Difficult Decision: MS Operations Research or Software Development?

In summary, people generally say that an MS in operations research is more about analyzing data while a MS in software development is more about building a product. However, this is not a clear-cut dichotomy, and there are opportunities for work in both fields.
  • #1
I started a degree in MS operations research but now am having second thoughts.
I took a class in statistics and optimization using linear algebra. But what I enjoy most is programming in python.I am
also teaching myself c++.
People say industrial engineer is more about analyzing data while software engineer is more about building a product.

I am not sure which one to proceed on. I am enjoying coding challenges on website like leetcode way more than
probability and statistics. So does that mean my path is more toward software development. I like small coding
challenges with list and small functions but I never developed software before...

And industrial engineer is like the applied version of operations research where you use simplex algorithm and other technique to model shipping and things like that.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Where does a Systems Engineer fit in your definitions?
I would opt for the most math-intensive curriculum of your choices . The rest you will pick up as needed.
  • #3
@homeylova223 , I personally think you are making a false dichotomy between career options in software development versus a career in industrial engineering/operations research (OR).

Industrial engineering is more than simply analyzing data -- the field is fundamentally involved with optimizing processes and systems (at both the theoretical and applied levels).

There is considerable applicability in applying such OR methods in the development of software (so knowledge of operations research is helpful in that respect). In addition, there are opportunities for work in software development that is devoted to OR.

At any rate, if I'm not mistaken, an OR MS degree will require at least some background or coursework in software development or programming. So it's not as if you are closing doors in either direction.
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  • #4
Yes industrial engineer/OR do have to know a little bit about software. For example they have to know some of the libraries such as as google OR tools and scipy in python to use optimization strategies. It does seems like CS student would probably have more knowledge of lower level programming language like c++.

I guess both are intertwined. OR/industrial engineer student will probably have more knowledge of optimization and probability statistics, while a cs program there might be more emphasis on going in deph into .. compilers
and things like that.

It like industrial engineer is like a subspecialty of cs which focuses on developing algorithms for certain application like supply chains.In any case it seems like that to me.

Related to Difficult Decision: MS Operations Research or Software Development?

1. What is the difference between MS Operations Research and Software Development?

MS Operations Research is a field of study that uses mathematical and analytical methods to optimize complex systems and make data-driven decisions. Software development, on the other hand, involves designing, coding, and testing computer programs to create functional software. While both fields involve problem-solving and critical thinking, the focus and techniques used are different.

2. Which field has better job prospects and salary potential?

Both MS Operations Research and Software Development are in high demand and offer competitive salaries. However, the job prospects may vary depending on the industry and location. MS Operations Research professionals are highly sought after in fields such as finance, healthcare, and logistics, while software developers are needed in a wide range of industries.

3. Can I pursue a career in both fields simultaneously?

While it is possible to have knowledge and skills in both MS Operations Research and Software Development, it may be challenging to excel in both fields simultaneously. It is important to choose a field that aligns with your interests and career goals, but you can always acquire skills from the other field through courses or self-study.

4. What are the required qualifications for pursuing MS Operations Research or Software Development?

For MS Operations Research, a strong background in mathematics, statistics, and computer science is necessary. Many programs also require applicants to have a bachelor's degree in a related field. For software development, a degree in computer science, software engineering, or a related field is typically required. However, some employers may also consider candidates with relevant experience and skills.

5. How can I decide which field is the right fit for me?

It ultimately depends on your interests, skills, and career goals. If you enjoy problem-solving, data analysis, and have a strong mathematical background, MS Operations Research may be a good fit for you. If you have a passion for coding, software design, and creating innovative solutions, software development may be a better option. It is also helpful to research job opportunities and speak with professionals in each field to gain a better understanding of the day-to-day responsibilities and requirements.

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