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Homework Statement
I need to differentiate the pressure P(r) equation directly below, for the case where the density is constant (i.e. ρ(r) = ρc), to show that it is of the same form as the dP/dr equation further below:
Homework Equations
P(r) = rhoc×c2×( (√(1-2βr2/R2) - √(1-2β))/(√(1-2β) - √(1-2βr2/R2)) )
β = GM/Rc2
dP/dr = -G[( (ρ(r) + P(r)/c2)×(m(r) + 4∏r^3P(r)/c2) )/ r(r - 2Gm(r)/c2)]
dm/dr = 4r2ρ(r)
m(r) = M(r/R)3
ρ(r) = ρc
The Attempt at a Solution
I tried to differentiate the P(r) using the quotient rule (combined with chain rule) and substituted in for β and m(r) but got stuck at a point and don't know what to do next.
The point that I got stuck at is when:
dP/dr = 2GMrc2/R3×{ [3(1-2GM/Rc2)1/2/(1-2GMr2/c2R3)1/2 - 1] - [1 - (1-2GM/Rc2)1/2/(1-2GMr2/R3c2)1/2 ] } / { [10-18GM/Rc2-2GMr2/R3c2-6(1-2GM/Rc2)1/2(1-2GMr2/R3c2)1/2] }