Difficulties with Substitution Rule (integration)

In summary: and so$$\int [f(g(x))g'(x)]dx = f(g(x))\cdot g(x) - \int [f(g(x))]' \cdot g(x)dx$$which is the substitution rule.
  • #1
I can obviously do the chain rule and see how the final expression of the derivative is related to the original function but I can't seem to figure out the substitution Rule as an intuitive way of solving the indefinite integral of functions... bear with me if I'm too verbose, I've attached an image with ,y reasoning...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

The Lamar university web page on integration offers the same material and proof.
  • #3
If ##g(x)=v## then ##\int [f(g(x))g'(x)]dx= \int [f(v)v'(x)]dx=\int [f(v)]dv = \int f(u)du##.

Your mistake is ##\int [f(v)v'(x)]dx \neq [\int f(v)dv] \cdot [\int v'dv]##.

The essential reason for this is, because a differentiation obeys the Leibniz rule, i.e. leads to a derivative: ##d(f\cdot g)= (df)\cdot g + f\cdot (dg),## and does not allow a factor-wise multiplication: ##d(f\cdot g)\neq (df)\cdot (dg)\,.##
  • #4
Could you explicitly explain the correct method in terms of your liebnitz Rule?
  • #5
quicksilver123 said:
Could you explicitly explain the correct method in terms of your liebnitz Rule?
Sorry, I confused the chain rule and the Leibniz rule. The chain rule corresponds to the substitution rule and the Leibniz rule corresponds to integration by parts. The shortest way to see the equation in (4) is to use the notation with the ##d##'s, also called Leibniz notation. Here we get by the substitution ##g(x)=u##
\int [f(g(x))g'(x)dx] = \int [f(g(x)) \frac{dg(x)}{dx} dx] = \int [f(g(x))dg(x)] = \int [f(u)du]
where I have only calculated with the terms under the integration. Nothing goes outside as I understood your remark.

You haven't written (in your hand writing) what your integration variable is, so I assume you meant ##\int [f(g(x))g'(x)]dx = [\int f(g(x))dx] \cdot [\int u'dx] =[\int f(g(x))dx] \cdot u##. But the integral of a product (and that is why I brought up the Leibniz rule) is given by
[f(g(x))\cdot g(x)]' = f(g(x)) \cdot g'(x) + [f(g(x)]' \cdot g(x) \Longrightarrow \int [f(g(x)) \cdot g'(x)]dx = f(g(x))\cdot g(x) - \int [f(g(x))]' \cdot g(x)dx

Related to Difficulties with Substitution Rule (integration)

1. How do I know when to use the substitution rule in integration?

The substitution rule, also known as u-substitution, is typically used when the integrand (the function being integrated) contains a composite function, meaning a function within a function. For example, if the integrand is in the form of f(g(x)), where f and g are functions, you would use the substitution rule.

2. What is the first step in using the substitution rule for integration?

The first step is to identify the inner function, also known as the u-function, within the integrand. This will be the function that you will substitute with a new variable, usually denoted as u.

3. How do I choose the correct substitution variable?

The substitution variable should be chosen to eliminate the inner function and make the integral easier to solve. A common method is to choose a variable that is equal to the inner function, or a derivative of the inner function. You can also choose a variable that will cancel out some terms in the integrand.

4. Can I use the substitution rule for definite integrals?

Yes, the substitution rule can be used for both indefinite and definite integrals. When using it for a definite integral, be sure to substitute the limits of integration as well.

5. What should I do if the substitution rule does not seem to work for a particular integral?

If the substitution rule does not seem to work, you can try a different substitution or try using other integration techniques such as integration by parts or partial fractions. It is also helpful to double check your work and make sure you applied the substitution correctly.

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