Diffusion in different regions

  • Thread starter bobred
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In summary, the general solution for the diffusion equations in each region is an even function and in 2 that is physically meaningful.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A slab of radioactive material of thickness L lies in the x-y plane surrounded by a material that can be thought of as extending to +/- infinity from -L/2 and +L/2. The system is in steady. Find the general solution for the diffusion equations in each region(ok). Find the form of the general solution in Region 1 that is an even function and in 2 that is physically meaningful(ok). Find the general solution that satisifes the boundary conditions(?)

Homework Equations

Region 1
[tex]0=D_1 \frac{\partial^2 c}{\partial x^2}+H[/tex]
for [itex]\left| z \right|<L/2[/itex]
Region 2
[tex]0=D_2 \frac{\partial^2 c}{\partial x^2}-Rc[/tex]
for [itex]\left| z \right|>L/2[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

The general steady state solutions for each region are
[tex]c=Ce^{\lambda z}+De^{-\lambda z}[/tex]
[itex]\lambda=\pm \sqrt{\frac{R}{D_2}} [/itex]

In region 1 to be even A=0, for region 2 the concentration must tend to zero as z approaches +/- infinity, so


De^{-\lambda z} & z>\tfrac{L}{2}\\
Ce^{\lambda z} & z<-\tfrac{L}{2}

The flux is the same on both sides and concentration continuous. I am having difficultly picturing these, what is happening at z=0 and z=+/-L/2.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
At the outer boundaries, are they nonreentrant, i.e., once a particle leaves, it's gone, so there is no return current.

What is the boundary condition at the interface? Think about the current.
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Likes bobred
  • #3
At z = L/2, ##D_1\frac{dc}{dz} = -\frac{HL}{2}##. This is the other boundary condition that follows from integrating the differential equation once.

Also, at z > L/2, express c as : ##c(z) = Ec^{-λ(z-\frac{L}{2})}##

The mass fluxes in the two regions must match at z = L/2.

The continuity of concentration at the boundary gives:

Physically, what's happening is that, by symmetry, there is no mass flow across the boundary z = 0, and all the mass generated between z = 0 and z = L/2 has to pass through the boundary at L/2. This is HL/2. This mass flow is then reacted away in the region beyond z = L/2.

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  • #4
Just seen your replies.
I ended up down the lines you have mentioned. Needed to think about the flux at the boundary and the equations being continuous at the boundary.

FAQ: Diffusion in different regions

1. What is diffusion?

Diffusion is the process by which molecules or particles move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, in order to reach a state of equilibrium.

2. What factors affect diffusion in different regions?

The rate of diffusion can be affected by factors such as the temperature, the size and type of molecules or particles, and the presence of barriers or obstacles.

3. How does temperature affect diffusion?

An increase in temperature typically leads to an increase in the rate of diffusion, as it provides more energy for molecules to move and collide with each other.

4. How does the size and type of molecules affect diffusion?

Smaller and lighter molecules tend to diffuse more quickly than larger and heavier molecules, as they can move more easily through spaces between other molecules. The type of molecules, such as their shape and polarity, can also affect diffusion.

5. How does diffusion occur in different regions?

Diffusion can occur in different regions through various processes, such as simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and osmosis. These processes involve the movement of molecules or particles across a membrane or through a medium, depending on the concentration gradient.
