[Differential Geometry of Curves] Regular Closed Curve function

This proves that the Hessian of second derivatives of F at (u,v) can be put in the desired form. In summary, the conversation discusses the function F defined by F(u,v) = (1/2) ||m(u) - m(v)||2, where m is a positively oriented C1 regular Jordan curve parametrized with arc length. It defines a local diameter of m as the line segment between two points where F has a local maximum and proves that this local diameter is normal to the curve
  • #1
Let m : [0,L] → ℝ2 be a positively oriented C1 regular Jordan curve parametrized with arc length. Consider the function F : [a,b] x [a,b] → ℝ defined by F(u,v) = (1/2) ||m(u) - m(v)||2

Define a local diameter of m as the line segment between two points p = m(u) and q = m(v) such that:
The open line segment (p,q) is included in the interior of m and
F has a local maximum at (u,v)

(1) Compute the first derivatives of F, expressing them as functions of (m(v) - m(u)) and the unit tangent Tm

(2) Prove that if the segment [p,q] is a local diameter then it is normal to m at both points p and q

(3) Assume that (u,v) is such that the open segment (m(u),m(v)) is interior to m, and that it is normal to the curve at both extremities
(i) Prove that Tm(u) and Tm(v) are collinear. For the rest of the question admit without proof that Tm(v) = -Tm(u)
(ii) Prove that the Hessian of second derivatives of F at (u,v) can be put in the form
H = ( 1- k(u)||m(u)-m(v)|| ...1
......1... 1-k(v)||m(u)-m(v)|| )

Homework Equations

Given above

The Attempt at a Solution

I can get part 1, but for part 2 I'm not sure how to prove that a local diameter is normal to p and q. I believe it's something to do with the distance between the tangent lines is should be perpendicular?

Part 3 is quite beyond me I'm not sure how to tackle that one yet
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  • #2

For part 2, to prove that the local diameter is normal to m at both points p and q, we can use the definition of a normal vector: a vector that is perpendicular to a given vector. In this case, the given vector is the tangent vector Tm at points p and q. Since the local diameter is a line segment between p and q, and the tangent vector is a vector tangent to the curve at those points, the local diameter must be perpendicular to the curve at those points. This can also be seen geometrically as the tangent vector and the local diameter form a right angle at those points.

For part 3, we can start by using the definition of collinearity: three or more points are collinear if they all lie on the same line. In this case, the points Tm(u), Tm(v), and -Tm(u) all lie on the tangent line at point p, and similarly for the points Tm(u), Tm(v), and -Tm(v) at point q. Since the tangent line is unique at each point, this means that Tm(u), Tm(v), and -Tm(u) are collinear at point p, and Tm(u), Tm(v), and -Tm(v) are collinear at point q. This is because the local diameter is normal to the curve at both points, and therefore the tangent vector Tm is perpendicular to the local diameter at those points.

For part 3(ii), we can use the definition of the Hessian matrix, which is the matrix of second partial derivatives of a function. In this case, the function is F(u,v) and the Hessian matrix is defined as H = [∂^2F/∂u^2 ∂^2F/∂u∂v; ∂^2F/∂u∂v ∂^2F/∂v^2]. Since we are given that Tm(v) = -Tm(u), we can simplify the Hessian matrix to H = [∂^2F/∂u^2 -∂^2F/∂u∂v; -∂^2F/∂u∂v ∂^2F/∂v^2]. We can then substitute in the given values for k(u) and k(v) to get the final form of H =

Related to [Differential Geometry of Curves] Regular Closed Curve function

1. What is a Regular Closed Curve function?

A Regular Closed Curve function, also known as a closed curve, is a continuous function that maps a closed interval onto a curve in the plane. This means that the starting and ending points of the interval are the same, resulting in a closed loop.

2. How is a Regular Closed Curve different from a simple curve?

A simple curve can intersect itself, whereas a Regular Closed Curve does not. This means that a Regular Closed Curve is a non-self-intersecting curve, creating a continuous loop without any overlapping points.

3. What are some real-life applications of Regular Closed Curves?

Regular Closed Curves have many applications in engineering, physics, and computer graphics. They are used to model the shapes of objects such as gears, circles, and spirals. They are also used in the study of fluid dynamics and the design of aerodynamic shapes.

4. How are Regular Closed Curves represented mathematically?

Regular Closed Curves can be represented mathematically using parametric equations. These equations describe the coordinates of points on the curve in terms of a parameter, such as time or angle. They are also represented by vector-valued functions and can be described using the curvature and torsion of the curve.

5. What is the importance of Regular Closed Curves in Differential Geometry?

Regular Closed Curves play a crucial role in Differential Geometry as they are used to study the curvature and torsion of a curve. They are also used to define important concepts, such as arc length and tangent vectors, which are essential for understanding the properties of curves in space.
