Different wave function for different observers?

In summary: QM into localized gaussians. Phase factor just introduces a phase rotation.The plane waves of QM are described by the complex exponential, right? So, yes, I think I can see how your transformation... transforms the plane waves of QM into localized gaussians. Phase factor just introduces a phase rotation.
  • #1
Can a singe particle have a different wave function for different observers?

Suppose someone at rest prepares some electrons with an (close to exact) momentum. In his rest frame the position of the electron is not known. But what kind of wave function will a person see traveling in the same direction and speed of the electron? Would he see that the electron has a (close to exact) position and not know its momentum? Is all that given by one wave function? Or does the wave function change for different observers?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
People don't observe wave functions. Wave functions are a mathematical construct used to predict observations. The wave function is not defined relative to any observer.
In very loose terms, the answer to the question is No.

When relativistic effects come into play - eg because of very high relative velocities - one has to move from QM to Quantum Field Theory. In that case, differences between coordinate frames may be relevant. But I get the sense that you are not asking about Quantum Field Theory.
  • #3
The wavefunction would be different at the expectation value of the momentum would be zero. It would be the standard Gaussian of a stationary electron.
  • #4
It has been done before in various double slit set ups. If the path is known(for single electrons), you will not get an interference pattern. It doesn't matter who has the ability to tell where the particle landed but that in principle it is knowable.
  • #5
friend said:
Can a singe particle have a different wave function for different observers?


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Likes Vanadium 50
  • #6
No? Doesn't the moving spreading Gaussian become just a stationary spreading Gaussian?
  • #7
Jilang said:
No? Doesn't the moving spreading Gaussian become just a stationary spreading Gaussian?

Moving Gaussian? Wave-packets spread - but is the same for all observers.

  • #8
The spread is the same agreed, but the spreading Gaussian travels if the particle travels. If you move to a frame where you are traveling at the same velocity as the particle the Spreading Gaussian does not travel.
  • #9
Jilang said:
The spread is the same agreed, but the spreading Gaussian travels if the particle travels. If you move to a frame where you are traveling at the same velocity as the particle the Spreading Gaussian does not travel.

Ever heard of coordinate transformation? Transforming to different coordinates changes nothing - its just a different representation.

  • #10
Agreed. It won't change the physics, just the representation.
  • #11
Of course, the wave function is dependent on the reference frame used to describe the usual kinematics. Since you talk about wave functions, it's implied that you talk about non-relativistic quantum theory, i.e., the Schrödinger wave function transforms under the Galilei transformation with the well-known unitary ray representation, i.e., if an observer in the reference frame ##\Sigma## describes it as ##\psi(t,\vec{x})##, an observer moving with velocity ##\vec{v}## relative to him, he'll describe the same state by the wave function
$$\psi'(t',\vec{x}')=\exp \left (\mathrm{i} \vec{v}' \cdot \vec{x}'-\frac{\mathrm{i}m}{2} \vec{v}^2 t' \right) \psi(t',\vec{x}'-\vec{v} t'),$$
where ##t'=t##, ##\vec{x}'=\vec{x}-\vec{v} t.##
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Likes dextercioby and Jilang
  • #12
In the still frame the particle with known momentum has a wave function that is represented by a plane wave that extends throughout all of space. In the frame of reference traveling along side the particle the wave function is represented by a localized gaussian. How can a single particle have two wave functions. Or is this just a matter of expressing the one wave function in different bases? Or is there some transformation that changes a plane wave to a gaussian?
  • #13
No, the wave function of a particle is never represented by a plane wave, because the plane wave is not square integrable. I've given the transformation of the wave function from one to another reference frame, connected by a Galileo boost. A Gaussian wave in one frame goes over to a Gaussian wave in the other.
  • #14
vanhees71 said:
No, the wave function of a particle is never represented by a plane wave, because the plane wave is not square integrable. I've given the transformation of the wave function from one to another reference frame, connected by a Galileo boost. A Gaussian wave in one frame goes over to a Gaussian wave in the other.
You might be right. Let me ask a few questions. The leading exponential terms seems to only be a phase factor. How does that account for the going from what may look to be a damped plane wave to a gaussian? It seems we need to go from the oscillations of a plane wave (perhaps damped to form a square integrable) to a gaussian that has no oscillations. Does the phase factor introduce oscillations in amplitude? I know it does if you take just the real or complex part of the phase factor - those oscillate.

Let me see. On further thought, as I recall, the plane waves of QM are described by the complex exponential, right? So, yes, I think I can see how your transformation works.
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  • #15
vanhees71 said:
the wave function is dependent on the reference frame used to describe the usual kinematics
I would rather say that the coordinate representation of the representation of the wave function in a particular basis is dependent on the the reference frame, because I think of the 'wave function' as being the vector in the Hilbert space, which is coordinate-independent.

I have not convinced myself whether there should be two 'representation' steps there or only one, but there is at least one. The reason I think there might be two is that, to get a complex-valued function, first we have to choose a basis for the Hilbert space (eg position, momentum or energy), and then we need to choose a coordinate basis to express the chosen basis elements as complex-valued functions. What I'm not sure of is whether that coordinate system is always implied by the choice of Hilbert space basis.

'Wave function' is not a well-defined term, so perhaps sometimes it is used to refer to the representation in a coordinate system, rather than to the Hilbert space element. With that interpretation, the wavefunction is coordinate-dependent. But I have not seen that interpretation used.
  • #16
The wave function always refers to a basis of eigenvectors of a minimal complete set of compatible observables and are thus dependent on the reference frame used to measure these observables, ##\psi(t,o_1,\ldots,o_j)=\langle o_1,\ldots,o_j|\psi,t \rangle##. The state vector, ##|\psi,t \rangle## is of course independent of the coordinates (everything written in the Schrödinger picture of time evolution).
  • #17
vanhees71 said:
$$\psi'(t',\vec{x}')=\exp \left (\mathrm{i} \vec{v}' \cdot \vec{x}'-\frac{\mathrm{i}m}{2} \vec{v}^2 t' \right) \psi(t',\vec{x}'-\vec{v} t'),$$
I can see how the exponential adds oscillations. But how does it widen towards a plane wave. Does the ##\vec{x}'-\vec{v} t'## in ##\psi(t',\vec{x}'-\vec{v} t')## widen out the ##\psi## function so that the exponential oscillations extend a bit throughout space so that it starts to look like a plane wave?

FAQ: Different wave function for different observers?

What is a wave function?

A wave function is a mathematical representation of a quantum mechanical system that describes the probability of finding a particle at a certain position and time.

Why does the wave function change for different observers?

The wave function changes for different observers because of the concept of relativity in physics. According to the theory of relativity, observers in different reference frames will perceive the same event differently, including the wave function of a quantum system.

How does the observer affect the wave function?

The observer does not directly affect the wave function. Instead, the observer's perspective on the quantum system will determine the specific values of the wave function that they measure or observe.

Can the wave function be measured?

No, the wave function itself cannot be measured. However, the values of the wave function can be measured, which can give information about the probability of finding a particle in a specific state.

What is the significance of different wave functions for different observers?

The concept of different wave functions for different observers highlights the idea of relativity in quantum mechanics. It suggests that there is no absolute reality, and the observer's perspective plays a crucial role in understanding and interpreting quantum systems.

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