Differential Equations old and the new

In summary: However, solving for k just by plugging in sin(kt) into the DE is not very helpful, as it would not tell you how to get from cos(5t) to sin(kt).
  • #1

Homework Statement

y''[t] + 25 y[t] = 0

I know that the solution to this DE is of the form:

y[t] = K1 E^(-5 i t) + K2 ​​E ^(5 i t)

I get that, that makes sense to me, however when I look in old DE books I see the solution to the same problem written as:

C1 Cos[5 t] + C2 Sin[k t]

How do they get this, and how can I establish a transition between the two?
How are they related?

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  • #2
jlatshaw said:

Homework Statement

y''[t] + 25 y[t] = 0

I know that the solution to this DE is of the form:

y[t] = K1 E^(-5 i t) + K2 ​​E ^(5 i t)

I get that, that makes sense to me, however when I look in old DE books I see the solution to the same problem written as:

C1 Cos[5 t] + C2 Sin[k t]

How do they get this, and how can I establish a transition between the two?
How are they related?


Surely you must have seen ##e^{ix} = \cos x + i \sin x.## It is one of the most fundamental results you will ever meet.
  • #3
Ok, I guess it's my constants that are getting me in a twist.

Where am I going wrong here?

knowing that:
E^(ix) = cos(x) + i sin(x)
E^(-ix) = cos(x) - i sin(x)

K1 E^(-5 i t) + K2 ​​E ^(5 i t)
(Let x = 5t)
= K1 (cos(x) - i sin(x)) + K2(cos(x) + i sin(x))
= cos(x) (K1 + K2) + i sin(x) (K2-k1)

So what should I do from here?
Or am I just really over thinking this one?
  • #4
jlatshaw said:
Ok, I guess it's my constants that are getting me in a twist.

Where am I going wrong here?

knowing that:
E^(ix) = cos(x) + i sin(x)
E^(-ix) = cos(x) - i sin(x)

K1 E^(-5 i t) + K2 ​​E ^(5 i t)
(Let x = 5t)
= K1 (cos(x) - i sin(x)) + K2(cos(x) + i sin(x))
= cos(x) (K1 + K2) + i sin(x) (K2-k1)

So what should I do from here?
Or am I just really over thinking this one?

So you have ##K_1+K_2 = C_1## and ##i (K_2 - K_1) = C_2.## You are over-thinking it: a linear combinations of sin(x) and cos(x) can be written as a linear combination of exp(ix) and exp(-ix). Either way of writing it is fine. And, BTW: there is nothing "new" about using complex exps and nothing "old" about using sin and cos: you just fit the form to the problem you are addressing. Some problems need the sin and cos form; others cry out to be left in exp form.
  • #5
oh ok.
One final question regarding this.
When I switch up the constants, I get
C1 Cos(5t) + C2 Sin(5t)
But, I'm suppose to come up with
C1 Cos[5 t] + C2 Sin[k t]

So what should I do about that k? Why is it not a 5? Or does k have to equal 5?

  • #6
jlatshaw said:
oh ok.
One final question regarding this.
When I switch up the constants, I get
C1 Cos(5t) + C2 Sin(5t)
But, I'm suppose to come up with
C1 Cos[5 t] + C2 Sin[k t]

So what should I do about that k? Why is it not a 5? Or does k have to equal 5?


You tell me.
  • #7
Well, I want to say that:
C1 Cos(5t) + C2 Sin(5t) = C1 Cos(5t) + C2 Sin(kt)
and that k is just 5.
Is that right to say?

I'm asking this not because I have trouble determining if k = 5, but mainly to make sure I did my work correct in finding
C1 Cos(5t) + C2 Sin(5t)
then I know that k = 5.
But then that just makes me confused because how would of they solved for it by having a k there and not knowing that k = 5.
  • #8
jlatshaw said:
Well, I want to say that:
C1 Cos(5t) + C2 Sin(5t) = C1 Cos(5t) + C2 Sin(kt)
and that k is just 5.
Is that right to say?

I'm asking this not because I have trouble determining if k = 5, but mainly to make sure I did my work correct in finding
C1 Cos(5t) + C2 Sin(5t)
then I know that k = 5.
But then that just makes me confused because how would of they solved for it by having a k there and not knowing that k = 5.

I don't get it: you know that sin(5t) and cos(5t) are solutions, so k must be 5. End of story.

If you want to make a lot of unnecessary work for yourself, you can plug in sin(kt) into the DE and see if it works; it will work if you choose k properly.

FAQ: Differential Equations old and the new

What are differential equations?

Differential equations are mathematical equations that describe how a quantity changes over time. They involve one or more variables and their derivatives, and are used to model various phenomena in physics, engineering, and other fields.

What is the history of differential equations?

The study of differential equations dates back to the ancient Greeks, but it wasn't until the 17th century that they were first used to solve real-world problems by mathematicians such as Galileo and Newton. In the 18th and 19th centuries, significant advances were made in the field by mathematicians like Euler, Lagrange, and Laplace. Today, differential equations continue to be an essential tool in many areas of science and engineering.

What is the difference between old and new differential equations?

The term "old" differential equations typically refers to the traditional methods of solving them, such as separation of variables and the use of power series. These methods are still used today but have been supplemented by newer techniques like numerical methods and computer simulations. These newer methods allow for more complex and realistic models to be solved, making them invaluable in modern scientific research.

What are some applications of differential equations?

Differential equations have countless applications in various fields, including physics, engineering, economics, and biology. They are used to model the motion of objects, the flow of fluids, the growth of populations, and the behavior of electrical circuits, to name a few examples. They are also crucial in understanding and predicting natural phenomena, such as weather patterns and the spread of diseases.

What skills are necessary for understanding differential equations?

To understand differential equations, one needs a strong foundation in calculus, algebra, and basic mathematical concepts. It is also essential to have good problem-solving skills and an ability to think abstractly. Familiarity with computer programming and numerical methods is also helpful in solving more complex differential equations.
