Diffusion Limited Aggregation Matlab

In summary: Calculate the mean displacement of the particles in the system and compare it to zero to determine if the system is in equilibrium.In summary, the conversation discusses a project involving DLA on matlab, specifically creating a system of 100 particles with 100 time steps and investigating when particles join a cluster. The pseudocode involves generating random numbers, calculating distances between particles, and plotting resulting clusters to determine equilibrium. The individual is unsure if they have included enough information and is open to further suggestions.
  • #1
Hello, I got this project to show DLA on matlab. I have to write up the pseudocode, which is basically just a code explaining the bare bones of the solution. It contains no coding. I'm just wondering if I have enough information or if I'm running low. Its the first time I heard of DLA so I'm not sure if my pseudocode is good.

Create a system of 100 particles with 100 time steps. A (0,0) empty matrix particle. 51 x 51 matrix of zeros. Plot the trajectory. The mean displacement is zero. Generate random numbers using the 'rand' function in matlab. Insert the first particle seed. This lands and stays. At the origin generate a particle some distance away. Within 10 steps of the origin. This is randomly selected. A 2d random walk is created, to create the random motion of the particles. The second part is to investigate when the particle joins a cluster.

I don't know if I've described as well as I good above but I'm new to this topic. Any help is appreciated.
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  • #2
Your pseudocode looks good so far. Here are some additional steps that you may want to consider adding:1. Calculate the distance between the particle seed and any other particles in the system.2. If the distance is less than a certain threshold, the particle is considered to be part of the cluster.3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the particle has joined the cluster or the maximum number of time steps has been reached.4. Plot the resulting cluster.5. Move on to the next particle seed and repeat steps 1-4 until all particles have been processed.
  • #3

Hi there,

It looks like you have a good start on your pseudocode for the Diffusion Limited Aggregation (DLA) project in Matlab. Here are a few suggestions to improve and clarify your approach:

1. Specify the dimensions of your system: Instead of just mentioning a 51x51 matrix, it would be helpful to specify the dimensions of your system as a whole. For example, the system could be a 2D grid with dimensions 100x100, and each particle can move within this grid.

2. Clarify the steps for particle movement: Instead of just mentioning a 2D random walk, it would be helpful to specify how exactly the particles will move within the grid. For example, will they move one step at a time in a random direction, or will they take larger jumps? This will help in understanding the overall motion of the particles.

3. Define the criteria for particle joining a cluster: It would be helpful to specify the conditions under which a particle will join a cluster. For example, will it join the nearest neighboring particle, or will it join any particle within a certain distance?

4. Consider adding a visualization step: Since the goal of this project is to show DLA on Matlab, it would be helpful to include a step for visualizing the particles and their movement in the grid. This will help in understanding the behavior of the system and how the particles aggregate.

I hope these suggestions are helpful in improving your pseudocode. Good luck with your project!

FAQ: Diffusion Limited Aggregation Matlab

1. What is Diffusion Limited Aggregation (DLA)?

Diffusion Limited Aggregation (DLA) is a mathematical model used to simulate the growth of fractal structures in nature. It is based on the process of random walks, where particles move randomly and aggregate together to form complex patterns.

2. How is DLA simulated in Matlab?

DLA can be simulated in Matlab using a variety of methods, such as implementing the random walk algorithm, using the built-in diffusion function, or using custom code to model particle aggregation and growth. There are also pre-made DLA simulation packages available for download on Matlab File Exchange.

3. What are the applications of DLA in scientific research?

DLA has been used in various fields of study, including physics, chemistry, biology, and materials science. It can be used to study diffusion processes, fractal growth patterns, and self-assembly phenomena. DLA has also been applied in computer graphics, where it is used to generate realistic patterns and textures.

4. How does DLA differ from other fractal growth models?

DLA is unique in that it simulates the growth of fractal structures based on diffusion and aggregation, rather than iterative or recursive processes. This allows for more realistic and complex patterns to be generated. Additionally, DLA is highly sensitive to initial conditions, making it unpredictable and chaotic in nature.

5. What are the limitations of DLA in Matlab?

One limitation of using DLA in Matlab is that it can be computationally intensive, especially for larger simulations with many particles. This can result in longer run times and potential memory issues. Additionally, the accuracy of the simulation may be affected by the chosen algorithm and parameters used, so careful selection and testing is necessary for reliable results.

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