Different types of available genes

  • Thread starter drdolittle
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In summary: For example, the gene for a certain hormone might be located near a gene for another hormone that it regulates, and the interaction between the two might cause the expression of the first gene to be changed. The details of how gene interactions take place are still being studied, but iansmith's link provides a good starting point.
  • #1
I have two important questions.

First one is,Can somebody supply me any link or information about different types of available genes.for example during learning proces the genes that are responsible for this particular action.likewise all the actions that we do and the genes responsible for that.

Second question,whenever gene interaction takes place,is the process happening inside genes during interaction is biochemical? a link for gene interaction will also he helpful.

Thanx in advance

drdolittle :smile:
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
You may want to look on the NCBI site.


This were genes are submitted to a databank and share with the public.

I don't understand the second question.
  • #3
For the first question, I'm not sure any single site would be of much use, and none comprehensive. Those are the studies still being done. There are still a lot of genes without any known function and a lot with known functions that may have many other functions depending on when they are expressed and where they are expressed. The link iansmith provided is probably the most useful. Otherwise, you'll have to do a good, old-fashioned literature search for specific genes or functions you are interested in.

As with iansmith, I don't understand the second question either. Probably a bit of a language barrier getting in the way. Could you try rephrasing, or explaining more what you need or why you need it? This might help us understand what you are looking for.
  • #4
Let me paraphrase the second question.
Whenever 2 genes interact,if the genes are made up of some chemicals(Iam not sure with what genes are made of),what are the changes that are brought forth inside...If the genes are made of few chemicals, any change in its functionality may be effected by biochemical reactions inside the genes.
I hope i have made it clear,ask me if iam still exhibiting obscurity.
Thanx in advance

  • #5
drdolittle said:
Let me paraphrase the second question.
Whenever 2 genes interact,if the genes are made up of some chemicals(Iam not sure with what genes are made of),what are the changes that are brought forth inside...If the genes are made of few chemicals, any change in its functionality may be effected by biochemical reactions inside the genes.
I hope i have made it clear,ask me if iam still exhibiting obscurity.
Thanx in advance


The question still doesn't make any sense. I think you need to get a better understanding of what a gene is. Have you taken any genetics courses?
  • #6
Iam following a book named "molecular biology of the cell" by Garland publications.Just tell me wheter gene is made up of anything else or it is the most basic level ?

  • #7
Everyone carries genetic material in the form of chromosomes, a chromosome is a double helix composed of two complementary strings. The string codes for information with 4 letters (bases): A, C, G and T, but only about 2% of all those letters are genes: they contain a combination of those letters that tells the cell to start reading the text.

Genes might interact because they code for proteins that have certain effects, think transcription factors, but genes might also interact by forming certain loops in the structure of the DNA itself.

FAQ: Different types of available genes

1. What are the different types of genes that are available for study?

There are several categories of genes that can be studied, such as protein-coding genes, non-coding genes, regulatory genes, and structural genes. Each type plays a specific role in the functioning of an organism.

2. How do scientists identify and classify different types of genes?

Scientists use a variety of techniques, including gene sequencing and bioinformatics, to identify and classify different types of genes. These methods involve analyzing the DNA sequences and structures of genes to determine their function and relationships with other genes.

3. What is the significance of studying different types of genes?

Studying different types of genes can provide valuable insights into the genetic basis of various diseases and traits. It can also help scientists understand the evolutionary relationships between different organisms and how genes contribute to their unique characteristics.

4. Can different types of genes interact with each other?

Yes, different types of genes can interact with each other in various ways. For example, regulatory genes can control the expression of protein-coding genes, and structural genes can work together to carry out specific functions in an organism's body.

5. Can the environment affect the expression of different types of genes?

Yes, the environment can influence the expression of different types of genes. Environmental factors such as diet, stress, and exposure to toxins can impact the way genes are expressed, which can have significant effects on an organism's health and development.
