Differential cross sections in Peskin & Schroeder

In summary: He says"... This invariant matrix element is then multiplied by the transition matrix and the product is added to the Euler equation to give the scattering matrix."This means that the invariant matrix element is multiplied by the transition matrix and the result is added to the Euler equation. So, the invariant matrix element is a function of the transition matrix.
  • #1
I'm a bit confused by something Peskin & Schroeder say about differential cross sections. In my printing, this is on page 101 in the paragraph preceding the one that contains eq. 4.62:

"In the simplest case, where there are only two final-state particles, this leaves only two unconstrained momentum components, usually taken to be the angles [itex]\theta[/itex] and [itex]\phi[/itex] of the momentum of one of the particles. Integrating [itex]d\sigma/(d^3p_1d^3p_2)[/itex] over the four constrained momentum components then leaves us with the usual differential cross section [itex]d\sigma/d\Omega[/itex]."

The second sentence seems like a very odd thing to say. How do you integrate over constrained variables? They have defined the generic differential cross [itex]d\sigma/(d^3p_1...d^3p_n)[/itex] as the quantity that, when integrated over any small region [itex]d^3p_1...d^3p_n[/itex] in final momentum space, gives the cross section for scattering into a state with momenta in that region. So, for two particles, if we specify small ranges for [itex]\theta[/itex] and [itex]\phi[/itex] for one of the final momenta then we have specified the entire region [itex]d^3p_1...d^3p_n[/itex] in final momentum space. We can't integrate over the remaining components because they've already been fixed. So what exactly do P&S mean?
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  • #2
I think you're already assuming that the four integrations have been done which by the fact that you have an energy-momentum conserving delta function, relates all the other variables to θ and ϕ.
before integrating over the "constrained" variables (or taking into account energy-momentum conservation) specifying θ and ϕ does not specify the final momenta completely.
  • #3
So would the unintegrated form contain delta functions? Otherwise, it still wouldn't make sense. As [itex]d\sigma/(d^3p_1...d^3p_n)[/itex] is associated with the probability for scattering into a particular momentum state, it must be identically zero when evaluated at any [itex](\vec{p}_1,...,\vec{p}_n)[/itex] that don't satisfy 4-momentum conservation. I.e., to be consistent with the definition of the cross section, it must vanish for any impossible final momentum states—which include those don't satisfy 4-momentum conservation. Only a delta function does that.
  • #4
Does not your transition matrix contains terms dependent on momentum variables.Also there is a 4 delta function for conservation of energy and momentum which is always multiplied by this transition matrix square to get cross section.you can use this delta function to reduce the variables.
  • #5
yes there will be an energy momentum conserving delta function.
look at equation 4.73 (pg 104), when he defines the invariant matrix element.

FAQ: Differential cross sections in Peskin & Schroeder

1. What is a differential cross section in Peskin & Schroeder?

A differential cross section in Peskin & Schroeder is a mathematical tool used to describe the probability of a particle scattering or interacting with another particle. It is calculated by taking into account the initial and final states of the particles, as well as their properties and interactions.

2. How is a differential cross section calculated in Peskin & Schroeder?

In Peskin & Schroeder, a differential cross section is calculated by using the Feynman diagrams and perturbation theory to describe the scattering process. The final expression for the cross section is then obtained by integrating over all possible final states of the particles.

3. What is the physical significance of a differential cross section in Peskin & Schroeder?

The physical significance of a differential cross section in Peskin & Schroeder is that it provides a quantitative measure of the likelihood of a particle interaction or scattering to occur. It allows us to make predictions and compare them with experimental results, helping us to understand the underlying physical processes at play.

4. What factors can affect the value of a differential cross section in Peskin & Schroeder?

The value of a differential cross section in Peskin & Schroeder can be affected by several factors, including the properties and interactions of the particles involved, the energy and momentum of the particles, and the scattering angle. Additionally, the choice of renormalization scheme and regularization method can also have an impact on the calculated cross section.

5. How is a differential cross section used in experimental particle physics?

In experimental particle physics, a differential cross section is used to compare theoretical predictions with experimental data. By measuring the cross section at different energies and angles, scientists can test the validity of different theories and models, and potentially discover new particles or phenomena. It also allows for the extraction of important parameters, such as the coupling constants, from the experimental data.
