Diffraction grating problem involving Snell's Law

In summary: The diffraction grating is on the bottom of the tank, and the laser pointer is parallel to the grating. In summary, the diffraction grating is located on the bottom of the tank, the laser beam hits the grating perpendicularly, and the correct answers for the first-order diffraction angle for the laser beam are 23.3 degrees and 16.6 degrees for the empty aquarium and when filled with water, respectively. The angle of incidence for the laser light hitting the glass of the aquarium is 0 degrees, and the angles theta1 and theta2 in the diffraction equation refer to the incident and diffracted angles, respectively.
  • #1
Sarah Hallsway

Homework Statement

A 600 line/mm diffraction grating is in an empty aquarium tank. The index of refraction of the glass walls is [n][/glass] = 1.50. A helium-neon laser (lambda=633 nm) is outside the aquarium. The laser beam passes through the glass wall and illuminates the diffraction grating.

a. What is the first order diffraction of the laser beam?
b. What is the first-order diffraction angle of the laser beam after the aquarium is filled with water? ([n][/water] = 1.33)

Homework Equations

Diffraction equation= m(lambda)=d(sin(theta1)+sin(theta2))
where m= diffraction order
d= grating spacing
theta 1= incident angle
theta 2= diffraction angle

and possibly Snell's law,

The Attempt at a Solution

My first try at a gave me the answer -41.80 degrees as the angle of diffraction. I assumed that the incoming angle (from the laser to the glass of the aquarium) was 90, then used snell's law to calculate the angle at which the laser bent, which was 41.81 degrees. I used 41.81 degrees in the diffraction gradient equation I provided above and got my theta2 to be equal to -41.80 degrees.

I know I probably went wrong assuming that the incoming angle was 90, and I also noticed that theta1 and theta2 were very similar which is not usually the case for diffraction gradient problems.

If someone could even just point me in the right direction, I would be very appreciative. For reference, the correct answers to this problem are a. 23.3 degrees and b. 16.6 degrees. Thank you in advance!
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  • #2
Welcome to PF!
Sarah Hallsway said:
I assumed that the incoming angle (from the laser to the glass of the aquarium) was 90, then used snell's law to calculate the angle at which the laser bent, which was 41.81 degrees.
If the laser light hits the glass of the aquarium perpendicularly to the glass, what is the angle of incidence of the laser light that you would use in Snell's law?
  • #3
TSny said:
Welcome to PF!

If the laser light hits the glass of the aquarium perpendicularly to the glass, what is the angle of incidence of the laser light that you would use in Snell's law?

Oh, it would be 0, right? When I use 0 for theta0 in snell's law, I get that theta1 also equals 0, and when I put that into the equation m(lambda)=d(sin(theta1)+sin(theta2)), I get an extremely small value for the first order diffraction angle (theta2). Where am I going wrong?

Also, is the diffraction grating on the bottom of the tank or on the sides? In other words, is the laser pointer parallel to the diffraction grating or perpendicular?
  • #4
Sarah Hallsway said:
Oh, it would be 0, right?
When I use 0 for theta0 in snell's law, I get that theta1 also equals 0,
I'm not sure what angle theta1 refers to.
and when I put that into the equation m(lambda)=d(sin(theta1)+sin(theta2)), I get an extremely small value for the first order diffraction angle (theta2). Where am I going wrong?
Can you explain the meaning of theta1 and theta2?

Also, is the diffraction grating on the bottom of the tank or on the sides? In other words, is the laser pointer parallel to the diffraction grating or perpendicular?
I would assume that the laser beam hits the grating at right angles to the plane of the grating.

FAQ: Diffraction grating problem involving Snell's Law

1. What is a diffraction grating?

A diffraction grating is an optical device that consists of a large number of closely spaced parallel lines or grooves, which are etched or ruled onto a flat surface. These lines act as a series of closely spaced slits that can diffract light into its component wavelengths.

2. How does a diffraction grating work?

A diffraction grating works by causing constructive and destructive interference of light waves that pass through the slits or grooves. As the light passes through the grating, it is diffracted into multiple beams that are separated based on their wavelength, producing a spectrum of colors. This is due to the different wavelengths of light interfering with each other in a predictable way.

3. What is Snell's Law and how does it relate to diffraction gratings?

Snell's Law is a principle in optics that describes the relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction when light passes through different mediums. In the case of diffraction gratings, Snell's Law explains how the angle of diffraction is related to the wavelength of light and the spacing of the grating lines.

4. How do you calculate the angle of diffraction using Snell's Law?

To calculate the angle of diffraction, you can use the formula: nλ = d(sinθ + sinψ), where n is the order of the diffraction, λ is the wavelength of the incident light, d is the spacing between the grating lines, θ is the angle of incidence, and ψ is the angle of diffraction. This formula is derived from Snell's Law and is used to determine the angle at which a specific wavelength of light will be diffracted by the grating.

5. What are some real-world applications of diffraction gratings?

Diffraction gratings have a wide range of applications in various fields, including spectroscopy, telecommunications, and astronomy. They are used to separate and analyze different wavelengths of light, which is essential in fields such as chemistry, physics, and biology. They are also used in the design of optical instruments, such as telescopes and cameras, to improve resolution and image quality.

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