Difficult integral involving Hypergeometric functions

In summary, Betel is asking for help with computing integrals of the form I=\int_{-i \infty}^{i\infty} (1-x^2)^\frac{d-1}{2} \prod_{i=1}^4 _2F_1(a_i,b_i,c_i;\frac{1-x}{2}) dx, where a_i,b_i,c_i are constants and c_i\in \mathbb{N}. However, he is unable to do this for odd d and gets a branch cut from 1 to infinity on the positiv real axis.
  • #1

I want to compute integrals of the following form
[tex] I= \int_{-i \infty}^{i\infty} (1-x^2)^\frac{d-1}{2} \prod_{i=1}^4 _2F_1(a_i,b_i,c_i;\frac{1-x}{2}) dx [/tex]

where [tex]a_i,b_i,c_i[/tex] are constants and [tex]c_i\in \mathbb{N}[/tex].
d is a positive integer.

For odd d I know that the integral will be zero by calculus of residues, with the right complex half plane as integration contour, as the constants are such that the Hypergeometric functions decay fast enough.

For even d I cannot do this as I get a branch cut from 1 to infinity on the positiv real axis.

Does somebody see a way, how i can explicitly integrate this?
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  • #2
Can you post the values of a,b,and c please. Also, I would just start out with a square root and one hypergeometric function and just integrate it numerically, then fit the numeric answer to some analytical set up such as a square contour with the branch cut from 1 to infinity. Perhaps it would reduce to only the branch-cut integrals along the real axis. Just a quess though.
  • #3
The values are
[tex]a_i = \frac{1}{2} + c_i + i\mu, b_i= a_i-2 i\mu[/tex]
and [tex]c_i\in \mathbb{N},\mu\in \mathbb{C}[/tex] arbitrary (aside from [tex]\sum_i k_i\in 2\mathbb{N}[/tex]).

I don't see, how I can numerically integrate this without putting explicit values for my parameters.

You are right, that after some contour shuffling I can re-express the integral in terms of the integrals along the cut. But I don't see how to calculte them either.
  • #4
Hi Betel. What's wrong with putting explicit values and integrating it numerically at least to get an approximation to the answer for one particular case? Then you can compare it to the numerical results along the real axis. If that agrees, then you could focus on trying to obtain some explicit expression for just one integral along the real axis since the other is just some constant factor times the other.

Another possibility is to integrate it directly over the imaginary axis by expressing the root as a binomial expansion, form the Cauchy product of both series, then integrate term by term and use the antiderivative inside the unit circle. Then form the binomial expansion of (-1)^{1/2}(z^2-1)^{1/2}, and do the same outside the unit circle. Not sure though if that is valid however.

Got another one. For the case of square root and one hypergeometric function, we could write the integral as:

[itex]\int \sqrt{1-z^2}\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}a_n(1-z)^n dz[/itex]

and it seems at least a finite number of these can be integrated explicitly. I wonder how accurate the results would be if for example, we used only ten terms and then compared it to the numerical result?

I realize these I'm suggesting may appear to you what, a little pathetic maybe but often when confronted with a tough problem, one needs to first look at a simpler version then build it back up. I've found that to be a very successful approach in practical mathematics. :)

edit: alright I made a mistake: the series representation for the hypergeometric function 2F1 is valid only for |z|<1. Sorry.
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  • #5
Well, we could use analytic continuation to find a series expansion for larger z. Then each F will be expressed as a sum of two F.

I just found a paper calculating the case for 3 F (or rather equivalent function). I'll try to work it through and see if I can adapt their result.
  • #6
betel said:
Well, we could use analytic continuation to find a series expansion for larger z. Then each F will be expressed as a sum of two F.

I just found a paper calculating the case for 3 F (or rather equivalent function). I'll try to work it through and see if I can adapt their result.

Can you post a link to that paper? I'd be interested to see how it's done. If not, it's ok. I'm just curious. :)
  • #7
The paper is
The hypergeometric functions have been converted to Legendre Polynomials. Haven't quite gotten through it yet.

FAQ: Difficult integral involving Hypergeometric functions

1. What is a hypergeometric function?

A hypergeometric function is a special type of mathematical function that arises in many areas of mathematics, including differential equations, combinatorics, and probability. It is defined as a power series or integral that satisfies a certain differential equation.

2. What makes an integral involving hypergeometric functions difficult?

The difficulty of an integral involving hypergeometric functions lies in the complex and intricate nature of these functions. They often involve multiple parameters and special relationships between these parameters, making them challenging to solve analytically.

3. How are hypergeometric functions used in science?

Hypergeometric functions are used in a variety of scientific fields, including physics, chemistry, and engineering. They are particularly useful in solving differential equations and modeling complex systems.

4. Can difficult integrals involving hypergeometric functions be solved numerically?

Yes, in many cases, it is possible to solve these integrals numerically using computational methods such as numerical integration or approximation techniques. However, the accuracy of the solution may depend on the complexity of the integral and the chosen numerical method.

5. Are there any real-world applications of integrals involving hypergeometric functions?

Yes, hypergeometric functions have numerous real-world applications, such as in statistical analysis, signal processing, and quantum mechanics. They are also commonly used in mathematical modeling and predicting the behavior of complex systems.

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