Differential Equations, Undetermined Coefficients

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the particular solution to the differential equation y'' + 3y' + 2y = 24exp(-2x). The method of undetermined coefficients is used and the conversation explains why the particular solution needs to be multiplied by x to avoid it being a multiple of the homogeneous solution. The final solution is determined to be y_p = -24xexp(-2x).
  • #1

Homework Statement

y'' + 3y' + 2y = 24exp(-2x)

Homework Equations

y'' + 3y' + 2y = 24exp(-2x)

The Attempt at a Solution

I've solved the characteristic equation and am after the particular solution.

I've let y_p = Aexp(-2x), y_p' = -2Axexp(-2x) and y_p'' = 4Axexp(-2x)

When substituting these terms into the original D.E., I end up with A = 0.

What have I done wrong?

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  • #2
Your homogeneous solution affects the way you look for your spesific answer.
Homogeneous solution: y(x) = A*exp(-x) + B*exp(-2x).

you search the specific solution of the form: Y(x) = C*x*exp(-2x)
(multiplication by x because the specific part is a part of your homogeneous answer)

use the Chain Rule to differentiate C*x*exp(-2x) !

Tell us what you get :)
  • #3

I get y_p = -24xexp(-2x).

I suspect I may be ignorant about some basic theory. Why does the particular solution in this case need to be Cxexp(-2x), rather than Aexp(-2x)?
  • #4
The rule is that if you don't look at the homogeneous answer and build you template for finding the specific answer using the undetermined coefficients (I assume you know how to format it) and the look at you homogeneous answer and notice that part of your template is linearly dependent on part of your homogeneous solution (i.e. is a constant multiplicand of the other) then you multiply by x[/] and then you check again to see if it is linearly dependent so some other part of your homogeneous solution, if yes you multiply by x again repeat until no part of the template is linearly dependent on any part of the homogeneous answer. then search insert the template and its derivatives to find the coefficients.

This is the method. the simple answer why you multiply by x is that if you don't you will just get 0 :) for a more detailed answer ask you teacher I'm sure he will point you to the right source (your textbook may be)

Good Luck.
  • #5
Darkmisc said:

I get y_p = -24xexp(-2x).

I suspect I may be ignorant about some basic theory. Why does the particular solution in this case need to be Cxexp(-2x), rather than Aexp(-2x)?
Presumably, when you solve the associated homogeneous equation, y'' + 3y' + 2y= 0, which has characteristic equation [itex]r^2+ 3r+ 2= (r+ 2)(r+ 1)= 0[/itex], you found that two independent solutions were [itex]e^{-2x}[/itex] and [itex]e^{-3x}[/itex].

Trying a particular solution of the form [itex]Ae^{-2x}[/itex] can't work. That's already a solution to the homogeneous equation- any multiple will make the equation equal to 0.
  • #6
Thanks, that cleared it up for me.

FAQ: Differential Equations, Undetermined Coefficients

What is the purpose of using undetermined coefficients in solving differential equations?

The method of undetermined coefficients allows us to find a particular solution to a nonhomogeneous differential equation by assuming a form for the solution and then solving for the undetermined coefficients. This is helpful because it allows us to easily find a solution without having to use more complex methods such as variation of parameters.

How do I determine the form of the particular solution when using undetermined coefficients?

The form of the particular solution depends on the form of the nonhomogeneous term in the differential equation. If the nonhomogeneous term is a polynomial, the particular solution will be a polynomial of the same degree. If the nonhomogeneous term is a trigonometric function, the particular solution will be a linear combination of sine and cosine functions. If the nonhomogeneous term is an exponential function, the particular solution will be a polynomial multiplied by the same exponential function.

What is the process for finding the undetermined coefficients in a differential equation?

The process for finding the undetermined coefficients involves substituting the assumed form of the particular solution into the differential equation and then solving for the coefficients. This will result in a system of equations that can be solved using algebraic methods.

Are there any limitations to using undetermined coefficients in solving differential equations?

Yes, the method of undetermined coefficients can only be used for linear differential equations with constant coefficients. It also only works for nonhomogeneous equations with specific forms of nonhomogeneous terms, such as polynomials, trigonometric functions, and exponential functions.

Can I use undetermined coefficients to find a general solution to a differential equation?

No, the method of undetermined coefficients only provides a particular solution to a nonhomogeneous differential equation. To find the general solution, you will also need to find the complementary solution by using other methods such as separation of variables or the method of undetermined coefficients.
