Differential Equation and Slope Field Questions.

In summary, the conversation is about slope fields and their importance in understanding and solving differential equations. The OP is struggling with the concept and asks for help, specifically with the notation and how to evaluate the right side of the equation. Another person suggests using Maple or Mathematica for assistance and recommends a specific textbook for further understanding. The conversation ends with the OP asking for more detailed help and someone else suggesting starting with simpler examples.
  • #1

1. Homework Statement .
I was reading through the Differential Equation portion of my textbook and didn't quite understand the following paragraph.
From Textbook said:
Slope Fields
Solving a differential equation analytically can be difficult or even impossible.
However, there is a graphical approach you can use to learn a lot about the solution of a differential equation. Consider a differential equation of the form
{{y}^{\prime}} = {{F}{(x, y)}}
At each point [itex]{(x, y)}[/itex] in the [itex]{xy}[/itex]-plane where [itex]{F}[/itex] is defined, the differential equation determines the slope [itex]{{y}^{\prime}} = {{F}{(x, y)}}[/itex] of the solution at that point. If you draw a short line segment with slope [itex]{{F}{(x, y)}}[/itex] at selected points [itex]{(x, y)}[/itex] in the domain of [itex]{F}[/itex], then these line segments form a slope field or a direction field for the differential equation
[itex]{{y}^{\prime}} = {{F}{(x, y)}}[/itex]
Each line segment has the same slope as the solution curve through that point. A slope field shows the general shape of all the solutions.
The above paragraph seemed a little confusing since, conventionally,
{y} = {f(x)}

{{\frac {{d}^{}}{d{x}^{}}}{\Big[y\Big]}} = {{{f}^{\prime}}{(x)}}

so that it is understood that [itex]{{{f}^{\prime}}{(x)}}[/itex] like [itex]{f(x)}[/itex] is a function of only [itex]{x}[/itex]. However, in the above paragraph it is insisted that [itex]{{\frac {{d}^{}}{d{x}^{}}}{\Big[y\Big]}}[/itex] must be a function of [itex]{x}[/itex] and [itex]{y}[/itex]. In other words [itex]{{y}^{\prime}} = {{F}{(x, y)}}[/itex], why is that?

2. Homework Equations .
Knowledge Differential Equations and Slope Fields.

3. The Attempt at a Solution .
If we begin from the conventional notation that,
{z} = {f(x, y)}

I run into the problem that I don't know how to explicitly find [itex]{{z}^{\prime}}[/itex]. Specifically, I don't know how to differentiate [itex]{f(x, y)}[/itex] with respect to [itex]{x}[/itex] and [itex]{y}[/itex] simultaneously. So that the derivative is actually a function of [itex]{x}[/itex] and [itex]{y}[/itex], like [itex]{f(x, y)}[/itex]. How would I differentiate [itex]{z}[/itex] with respect to [itex]{x}[/itex] and [itex]{y}[/itex] simultaneously?

I note however, that in this particular case we're talking about [itex]{{y}^{\prime}}[/itex] as opposed to [itex]{{z}^{\prime}}[/itex].
Noting this I recall that we can rewrite,
{\frac {dy}{dx}} = {{{f}^{\prime}}{(x)}}

{dy} = {{{{f}^{\prime}}{(x)}}{dx}}

Where [itex]{y}[/itex] is found by integrating both sides of the above equation.

However, when I try to do this with the equation given,
{{y}^{\prime}} = {F(x, y)}

Which can be rewritten as,
{dy} = {F(x, y)dx}

and when integrated is,
{y} = {{\int_{}^{}}{F(x, y)dx}}

I find that I do not know how to evaluate the RHS. How would I evaluate it?


Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Still stuck on these questions, a little bit of help would be nice.


  • #3
PFStudent said:

Still stuck on these questions, a little bit of help would be nice.



slope fields are the lamest things ever, use maple or something
  • #4
Altruist said:
slope fields are the lamest things ever, use maple or something
A more substantial and detailed reply would help, anyone?


  • #5
PFStudent said:

A more substantial and detailed reply would help, anyone?



Slope fields are a very important tool in analyzing, understanding and using many differential equations most notably non-linear ones: it's one thing to solve it, quite another to intutively understand what's going on. Why does my removal of one measly fish out of my grandpa's pond cause the entire fish population to collapse? You need to get Blanchard, Devaney, and Hall, "Differential Equations". Spend some time with it, six weeks, and you'll be tops telling us what to do. Mathematica has some nice tools for creating phase portraits (slope fields) and especially ver 7 has what, a really nice function I don't remember the name for generating very nice pictures of slope fields. Start with some simple ones: coupled set of two linear equations and generate the slope field, then go to more complicated ones.
  • #6
what textbook are you using?

FAQ: Differential Equation and Slope Field Questions.

1. What is a differential equation?

A differential equation is an equation that involves a function and its derivatives. It is used to model relationships between changing quantities in various fields such as physics, engineering, and economics.

2. How do you solve a differential equation?

There are various techniques for solving differential equations, such as separation of variables, substitution, and use of integrating factors. The appropriate method depends on the type of equation and its properties.

3. What is a slope field and how is it related to differential equations?

A slope field is a graphical representation of a differential equation that shows the slope of the solution curve at different points on the graph. The slope at a given point is determined by the derivative of the function at that point, making it a useful tool for visualizing and understanding differential equations.

4. Can you give an example of a real-life application of differential equations?

Differential equations are used in many real-life applications, such as predicting population growth, modeling chemical reactions, and designing electrical circuits. For example, the spread of a disease can be modeled using a system of differential equations.

5. Why are differential equations important in science?

Differential equations provide a powerful tool for understanding and predicting the behavior of complex systems in science. They allow us to mathematically describe how quantities change over time and make predictions based on these changes. This makes them essential in fields such as physics, chemistry, and engineering.
