Digital Circuits and Best Suited MOSFET for 3.3V

In summary, the discussion revolved around using discrete CMOS components for digital circuits and how to properly read MOSFET datasheets for this purpose. The original poster was also looking for recommendations on which MOSFET models are commonly used for digital circuits with 3.3V Vdd and through-hole components. The conversation also touched on the availability of low voltage CMOS chips and the importance of a tightly regulated 3.3V supply.
  • #1
Hello everyone,

I wanted to make some digital circuits with discrete CMOS components but I do not know how to read these MOSFET datasheets properly and I have no idea which models are good for these kinds of projects (for a 3.3V as Vdd and with ground). I know the characteristics of MOSFETs (3rd year electrical engineering student level) but I do not know the "standard" MOSFETs that would be used in the real world for building digital circuits.

I am planning to etch my own circuit board (I have decent amount of experience with Eagle CAD and soldering) for these digital circuits so discrete through-hole components is very important.

Any information regarding which MOSFET models are often used for digital circuits for voltages around 3.3V would be great!

Thank you.
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  • #2
Hi helloworld5.

Datasheets will tell you the range of Vdd over which logic IC's will work. Scroll halfway down this page and you'll see links to families of low voltage (2.7-3.6V) CMOS. I don't know how easy it will be to get those specialist chips. Ordinary CMOS seems to be rated for Vdd down to 3.0V. Will your 3.3V supply be tightly regulated?
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FAQ: Digital Circuits and Best Suited MOSFET for 3.3V

1. What is a digital circuit?

A digital circuit is an electronic circuit that operates using a binary system, where signals are represented by ones and zeros. It processes and stores information in a digital format, making it ideal for computing and communication systems.

2. How does a digital circuit work?

A digital circuit works by using transistors, which act as switches to control the flow of electricity. These transistors are arranged in specific configurations to perform logical operations, such as AND, OR, and NOT. By combining these operations, a digital circuit can perform complex tasks and process information.

3. What is a MOSFET and how is it used in digital circuits?

MOSFET stands for Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor. It is a type of transistor that is commonly used in digital circuits as a switch to control the flow of electricity. MOSFETs are preferred for their low power consumption, high switching speeds, and small size, making them ideal for use in digital circuits.

4. What is the best-suited MOSFET for 3.3V circuits?

The best-suited MOSFET for 3.3V circuits would be a low threshold voltage (Vt) MOSFET. This type of MOSFET has a lower Vt value, which means it can be turned on and off with a lower voltage, making it suitable for 3.3V circuits. Additionally, it should have a high drain current and low drain-source resistance (RDS(on)) to ensure efficient performance.

5. Why is 3.3V a commonly used voltage in digital circuits?

3.3V is a commonly used voltage in digital circuits because it is a standard voltage level for electronic devices and components. It is also higher than the minimum threshold voltage required for most digital circuit components to function properly. Therefore, using 3.3V as the power supply for digital circuits ensures compatibility and reliable performance.
