Dilute O($n$) Model & Potts Model: Critical Properties

In summary, the conversation discussed the relationship between the Potts model and various other mathematical concepts, including the kagome lattice, quantum gravity, and the Virasoro algebra. It was suggested that the Potts model could be used to study critical behavior in these other systems, and that further insights could be gained by studying the relationships between them. The Virasoro algebra, in particular, was highlighted as a key player in these connections, with its representations and extensions playing important roles in understanding the connections between different mathematical structures.
  • #1
Has anyone here worked with the Potts model so that they can explain why these two papers, which seem so unrelated can use the same model.
Critical properties of a dilute O($n$) model on the kagome lattice
Authors: Biao Li, Wenan Guo, Henk W.J. Blöte
(Submitted on 17 May 2008)
A critical dilute O($n$) model on the kagome lattice is investigated analytically and numerically. We employ a number of exact equivalences which, in a few steps, link the critical O($n$) spin model on the kagome lattice to the exactly solvable critical $q$-state Potts model on the honeycomb lattice with $q=(n+1)^2$.
Shaken, but not stirred – Potts model coupled to quantum gravity
Authors: J. Ambjorn, K.N. Anagnostopoulos, R. Loll, I. Pushkina
(Submitted on 21 Jun 2008)
We investigate the critical behaviour of both matter and geometry of the three-state Potts model coupled to two-dimensional Lorentzian quantum gravity in the framework of causal dynamical triangulations
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I think that I’ve found the answer to my question and more.
I also, got a better understanding of what Garrett could be trying to do with E8.
Geee! … I might be helping everyone with their learning curve.

So … The Kagome lattice finds a relationship to the Potts model
…. casual dynamic triangulations and quantum gravity finds a relationship with Potts model because of Virasoro Algebra

…. So …now … I watch and learn from the “math kid” …. They should be able to see the relationships that I cannot.
m = 5: c = 4/5. There are 10 representations, which are related to the 3-state Potts model.
m = 6: c = 6/7. There are 15 representations, which are related to the tri critical 3-state Potts model.
The Virasoro Algebra and Some Exceptional Lie and Finite Groups
Michael P. Tuite
Department of Mathematical Physics, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Received October 09, 2006, in final form December 16, 2006; Published online January 08, 2007
Way back when Baez had the following comment:
October 23, 1998
• the Virasoro algebra (which is closely related to the Lie algebra of the group of conformal transformations, and has a representation on the Hilbert space of states of any conformal field theory),
• minimal models (roughly, conformal field theories whose Hilbert space is built from finitely many irreducible representations of the Virasoro algebra),
Richard Block was also the first to write anything about what's now called the Virasoro algebra — a Lie algebra that plays a key role in string theory.
Multi-dimensional Virasoro algebra and quantum gravity
Authors: T. A. Larsson
(Submitted on 17 Sep 2007)
I review the multi-dimensional generalizations of the Virasoro algebra, i.e. the non-central Lie algebra extensions of the algebra vect(N) of general vector fields in N dimensions, and its Fock representations. Being the Noether symmetry of background independent theories such as N-dimensional general relativity, this algebra is expected to be relevant to the quantization of gravity. To this end, more complicated modules which depend on dynamics in the form of Euler-Lagrange equations are described. These modules can apparently only be interpreted as quantum fields if spacetime has four dimensions and both bosons and fermions are present.
  • #3

The dilute O($n$) model and Potts model are two mathematical models used to study critical phenomena, such as phase transitions, in statistical mechanics. Both models have been extensively studied and have been found to exhibit similar critical properties. This can be explained by the fact that the two models are actually closely related to each other.

The paper by Li, Guo, and Blöte (2008) investigates the critical properties of a dilute O($n$) model on the kagome lattice. They use a number of exact equivalences to connect the critical O($n$) spin model on the kagome lattice to the exactly solvable critical $q$-state Potts model on the honeycomb lattice. This means that the two models are equivalent at their critical points, and thus they exhibit the same critical properties.

Similarly, the paper by Ambjorn et al. (2008) also explores the critical behavior of the Potts model, but in a different context. They couple the Potts model to two-dimensional Lorentzian quantum gravity and study the critical behavior of both matter and geometry. They find that the critical behavior of the Potts model is in agreement with the critical behavior of the dilute O($n$) model, further supporting the idea that these two models are closely related.

In summary, the dilute O($n$) model and Potts model are two different models that can be connected through exact equivalences. This means that they exhibit the same critical properties, despite seemingly unrelated contexts. This highlights the power and versatility of these models in studying critical phenomena in statistical mechanics.

FAQ: Dilute O($n$) Model & Potts Model: Critical Properties

What is the Dilute O($n$) Model?

The Dilute O($n$) Model is a mathematical model used in statistical physics to describe the behavior of phase transitions in systems with a large number of components. It is a simplification of the more complex O($n$) model, where each component interacts with all others equally. In the dilute version, only a small subset of components interact with each other, while the rest are non-interacting.

What is the Potts Model?

The Potts Model is another mathematical model used in statistical physics to describe phase transitions. It is based on the Ising Model, but allows for more than two possible states for each component. It is commonly used to study the behavior of magnetism, as well as other phenomena such as percolation and social dynamics.

What are the critical properties of the Dilute O($n$) Model & Potts Model?

The critical properties of these models refer to the specific values of temperature and other parameters at which a phase transition occurs. These include the critical temperature, critical exponents, and order parameter, which describe the behavior of the system near the transition point. Understanding these properties is crucial in studying the behavior of physical systems and predicting their behavior under different conditions.

How do the Dilute O($n$) Model & Potts Model differ?

The main difference between these two models is the type of interactions between components. In the Dilute O($n$) Model, only a small subset of components interact with each other, while the rest are non-interacting. In the Potts Model, all components interact, but with different strengths depending on their state. This leads to different phase transition behaviors and critical properties for each model.

What real-world applications do the Dilute O($n$) Model & Potts Model have?

These models have been used in various fields, including physics, chemistry, biology, and social sciences, to study phase transitions and critical phenomena. They have also been applied to practical problems, such as predicting the behavior of materials under different conditions and understanding the spread of diseases in populations. Additionally, the Potts Model has been used in image processing and computer vision tasks, such as image segmentation and feature extraction.
