Difficulties in choosing a research area

In summary, Timo is considering changing fields in his PhD because he feels that it is harder to find happiness in theoretical physics than it is in other areas of physics. He recommends econophysics as an area to consider.
  • #1
Hello people, I'm new here, but i already read some topics with this similar question. I'm just about to finish my master degree in theoretical physics (more specifically in qft) and besides i have really enjoyable moments studying it... I feel that something isn't right. It's a hard area, plenty of frustrating moments... I keep thinking that when we're young it's easier to choose a area like this because we are motivated by our own excitement, but when time passes things tends to change. I've been noticing this since I've finished the undergrad. So I'm almost convinced that i should change to another area in PhD, maybe i could experience something that i may be happier about. Although, i like being theoretical, i can't imagine me (until now) doing experimental work. I once thought in changing to Statistical physics 'cause i did appreciate the classes i took during the first year of grad studies. But now... thinking about changing a world of possibilities arise and I'm pretty confused. And as older you get, money becomes a strong priority in thinking. I'd like some advice about these questions... if it's possible. :)
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  • #2
Incidently, I switched from HEP Theory to Statistical Physics after my Masters and had a great PhD time, both in terms of liking my everyday-work and the resulting successes. So from my experience I can strongly recommend moving to a field in which you enjoy everyday-work. The choice for (computational) Statistical Physics, in my case, fell only after the job interview, btw.: After the interview I went home and played around with simulations of a paper we discussed and had a lot of fun playing around with it. So maybe you can just look around for open positions a bit and try to get detail information.

Personally, if I was to chose a field for a PhD today I would probably go into econophysics. What sounds like boring economy at first has very interesting fun and highly experimental/innovative projects in fields like swarming (e.g. how many individuals with controlled movement do I need to control an otherwise randomly-moving crowd of people?) and analysis of (social) Internet structures (e.g. developing a forecast for the success of cinema movies based on the automatic analysis of threads in movie forums).
  • #3
Thanks for answering, Timo. I think i may have found the answer to my question. I enjoy doing theoretical physics, but sometimes in life we must be more realistic :/ The idea of doing applied physics is growing in my head, so perhaps it is the right for me. :)

Related to Difficulties in choosing a research area

1. What factors should I consider when choosing a research area?

When choosing a research area, it is important to consider your interests, current gaps in the field, available resources, and potential impact of your research. You should also consider the feasibility of your research, your skills and expertise, and the potential for collaboration with other researchers.

2. How can I narrow down my options when there are so many research areas to choose from?

One way to narrow down your options is to brainstorm and write down all the topics that interest you. Then, conduct a literature review to see which areas have been extensively researched and which ones have potential for further exploration. You can also consult with your peers and mentors for their insights and suggestions.

3. What if I am interested in multiple research areas?

It is common to have multiple interests in the field of science. In this case, you can prioritize your interests and choose one as your main research area. You can also consider interdisciplinary research that combines different areas of interest. It is important to choose a research area that you are passionate about and that aligns with your long-term goals.

4. How do I ensure that my chosen research area is relevant and significant?

To ensure the relevance and significance of your research area, it is crucial to conduct a thorough literature review and understand the current state of the field. You should also consult with experts in the field and attend conferences to stay updated on the latest developments. Additionally, you can discuss your research ideas with your mentors and seek their feedback.

5. What if I encounter difficulties or obstacles while conducting research in my chosen area?

Research can be challenging and it is common to encounter difficulties and obstacles. It is important to communicate with your mentors and colleagues for guidance and support. You can also seek out resources such as workshops, seminars, and online courses to enhance your skills and overcome any obstacles. Remember to stay persistent and keep an open mind in the face of challenges.

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