Difference between the carry flag and overflow flag

  • Engineering
  • Thread starter Fatima Hasan
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In summary: The hardware designers could have provided a separate flag to indicate these situations, but they didn't.In summary, the carry flag (CF) and overflow flag (OF) are used to indicate possible errors or unexpected results when performing arithmetic operations on numbers. CF is used for unsigned integer arithmetic to indicate when the result is too large to fit in the designated number of bits. OF is used for signed integer arithmetic to indicate when the result is too large or too small to fit in the designated number of bits. However, these flags can also be set in other situations, so they should not be relied upon as the only indication of an overflow or error.
  • #1
Fatima Hasan
Homework Statement
Why does the carry flag not work for signed number addition and the overflow does not work for unsigned numbers?
Relevant Equations
Here's my explanation with an example:
(d: decimal )
7d + 2d = 9 d
If signed:
the result indicates an overflow, because it exceeds the maximum which is +7.
( 0111 + 0010 = 1001 )
However, CF = 0 indicating that there is no overflow which is wrong.
OF = 0 ⊕ 1 = 1 -> invalid result, because the result exceeds the maximum.
If unsigned:
the result is valid because min= -8< 9 < max= 7
CF = 0
OF = 0 ⊕ 1 = 1 -> indicates that the result is invalid which is incorrect.
Is there any further explanations ?
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  • #3
Fatima Hasan said:
Homework Statement:: Why does the carry flag not work for signed number addition and the overflow does not work for unsigned numbers?
Relevant Equations:: -

Here's my explanation with an example:
(d: decimal )
7d + 2d = 9 d
If signed:
the result indicates an overflow, because it exceeds the maximum which is +7.
( 0111 + 0010 = 1001 )
However, CF = 0 indicating that there is no overflow which is wrong.
OF = 0 ⊕ 1 = 1 -> invalid result, because the result exceeds the maximum.
If unsigned:
the result is valid because min= -8< 9 < max= 7
CF = 0
OF = 0 ⊕ 1 = 1 -> indicates that the result is invalid which is incorrect.
Is there any further explanations ?
It looks like your examples assume 4-bit numbers, and either signed or unsigned addition. As a 4-bit signed number, the possible values range from -8 to + 7, inclusive. As a 4-bit unsigned number, the possible values range from 0 to 15, inclusive.
Here's what the Intel documentation says about CF and OF, which may or may not have some bearing on your question.
Carry flag — Set if an arithmetic operation generates a carry or a borrow out of the most significant bit of the result; cleared otherwise. This flag indicates an overflow condition for
unsigned-integer arithmetic.

Overflow flag — Set if the integer result is too large a positive number or too small a negative
number (excluding the sign-bit) to fit in the destination operand; cleared otherwise. This flag
indicates an overflow condition for signed-integer (two’s complement) arithmetic.

The status flags allow a single arithmetic operation to produce results for three different data types: unsigned integers, signed integers, and BCD integers. If the result of an arithmetic operation is treated as an unsigned integer, the CF flag indicates an out-of-range condition (carry or a borrow); if treated as a signed integer (two’s complement number), the OF flag indicates a carry or borrow;
In your case, you're working with a hypothetical processor with 4-bit registers, together with signed or unsigned arithmetic.
If the operation is unsigned addition, and the numbers being added are 7 and 9, the result is too large to fit in 4 bits, so the CF flag would be set. It's true that the result overflows the capacity of a 4-bit register, but the result is also producing a carry at bit 4 (with bits numbered 0 through 3 in a 4-bit number). For unsigned subtraction, 9 - 7 wouldn't cause a problem, but subtracting 9 from 7 would cause CF to be set, because there would need to be a borrow from bit 4.

If the operation is signed addition, if the addition of two positive numbers produces a negative result, OF is set (e.g. 7 + 1 produces a bit pattern that represents a negative number). Also, if the addition of two negative numbers produces a positive result, OF is set in this case, as well (e.g., -3 + -6 produces a bit pattern that represents a positive number).
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FAQ: Difference between the carry flag and overflow flag

What is the carry flag and overflow flag?

The carry flag and overflow flag are two status flags used in computer processors to indicate the outcome of arithmetic operations. They are important for detecting errors and making decisions in a program.

What is the difference between the carry flag and overflow flag?

The carry flag indicates whether the result of an arithmetic operation has exceeded the maximum value that can be stored in a register. It is used for unsigned operations. The overflow flag, on the other hand, indicates whether the result of an arithmetic operation has exceeded the maximum positive or negative value that can be stored in a register. It is used for signed operations.

How are the carry flag and overflow flag set?

The carry flag is set when an arithmetic operation results in a carry or borrow from the most significant bit. The overflow flag is set when an arithmetic operation results in a value that is too large or too small to be represented in the given number of bits.

When are the carry flag and overflow flag cleared?

The carry flag and overflow flag are cleared at the beginning of each arithmetic operation. They are also cleared when the result of an operation falls within the valid range of values for the given number of bits.

How are the carry flag and overflow flag used in programming?

The carry flag and overflow flag are often used in conditional statements to check for errors or to make decisions based on the outcome of an arithmetic operation. They can also be used in debugging to identify and fix errors in a program's logic.

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