Differential Equations - Hermite Polynomials

In summary, the conversation is about a problem set involving the solutions of the Schrodinger equations and the commutator of [B,C]. The goal is to show that for each n, there is a polynomial P_n such that V_n(x) = P_n(x)V_0(x), and to demonstrate this using the chain rule and the Binomial Theorem for n. The conversation also includes some hints on how to approach the problems and clarifications on the use of operators and functions.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Here is the entire problem set, but (obviously) you don't have to do it all, if you could just give me a few hints on where to even start, because I am completely lost.

Recall that we found the solutions of the Schrodinger equations
[itex] (x^2 - \partial_x ^2) V_n(x) = (2n+1) V_n(x) \quad \quad n = 0,1,2 [/itex]

[itex] V_0 (x) = e^{\frac{x^2}{2}} \quad \quad V_n (x) = (x - \partial x)^n V_0(x) [/itex]

1. Show that for each [itex] n [/itex] there is a polynomial [itex] P_n [/itex] such that [itex] V_n(x)=P_n(x)V_0(x) [/itex]

2. Show that for any smooth function [itex] v(x) [/itex]

[itex] (x - \partial_x) v(x) = -e^{\frac{x^2}{2}} \frac{d}{dx} \left ( e^{\frac{-x^2}{2}} v(x) \right ) [/itex]

Homework Equations

During class we went over the commutator of [itex] [B,C] [/itex] and a lot its it's identities.

Also [itex] (x^2 + \partial_x ^2) V_n = (2n+1) V_n \rightarrow V_n := (A^*)V_0 \neq 0 [/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I have no idea where to even start on this. None of this is in the book and our professor said that each of the problems can be solved using a few "tricks" and then after that they aren't that hard.
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  • #2
I think the problem set is really not that "deep" in the sense that you need to have a very good unserstanding of differential equations, Hermite Polynomials or anything else. You just need to know how to do derivatives. Take a good look at rules of differential calculus. Compute the first derivative of V0(x). What do you get? Compute the second derivative. Do you see a pattern? You just need to have a real good look at what you are doing. You could also start with exercise 2 since it's more general and then do exercise 1 after that, using the result of ex. 2.
  • #3
You could start at 2:

[tex](x-\partial x)^2 V_0(x)=\left(x^2-2x\partial x+\partial^2 x\right) V_0(x)[/tex]

Keep in mind that powers of operators are higher-order operators and not operators raised to a power right.

How about 3? Then use the Binomial Theorem for n.

For (2), can't you just use the chain-rule and work through that and show that? Remember when you have expressions like:

[tex](x+\partial x) f(x)[/tex]

that means the operator [itex](x+\partial x)[/itex] operating on the function x. You know that right? Same dif with the first one raised to higher powers
  • #4
Thank you all very much! I got it, I was just thinking too much into the problem!
  • #5
jackmell said:
You could start at 2:

[tex](x-\partial x)^2 V_0(x)=\left(x^2-2x\partial x+\partial^2 x\right) V_0(x)[/tex]

Keep in mind that powers of operators are higher-order operators and not operators raised to a power right.

Think I'm wrong on that. Rathers it's the operator [itex](x-\partial x)[/itex] operating on the operator [itex](x-\partial x)[/itex] so:

[tex](x-\partial x)^2=(x-\partial x)(x-\partial x)=x^2-x\partial x-\partial x (x)+\partial x \partial x[/tex]

[tex]=x^2-x\partial x-1+\partial^2 x[/tex]

and it's operating on the function f(x), not x as I stated above.

Still gives the polynomial though.
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FAQ: Differential Equations - Hermite Polynomials

1. What are differential equations?

Differential equations are mathematical equations that describe the relationship between a function and its derivatives. They are used to model different types of physical phenomena or systems in the natural world.

2. What are Hermite polynomials?

Hermite polynomials are a special type of orthogonal polynomial that are often used to solve differential equations. They are named after the French mathematician Charles Hermite and are defined as the solutions to the Hermite differential equation.

3. How are Hermite polynomials used in differential equations?

Hermite polynomials are used to find the solutions to certain types of differential equations, particularly those that involve second-order derivatives. They can also be used to approximate other functions, such as the Gaussian function, which is commonly used in statistics.

4. What are the properties of Hermite polynomials?

Hermite polynomials have many useful properties, including orthogonality, recursion, and symmetry. They also have a unique generating function that can be used to find their coefficients.

5. What real-world applications use Hermite polynomials?

Hermite polynomials have a wide range of applications in physics, engineering, and statistics. They are used in quantum mechanics to describe the energy levels of certain systems, in signal processing to analyze and filter data, and in probability theory to model the behavior of random variables.

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