Different representations of SU3 and resultant multiplets

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between quarks and hadrons and the irreducible representations of SU(3). It is mentioned that quarks and hadrons have definite properties with specific eigenvalues of isospin and hypercharge. However, there are multiple irreducible representations of SU(3) that can be used to represent these particles. The question is raised about how we can be sure that different representations will produce particles with the same set of eigenvalues. It is explained that flavor SU(3) is not a perfect symmetry and is broken by the mass and charge differences of the quarks, which determines which components of an SU(3) multiplet correspond to observed baryons.
  • #1
I have a very basic query about multiplets. In the SU(3) approach strongly interacting particles, quarks and hadrons are the basis vectors of irreducible representations of SU(3). Now, quarks and hadrons are definite properties with define eigenvalues of hypercharge and isospin: to put it another way, there is only one set of quarks and hadrons. But there are many different irreducible representations of SU(3). For example, we are free to choose the Cartan representation, or the Gell-Mann representation, of the SU(3) matrices as our representation of SU(3). How do we know that these different representations will all produce particles with the same set of eigenvalues of isospin and hypercharge - ie, how do we know whatever representation we choose, we'll get back our actual quarks and the hadrons? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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  • #2
quarks and hadrons are NOT the basis vectors.
  • #3
Really? But Lichtenberg for example in 'Unitary Symmetry and Elementary Particles' (p34) writes "The basis vectors of an irreducible unitary representation of a symmetry transformation denote a set of quantum mechanical states. These states are said to constitute a multiplet." The three quarks, and the baryon octet etc, all constitute multiplets. So why is it they're not basis vectors? -- Thanks a lot.
  • #4
If flavor SU(3) was a perfect symmetry of the world, then all of the baryons in the baryon octet would be indistinguishable. They would all have the same mass, charge, etc. But it isn't. It's broken by the mass and charge differences of the up, down and strange quarks. It's these symmetry-breaking effects that pick out which components of an SU(3) multiplet correspond to observed baryons.

FAQ: Different representations of SU3 and resultant multiplets

1. What is SU3 and how does it relate to different representations?

SU3 is a mathematical group that represents the symmetry of strong interactions in the Standard Model of particle physics. Different representations of SU3 refer to the different ways in which the group can be described and visualized mathematically.

2. What are the different representations of SU3 and what do they signify?

The most commonly used representations of SU3 are the fundamental, adjoint, and symmetric representations. These represent the basic building blocks of particles, the interactions between them, and the properties of subatomic particles, respectively.

3. How do multiplets arise from different representations of SU3?

Multiplets are sets of particles that have similar properties and are related to each other through the symmetry of SU3. Different representations of SU3 give rise to different types of multiplets, such as baryons and mesons, which are made up of different combinations of quarks and antiquarks.

4. What is the significance of studying different representations of SU3?

Studying different representations of SU3 allows us to understand the structure and behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions. It also helps us to predict new particles and their properties, as well as to test the validity of the Standard Model.

5. How do different representations of SU3 impact our understanding of the universe?

Different representations of SU3 play a crucial role in our understanding of the fundamental forces and particles that make up the universe. They help us to explain the behavior of matter and energy at the subatomic level, and provide a framework for exploring the mysteries of the universe, such as dark matter and dark energy.

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