Differential Equations of Cooling Laws

In summary: U}{U}=-\frac{C}{h} dt integrate with the initial condition when t=0, U=R-hT so that when t=0, U=0 and \int_{0}^{U} \frac{dU}{U}=-\frac{C}{h}\int_{0}^{t} dt \ln(U)= -\frac{C}{h}t then back to T U= e^{-\frac{C}{h}t} so now R-hT= e^{-\frac{C}{h}t} then T= \frac{R}{h}-\frac{1}{
  • #1

Homework Statement

When you turn on an electric heater, such as "burner" on a stove, its temperature increases rapidly at first, then more slowly, and finally approaches a constant high temperature. As the burner warms up, heat supplied by the electricity goes to two places.
i.) Storage in the heater materials, thus warming the heater
ii.) Losses to the room
Assume that heat is being supplied at a constant rate, R. The rate at which heat is stored is directly proportional to the rate of change of temperature. Let T be the number of degrees above room temperature. Let t be time in seconds. Then the storage rate is C(dT/dt). The proportionality constant, C (calories per degree), is called the heat capacity of the heater materials. According to Newton's law of cooling, the rate at which heat is lost to the room is directly proportional to T. The (positive) proportionality constant, h, is called the heat transfer coefficient.

a.) The rate at which heat is supplied to the heater is equal to the sum of the storage rate and the loss rate. Write a differential equation that expresses this fact.
b.) Separate the variables and integrate the differential equation. Explain why the absolute value sign is not necessary in this case. Transform the answer so that temperature, T, is in terms of time, t. Use the initial condition that T=0 when t=0.
c.) Suppose that heat is supplied at a rate, R=50 cal/sec. Assume that the heat capacity is C=2 cal/deg, and that the heat transfer coefficient is h=.04 (cal/sec)/deg. Substitute these values to get T in terms of t alone.

Homework Equations

dT/dt = k(M - T)

The Attempt at a Solution

Part a)

R = C (DT/dt) + hT

Part b)

R - hT = C(dT/dt)
→(R - hT) dt = C(dT)
→ ∫(R-hT) dt = ∫ C dT

Please tell me if I did it correctly, and help me integrate.


Same problem, but topic was locked:
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R = C (dT/dt) + hT

should be
R = C (dT/dt) + h(T-Ts)
where Ts is the surrounding temperature, it does say we can assume T=0 though

now when you integrate, you attempt to separate variables, this essentially means you try and get all the T's on one side and all the t's on the other
[tex] R-hT= C \frac{dT}{dt} [/tex]

This is complicated by the R term, so to seperatre and inetgrate, I would do the follwing transform first, let
[tex] U = hT-R [/tex]
[tex] \frac{dT}{dt}=\frac{1}{h}\frac{dU}{dt} [/tex]

now the equation is separable and it should be simpler to integrate, then you can transform back to T at the end
[tex] -U= \frac{C}{h} \frac{dU}{dt} [/tex]

FAQ: Differential Equations of Cooling Laws

1. What are differential equations of cooling laws?

Differential equations of cooling laws are mathematical equations that describe the rate at which an object cools down over time. They take into account factors such as the initial temperature of the object, the ambient temperature, and the rate at which the object loses heat through conduction, convection, and radiation.

2. How are differential equations of cooling laws used?

Differential equations of cooling laws are used to predict the temperature of an object at any given time during the cooling process. They are commonly used in fields such as thermodynamics, meteorology, and engineering to model and analyze cooling processes.

3. What is the difference between Newton's law of cooling and the Stefan-Boltzmann law of cooling?

Newton's law of cooling is a differential equation that describes the rate of cooling for an object that is in contact with a constant temperature reservoir, such as air. The Stefan-Boltzmann law of cooling is a more general equation that takes into account the object's surface area, emissivity, and temperature difference with the surrounding environment.

4. Can differential equations of cooling laws be applied to other processes besides cooling?

Yes, differential equations of cooling laws can be applied to other processes that involve the transfer of energy, such as heating and radioactive decay. They can also be used to model and analyze systems that involve the transfer of other quantities, such as mass or population.

5. How can I solve differential equations of cooling laws?

There are various methods for solving differential equations of cooling laws, including separation of variables, substitution, and using numerical methods. The appropriate method depends on the specific equation and initial conditions. It is also common to use software such as MATLAB or Wolfram Mathematica to solve these equations.
