Differentiation under integral sign - one parameter family

In summary, to calculate the derivative of a function at a point in a region of integration, you set up the equation for the derivative and solve for the derivative.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Hi guys! Let [itex]\left \{ B_{t} \right \}_{t\in \mathbb{R}}[/itex] be a one - parameter family of compact subsets of [itex]\mathbb{R}^{3}[/itex] with smooth (manifold) boundary (e.g. one - parameter family of closed balls). In my context, each [itex]B_{t}[/itex] belongs to a different constant time slice of Minkowski space - time. How does one compute [itex]\frac{\partial }{\partial t}\int_{B_{t}}f(t,\mathbf{x})dV[/itex]? Again in my context, [itex]f(t,\mathbf{x})[/itex] happens to be [itex]T_{00}(t,\mathbf{x})[/itex], the time - time component of the stress energy tensor and as such this component is assumed to be a smooth scalar field.
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  • #2
Isn't your derivative a Calc I style total derivative as opposed to a partial? Replace the first t by a u and the second t by a v: (the integral over Bu of the function f(v,x).)

Now to calculate the derivative, you set u=t, v=t and use the multivariable chain rule:
d/dt F(u,v) = d/du F (u=t) + d/dv F (v=t)
Sorry about the notation, my keyboard is broken and half the keys don't work :(

This is a simple but handy technical device to separate the two instances of t in the formula.

To account for the change in the domain, you could try to express the change in the domain Bt as B0 + s(t,x)n, where n is the unit outward normal vector on the boundary of B0, and s(t,x) depends on time t and the point x on the boundary of B0. Then when you differentiate with respect to the change in boundary, you will basically be integrating the function s(0,x)*f(0,x) over the boundary surface.
  • #3
Thanks Vargo. That is exactly what wiki does as well apparently. So if instead my integration regions were constant time slices of R^4 itself (so the integration regions would just be R^3 for each time slice) then could I just ignore the boundary integral and simply pull the time derivative inside? Again, thanks for the response I really appreciate it and I might have to ask more once this one is answered if that's ok =D (although they might be a bit physicsy? idk =p)
  • #4
Yes, if your region of integration is constant, then you can just move the differentiation inside. Well, there is a condition that must be met. If, when you move the derivative inside the integral, the resulting integral is absolutely convergent, then the operation is valid. I think that's the rule. I'd have to look it up to be sure.

FAQ: Differentiation under integral sign - one parameter family

1. What is differentiation under integral sign?

Differentiation under integral sign, also known as Leibniz's rule, is a method of differentiating a definite integral with respect to a variable that appears both in the limits of integration and in the integrand. It allows for the differentiation of a function that is defined by an integral.

2. Why is differentiation under integral sign useful?

This method is useful in solving problems that involve finding the derivative of an integral. It can also be used in the evaluation of integrals that cannot be solved using other methods.

3. How does differentiation under integral sign work?

The basic idea behind differentiation under integral sign is to use the fundamental theorem of calculus, which states that the derivative of an integral is equal to the integrand evaluated at the upper limit of integration. By applying this rule to the integrand, the integral can be differentiated with respect to the variable in the limits of integration.

4. What are the conditions for using differentiation under integral sign?

In order to use this method, the integrand must be continuous with respect to the variable in the limits of integration, and the derivative of the integrand with respect to the variable must also be continuous.

5. Are there any limitations to differentiation under integral sign?

Yes, differentiation under integral sign may not be applicable in cases where the integrand is not continuous or when the derivative of the integrand is not continuous. Additionally, this method may not be suitable for evaluating certain types of integrals, such as improper integrals.

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