Differential Equations and Radioactive Decay

In summary: So you are using the wrong DE.The correct DE is dN/dt = -kN.That will give you the right value for N at t=3, but you will have to solve the DE to get the half life and value at t=10.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The radioactive decay of a substance is proportional to the present amount of substance at any time t. If there was 15 grams at t=0 hours and 10 grams at t=3 hours. Set up the differential equation that models this decay and use the method of separation of variables to solve for the equation that will give the amount of the substance at any time t. Find when the half-life occurs and the amount of substance at t=10 hours.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

So I have the equation

N = Dekt

for the decay

Plugging in N = 15 grams at t = 0 gives mt

D = 15

Then plugging in t=3 and N = 10 grams

10 = 15e3k

I get k = ln(10)/45

The half life occurs at 0.5N

0.5N = 15eln(10)/45 * t

Solving for t I get

t = (45*7.5)/300

t = 1.125 hours

But this doesn't make sense. Was I wrong to assume that N = 7.5 at the half-life time?
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  • #2
Northbysouth said:

Homework Statement

The radioactive decay of a substance is proportional to the present amount of substance at any time t. If there was 15 grams at t=0 hours and 10 grams at t=3 hours. Set up the differential equation that models this decay and use the method of separation of variables to solve for the equation that will give the amount of the substance at any time t. Find when the half-life occurs and the amount of substance at t=10 hours.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

So I have the equation

N = Dekt

for the decay

Plugging in N = 15 grams at t = 0 gives mt

D = 15

Then plugging in t=3 and N = 10 grams

10 = 15e3k

I get k = ln(10)/45

The half life occurs at 0.5N

0.5N = 15eln(10)/45 * t

Solving for t I get

t = (45*7.5)/300

t = 1.125 hours

But this doesn't make sense. Was I wrong to assume that N = 7.5 at the half-life time?

How did you go from 10 = 15e3k to k = ln(10)/45 ? (It is wrong, BTW.)
  • #3
Yes, I think I made a mistake there.

I think it should be:

k = ln(10/15)t/3

When I use this, plugging in N =7.5 for the half-life N value, I get t = 2.25 which doesn't seem right either.
  • #4
Northbysouth said:
Yes, I think I made a mistake there.

I think it should be:

k = ln(10/15)t/3

When I use this, plugging in N =7.5 for the half-life N value, I get t = 2.25 which doesn't seem right either.

You need to review material on logarithms. How do you get log(10/15)?
  • #5
Northbysouth said:

Homework Statement

The radioactive decay of a substance is proportional to the present amount of substance at any time t. If there was 15 grams at t=0 hours and 10 grams at t=3 hours. Set up the differential equation that models this decay and use the method of separation of variables to solve for the equation that will give the amount of the substance at any time t. Find when the half-life occurs and the amount of substance at t=10 hours.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

So I have the equation

N = Dekt
HOW did yo get this? There was no "k" in the problem. Did you, as the problem requires, actually set up the diffrential equation and solve?

for the decay

Plugging in N = 15 grams at t = 0 gives mt

D = 15

Then plugging in t=3 and N = 10 grams

10 = 15e3k

I get k = ln(10)/45

The half life occurs at 0.5N

0.5N = 15eln(10)/45 * t

Solving for t I get

t = (45*7.5)/300

t = 1.125 hours

But this doesn't make sense. Was I wrong to assume that N = 7.5 at the half-life time?
  • #6
In my second reply, where I asked "how do you get ln(10/15)", I meant "how do you calculate ln(10/15)"? The ln(10/15) part is OK, but somewhere after that you made an error.

(I wanted to put this into an edited version of my response, but for some reason the "edit" option is now unavailable.)
  • #7
I think I misinterpreted the question. My professor did a similar example in class and I assumed that I could use the equation that she used.

So, unless I'm much mistaken, I believe that my initial equation is:

dN/dt = kt

dN = kt dt

∫dN = ∫kt dt

N = kt2/2 + C

When t=0, N =15

C = 15

N = kt2/2 + 15

At t=3, N=10

10 = k(3)2/2 + 15

k = -10/9

N = -10t2/18 + 15

The half-life should occur when N=7.5

7.5 = -10t2/18 + 15

t = 3.674

However, when I go to check the amount of the substance left at t=10,

N = -10(10)2/18 + 15


I take this to mean that N is actually equal to 0, unless I've made a mistake in my work. Am I making sense here?
  • #8
Northbysouth said:
I think I misinterpreted the question. My professor did a similar example in class and I assumed that I could use the equation that she used.

So, unless I'm much mistaken, I believe that my initial equation is:

dN/dt = kt

dN = kt dt

∫dN = ∫kt dt

N = kt2/2 + C

When t=0, N =15

C = 15

N = kt2/2 + 15

At t=3, N=10

10 = k(3)2/2 + 15

k = -10/9

N = -10t2/18 + 15

The half-life should occur when N=7.5

7.5 = -10t2/18 + 15

t = 3.674

However, when I go to check the amount of the substance left at t=10,

N = -10(10)2/18 + 15


I take this to mean that N is actually equal to 0, unless I've made a mistake in my work. Am I making sense here?

You are mistaken: your DE dN/dt = kt says that the rate of decay is proportional to time, but the question said it should be proportional to N.

Related to Differential Equations and Radioactive Decay

What are differential equations and how are they used in radioactive decay?

Differential equations are mathematical equations that involve one or more derivatives of an unknown function. They are used to model continuous change in various systems, including radioactive decay. In the context of radioactive decay, differential equations can be used to predict the rate at which a radioactive substance will decay over time.

What is the half-life of a radioactive substance and how is it related to differential equations?

The half-life of a radioactive substance is the time it takes for half of the initial amount of the substance to decay. This concept is closely related to differential equations, as the rate of decay of a radioactive substance can be described by a differential equation. Solving this equation can help determine the half-life of the substance.

How do scientists use differential equations to determine the age of a radioactive sample?

Scientists can use differential equations to determine the age of a radioactive sample by measuring the amount of the radioactive substance present and using the known decay rate to solve the differential equation. The resulting solution will give the time elapsed since the substance was formed, which is its age.

What is the decay constant in radioactive decay and how is it related to differential equations?

The decay constant is a measure of the rate at which a radioactive substance decays. It is closely related to differential equations, as it is a part of the differential equation that describes the rate of decay of the substance. The decay constant can be used to determine the half-life of the substance.

Can differential equations be used to model other types of decay besides radioactive decay?

Yes, differential equations can be used to model various types of decay, such as chemical reactions, population growth, and decay of radioactive isotopes. They are a versatile tool in mathematics and are widely used in many scientific fields.

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