Differing weight on scales depending on approach

In summary, the graphs show that the weight of the man decreases as he jumps off the scales and then returns to normal when he becomes stationary again.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Draw graphs of weight against time for the following

1) man stands on scale very gently and then gets off again very gently
2) man jumps onto scales and then jumps off again
3) man stands on scale and let's his knees unlock so that he drops, then stops.

For each of these describe the reasoning behind the graph.

Homework Equations

mg = R
Resultant force causes an acceleration F=ma

The Attempt at a Solution

1)A slow acceleration possibly constant velocity of approach means the change in weight over time is small and the maximum weight is equal to the weight of the man
2)The man is originally accelerating downwards therefore the reaction force provided by the scales must increase therefore a simulated increase in weight. Vice-versa for jumping upwards
3)Weight must decrease before returning to original weight

My attempts at the graphs are attached going 1 -> 3, left to right. I'm not sure about 2 and 3 as I think I contradict myself

Thanks for the help


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  • #2
Have another think about 2 and 3.

2) If you jump in the air and land on the scales you will hit the scales with some velocity. Some time later that velocity has gone and you are just left standing on the scales. What will the scales read during the impact phase? Same/higher/lower than your weight? What will the scales read when you have come to rest and are just standing on them (lets say you stand on them for 5 seconds before jumping off).
  • #3
3) You have this partly right. The weight will reduce while you are dropping but what happens after that? See Q2.
  • #4
For number 2, should the weight actually decrease then because the man is accelerating downwards (during the impact stage). When you are at rest, then your weight should be correct as you are stationary.

For number 3, I can't see why the weight of the man should not return to normal after he becomes stationary again. The only change I can think of is that the man's centre of gravity has now changed but I cannot see how this affects the reading
  • #5
Fineline00 said:
For number 2, should the weight actually decrease then because the man is accelerating downwards (during the impact stage).
Just after landing on the scales, he's moving downwards, but which way is he accelerating?
Remember that what the scales actually read is how far the spring is depressed. There is a certain depression which corresponds to his rest weight. When the scales are lower than that he will show as weighing more, when above that, less.
When you are at rest, then your weight should be correct as you are stationary.
I would assume that between landing on the scales and jumping off again the man will be 'rigid' for a while. That means the system will behave as a damped oscillator, but everything stops in a finite time because static friction takes over.
You need to think carefully about what happens when he jumps off. What's the first thing he will do?
For number 3, I can't see why the weight of the man should not return to normal after he becomes stationary again. The only change I can think of is that the man's centre of gravity has now changed but I cannot see how this affects the reading
It depends what you mean by the man becoming stationary. When he first becomes rigid again, things are still moving.
  • #6
Fineline00 said:
For number 2, should the weight actually decrease then because the man is accelerating downwards (during the impact stage).

No it won't be less during the impact phase. Think about the difference between placing a weight on your foot and dropping a weight on your foot :-) Which is going to hurt more?

When you are at rest, then your weight should be correct as you are stationary.

For number 3, I can't see why the weight of the man should not return to normal after he becomes stationary again.

It does, but as you said that's "after he becomes stationary again". What happens between him being in free fall/weightless and him becoming stationary again?
  • #7
For Number 2

The weight of the man would increase as he hits the scales but then as he becomes stationary the spring becomes less depressed and therefore shows a smaller weight (F=-kx). I'm unclear as to whether the weight shown should actually decrease for a while because there needs to be a resultant force upwards in order to decelerate the man.

When he jumps off, the reading should first increase(?) because he applies more force downwards in order to jump off. When he starts to accelerate upwards, the reading should decrease because there is less force acting on the scale

Number 3

Would the reading slightly increase because there needs to be a resultant force upwards in order to decelerate the man so he becomes stationary
  • #8
Fineline00 said:
For Number 2

The weight of the man would increase as he hits the scales but then as he becomes stationary the spring becomes less depressed and therefore shows a smaller weight (F=-kx). I'm unclear as to whether the weight shown should actually decrease for a while because there needs to be a resultant force upwards in order to decelerate the man.
Clearly the registered weight will decrease until it shows his actual weight. The spring will then be in its equilibrium position for the man's actual weight. Is that it? Will it stop right there?
When he jumps off, the reading should first increase(?) because he applies more force downwards in order to jump off. When he starts to accelerate upwards, the reading should decrease because there is less force acting on the scale
Stand upright, then jump. What is the first thing you do?
Number 3

Would the reading slightly increase because there needs to be a resultant force upwards in order to decelerate the man so he becomes stationary
What about before that, when he is accelerating downwards?
  • #9
haruspex said:
Clearly the registered weight will decrease until it shows his actual weight. The spring will then be in its equilibrium position for the man's actual weight. Is that it? Will it stop right there?

Stand upright, then jump. What is the first thing you do?

What about before that, when he is accelerating downwards?

I'm not sure what you mean by that statement, do you mean the spring or the man?

I think the first thing you would do is then decelerate downwards, meaning a reduction in the reading on the weight before you then start the motion of jumping upwards

When he is accelerating downwards, the reading should be lower than his normal weight
  • #10
Do you have any scales at home? Might be easier to just try it :-) I think it would be easier to see what's going on if you have an old fashioned type with a moving pointer rather than a modern digital display. Failing that try kitchen scales.

Normally there isn't much damping so if you drop something on scales the reading oscillates before settling at the correct value.
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  • #11
Unfortunately both of my scales are digital and tend to blur/crash when the change is sudden

From what I can tell for number three is that when I am stationary my weight is constant. When I unlock my knees the reading decreases from equilibrum and then increases when I start to stop and slow down before returning the original weight which makes sense having now discussed it. It looks a bit like image wt2.

For number 2, I can only try what happens when I am stationary and I am preparing myself to jump as when I jump on my scales it just crashes. The graph seems to look like wt3 which is essentially wt2 but a bit extra when I start to jump as I increase the force because I push downwards and then as the contact reduces the weight reduces. I just can't imagine what would happen before I am stationary and I am jumping onto the scales

In the pictures I have draw the changes linearly when they should be curved


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  • #12
Fineline00 said:
I'm not sure what you mean by that statement, do you mean the spring or the man?
I man the system, spring+man. Springs imply oscillation.
I think the first thing you would do is then decelerate downwards,
accelerate downwards
meaning a reduction in the reading on the weight before you then start the motion of jumping upwards

When he is accelerating downwards, the reading should be lower than his normal weight

FAQ: Differing weight on scales depending on approach

1. Why do scales show different readings depending on how I step on them?

There are several factors that can contribute to the difference in weight readings on scales. One of the main reasons is the distribution of your weight on the scale. If you step on the scale with one foot at a time, the weight may not be evenly distributed, resulting in a different reading compared to when you step on the scale with both feet at the same time. Additionally, the scale may not be calibrated correctly, or there could be external factors such as uneven flooring or surface, which can affect the accuracy of the reading.

2. Can the type of scale affect the weight readings?

Yes, the type of scale can make a difference in weight readings. Analog scales, which use a spring and dial mechanism, are known to be less accurate and can be affected by different approaches. Digital scales, on the other hand, use electronic sensors and are generally more accurate and consistent. However, even among digital scales, there can be variations in accuracy, so it's essential to choose a reliable and well-calibrated scale for the most accurate readings.

3. Why do I sometimes get different readings even when I use the same scale and approach?

Even with a well-calibrated scale and consistent approach, there can be minor fluctuations in weight readings. This can be due to factors such as water retention, food intake, or even the time of day. It's essential to keep in mind that weight is not a fixed number and can vary slightly throughout the day. For the most accurate measurement, it's recommended to weigh yourself at the same time, wearing similar clothing, and on an empty stomach.

4. Can body composition affect the weight readings on a scale?

Yes, body composition, including muscle mass, bone density, and body fat percentage, can affect the weight readings on a scale. For instance, someone with a higher muscle mass may weigh more than someone with a lower muscle mass, even if they are the same height and have a similar body fat percentage. This is because muscle is denser than fat and takes up less space in the body. Therefore, it's essential to consider body composition and not just weight when evaluating overall health and fitness.

5. Is there a "correct" way to use a scale for the most accurate readings?

The most accurate way to use a scale is to step on it with both feet at the same time, standing still and balanced in the center. It's also recommended to weigh yourself in the morning before eating or drinking anything and wearing minimal clothing. However, keep in mind that weight is not an exact measurement and can vary slightly depending on various factors. Therefore, it's more important to focus on overall health and well-being rather than a number on the scale.

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