Difficulties with dipoles & point charges

In summary, the conversation discusses difficulties with dipoles and point charges. It specifically addresses a problem involving a positive point charge and a dipole of moment p, and asks to show that the force exerted on the dipole by the point charge is attractive and has a magnitude ~ 2kQp/r3. The conversation also includes a question about deriving an expression for the force of attraction between two neutral polar molecules with aligned dipoles separated by a distance d. The conversation concludes by stating that the binomial approximation can be used to solve these problems.
  • #1
Difficulties with dipoles & point charges...

Help would be appreciated a lot with the following problems:

~ A positive point charge +Q is at the origin, and a dipole of moment p is a distance r away (r>>L) and in the radial direction as shown below:


a) Show that the force exerted on the dipole by the point charge is attractive and has a magnitude ~ 2kQp/r3 (see previous problem).

[the previous problem was: an electric dipole consists of two charges +q and -q separated by a very small distance 2a. Its center is on the x-axis at x=x1 and it points along the x-axis in the positive x direction. The dipole is in a nonuniform electric field, which is also in the x direction, given by E=Cxi where C is a constant.

- Find the force on the positive charge and that on the negative charge and show that the net force on the dipole is Cpi
- Show that, in general if a dipole of moment p lies along the x-axis in an electric field in the x direction the net force on the dipole is given approximately by (dEx/dx)pi].

I know the force on the negative side of the dipole is -kQq/r2 and the force on the positve side of the dipole is kQq/(r+L)2, but this leads to nothing... I can derive an expression for the electric field of the dipole as k2p/r3 and conclude the force of the dipole on the point charge= the force on the dipole of the point charge (Newtons 3rd law)= QE, therefore F= Qk2p/r3, but that would ruin the second question below (because I need to use the formula derived in this question in order to prove E= k2p/r3 for a dipole. So how should I tackle this problem?

b) Now assume that the dipole is centered at the origin and that a point charge Q is a distance r away along the line of the dipole. Using Newton's third law and your result for part (a), show that at the location of the positive point charge the electric field E due to the dipole is toward the dipole and has a magnitude of ~k2p/r3.

I think I can handle this one if I get part (a) correct

~ Two neutral polar molecules attract each other. Suppose that each molecule has a dipole moment p and that these dipoles are aligned along the x-axis and separated by a distance d. Derive an expression for the force of attraction in terms of p and d.

I do need some help with this one. First of all, if a line like this - is a symbol for the dipole, are the two aligned one after another (like - -) or parallel to each other (like =)? Secondly, I don't really know how to treat a system of dipoles if the distance isn't big (in the previous question it was) so I would really appreciate a couple of hints to give me something to start off with... I totally don't have a clue...

PS Sorry for the big text! :blushing:
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  • #2
I guess you need to use a binomial approximation.

If you take the distance to the center of the dipole as 'r', then the distances to each charge will be r - L/2 and r+L/2, so that your field will be

[tex] \frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0} [\frac{-q}{(r-L/2)^2} + \frac{q}{(r+L/2)^2}] [/tex]

Now take out an r from the denominator so that you get
[tex] \frac{1}{r^2} \frac{-q}{(1-\frac{L}{2r})^2)} [/tex]
since L/R is <<1, you can expand the deonimator using the binomial exapnsion and ignore higher order terms. Do this for the second term also and this should give you the answer.
  • #3
Thank you very very much! :D I managed to solve the problem! :)
Yet I'm still puzzeling on this one:

Lisa... said:
~ Two neutral polar molecules attract each other. Suppose that each molecule has a dipole moment p and that these dipoles are aligned along the x-axis and separated by a distance d. Derive an expression for the force of attraction in terms of p and d.

I do need some help with this one. First of all, if a line like this - is a symbol for the dipole, are the two aligned one after another (like - -) or parallel to each other (like =)? Secondly, I don't really know how to treat a system of dipoles if the distance isn't big (in the previous question it was) so I would really appreciate a couple of hints to give me something to start off with... I totally don't have a clue...
  • #4
For the second question, I would still assume that d>>L (In fact, this assumption is valid in most situations, because the inter-molecular distances are very small).
I know the field due to the dipole along the axis. From that, I can calculate the force on each charge of the second dipole to find the force of attraction.
Do the Binomial trick again to get it in terms of p and d.
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FAQ: Difficulties with dipoles & point charges

What are dipoles and point charges?

Dipoles and point charges are examples of electrically charged particles. A dipole is a pair of equal and opposite charges that are separated by a small distance, while a point charge is a single charge that is concentrated at a point in space.

What are some common difficulties with dipoles and point charges?

Some common difficulties with dipoles and point charges include understanding the concept of electric fields, calculating the forces and interactions between charges, and visualizing the behavior of charges in different situations.

How do dipoles and point charges affect electric fields?

Dipoles and point charges have a significant impact on electric fields. Dipoles create electric fields that are stronger in some regions and weaker in others, while point charges create electric fields that decrease in strength as distance from the charge increases.

How can I calculate the forces between dipoles and point charges?

The force between two dipoles or point charges can be calculated using Coulomb's law, which states that the force is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

What are some real-world applications of dipoles and point charges?

Dipoles and point charges have many practical applications, including in the functioning of electronic devices, the creation of electric fields for industrial purposes, and in medical imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
