\mathfrak{g}=T_eG[/itex]

We can use either right or left multiplication to map the Lie algebra onto the tangent space at any other point g:

[tex]\rho_g_*:\mathfrak{g}\rightarrow T_gG[/tex]
[tex]\lambda_g_*:\mathfrak{g}\rightarrow T_gG[/tex]

Let's simplify the notation a bit:


We can use these maps to construct two vector fields [itex]X_L^\rho[/itex] and [itex]X_L^\lambda[/itex] for each vector L in the Lie algebra:


Either of these two vector fields can be used to define a Lie bracket on the Lie Algebra:

  • #4
Thanks Fredrick and shoehorn.
  • #5
I imagine your question is ultimately rooted in quantum mechanics reading. The other posts definitely are correct, but there is a missing piece.

Given the Lie group, you get the Lie algebra as described, but Lie algebras aren't unique. Different Lie groups share the same Lie algebra, but to do so they are topologically "close". They are locally isomorphic - they share the same universal cover (algebraic topology concept).

The Lie algebra gets you to the unique simply connected version of the Lie group, which for [itex]SO(3)[/itex] happens to be [itex]SU(2).[/itex] This is the reason that [itex]SU(2)[/itex] is used as the rotation group for three dimensional space.
  • #6
Thanks for the addition tmccullough. I came across it while reading some proofs in computer vision.
  • #7
btw: SO(3) is topologically the real projective space of lines in Euclidean three space. It is diffeomorphic to the tangent circle bundle of the 2 sphere. With this picture you can also visualize the Lie algebra structure of the tangent space at the identity - an instructive excercise.

FAQ: Difference between SO(3) and so(3)

1. What is SO(3) and so(3)?

SO(3) and so(3) are mathematical notations used to represent different groups in three-dimensional space. SO(3) stands for Special Orthogonal Group, which is a group of three-dimensional rotations. On the other hand, so(3) stands for Lie algebra of SO(3), which is a vector space that represents infinitesimal rotations in three dimensions.

2. What is the difference between SO(3) and so(3)?

The main difference between SO(3) and so(3) is that SO(3) is a group, whereas so(3) is a Lie algebra. This means that SO(3) is a collection of finite rotations that can be combined to form any rotation in three-dimensional space, while so(3) represents the infinitesimal elements of SO(3) and is used for calculations and transformations.

3. How are SO(3) and so(3) related?

SO(3) and so(3) are closely related as so(3) is the Lie algebra of SO(3). This means that for every element in SO(3), there is a corresponding element in so(3). Additionally, the structure of so(3) is determined by the structure of SO(3).

4. What are some real-world applications of SO(3) and so(3)?

SO(3) and so(3) have various applications in fields such as robotics, computer graphics, and physics. In robotics, they are used to represent and manipulate the orientation of objects in three-dimensional space. In computer graphics, they are used for 3D transformations and animations. In physics, they are used to describe the rotation of rigid bodies and the behavior of rotational systems.

5. Is it necessary to understand SO(3) and so(3) in order to use them in applications?

No, it is not necessary to have a deep understanding of SO(3) and so(3) in order to use them in applications. However, having a basic understanding of their properties and relationships can be helpful in understanding and solving problems related to rotations in three-dimensional space.
