Differential cross section with invariant matrix element

In summary, the problem asks for the calculation of the differential cross section for the reaction A+B--->C+D. The solution involves using an invariant matrix element and simplifying the expression using the center-of-mass frame. The professor has introduced graduate level material without proper explanation, making it difficult for students to solve the problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Calculate the differential cross section for A+B---> C+D with an invariant matrix element

Homework Equations

See attachment

The Attempt at a Solution

I have no idea how to even begin this problem. The course I am taking is an undergraduate course in intermediate modern physics, but for some reason the professor thinks it is appropriate to introduce graduate level material to people who may not have had quantum mechanics yet. The professor, when asked how to work these problems, proceeds to ignore my concerns and talk about something else unrelated. Then seemed surprised no one knows how to solve it.

I don't have LaTex, so I am attaching the homework pdf to this. I don't want someone to work this for me, just help me get started, and maybe help when I get stuck later.


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  • #2
I suspect that you were given a formula for [tex]d\sigma/d(\cos\theta)[/tex] in terms of [tex]|\mathcal{M}|^2[/tex] in class and are not expected to derive it on your own. Then the meat of the problem would seem to be simplifying the expression that you get using that matrix element by writing the 4-momenta in the center-of-mass frame. You should obtain a formula in terms of the center-of-mass energy and the scattering angle. Possibly also the initial 3-momenta, I haven't tried working it out.

You should check your notes and text for more information and come back with questions.
  • #3
There isn't a text and the notes the instructor gave are incomplete. He started to explain it, then went off on a tangent and never explained how we are to approach this problem. He has tried to turn this junior level course into an upper level graduate course.

FAQ: Differential cross section with invariant matrix element

What is differential cross section?

Differential cross section is a measure of how likely a particle or system is to scatter or interact with another particle or system at a specific angle, energy, and momentum transfer. It is a fundamental quantity in particle physics and is used to study the structure and interactions of particles.

What is the invariant matrix element in differential cross section?

The invariant matrix element in differential cross section is a mathematical expression that describes the probability amplitude for a specific scattering process to occur. It takes into account the initial and final states of the particles involved, as well as the interactions between them.

How is differential cross section related to particle collisions?

Differential cross section is directly related to the scattering amplitudes of particles in collisions. By measuring the differential cross section at different angles and energies, scientists can extract information about the internal structure and interactions of particles.

Why is differential cross section important in particle physics?

Differential cross section is important in particle physics because it allows us to study the fundamental interactions between particles and understand the underlying principles of matter and energy. It is used to test theoretical predictions and discover new particles and forces.

How is differential cross section calculated and measured?

Differential cross section is calculated using quantum field theory and can be derived from the Feynman diagrams that describe the scattering process. It is measured through experiments that involve colliding particles and detecting the resulting scattering angles and energies.
