Dimensionality of total angular momentum space

In general, for two particles with spin ##s_1## and ##s_2##, the allowed values for j are\begin{align*}j_{\text{min}} &= |s_1 - s_2| \\j_{\text{max}} &= s_1 + s_2\end{align*}For two spin-1/2 particles, ##s_1 = s_2 = 1/2##, so the allowed values of j are \begin{align*}j_{\text{min}} &= |1/2 - 1/2| = 0 \\j_{\text{max}} &= 1/2 + 1
  • #1

Homework Statement

There are 2 electrons, one with n=1, l=0 and the other with n=2, l=1. The question asks what is the dimensionality of total angular momentum space.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I know for 2 electrons (spin 1/2 each) the possible values of total spin are s=0 or s=1.
the total angular momentum is l=0 + l=1 = 1 (right?)
So does this mean that j1 = 1+0 and j2 = 1+1
which gives a dimensionality of (2(1) +1)(2(2) +1) = 15??
The number seems a little off to me, perhaps the equation I have for dimensionality is incorrect?
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  • #2
Take the s=0, l=1 combination. Your formula says there are (2s+1)(2l+1) = 3 total states. Those states are
&\vert s=0,\ m_s=0;\ l=1,\ m_l=1\rangle \\
&\vert s=0,\ m_s=0;\ l=1,\ m_l=0\rangle \\
&\vert s=0,\ m_s=0;\ l=1,\ m_l=-1\rangle.
\end{align*}The other way to look at it is to sum the angular momenta together, ##\vec{J} = \vec{S} + \vec{L}##. According to the rules of addition of angular momenta, there is only a single allowed value for j, namely j=1, so there are 2j+1 = 3 states, corresponding to mj = 1, 0, and -1. Either way you get three states.

Now you do the s=1, l=1 combination. What are the allowed values of j?
  • #3
vela said:
Take the s=0, l=1 combination. Your formula says there are (2s+1)(2l+1) = 3 total states. Those states are
&\vert s=0,\ m_s=0;\ l=1,\ m_l=1\rangle \\
&\vert s=0,\ m_s=0;\ l=1,\ m_l=0\rangle \\
&\vert s=0,\ m_s=0;\ l=1,\ m_l=-1\rangle.
\end{align*}The other way to look at it is to sum the angular momenta together, ##\vec{J} = \vec{S} + \vec{L}##. According to the rules of addition of angular momenta, there is only a single allowed value for j, namely j=1, so there are 2j+1 = 3 states, corresponding to mj = 1, 0, and -1. Either way you get three states.

Now you do the s=1, l=1 combination. What are the allowed values of j?

So if I understand correctly, j= l+s = 2 for l=1, s=1 which means that the possible values of [itex]m_{j}[/itex] are -2,-1,0,1,2 which gives the possible states of:
&\vert s=1,\ m_s=-1;\ l=1,\ m_l=1\rangle \\
&\vert s=1,\ m_s=-1;\ l=1,\ m_l=0\rangle \\
&\vert s=1,\ m_s=-1;\ l=1,\ m_l=-1\rangle \\
&\vert s=1,\ m_s=0;\ l=1,\ m_l=1\rangle \\
&\vert s=1,\ m_s=0;\ l=1,\ m_l=0\rangle \\
&\vert s=1,\ m_s=0;\ l=1,\ m_l=-1\rangle \\
&\vert s=1,\ m_s=1;\ l=1,\ m_l=1\rangle \\
&\vert s=1,\ m_s=1;\ l=1,\ m_l=0\rangle \\
&\vert s=1,\ m_s=1;\ l=1,\ m_l=-1\rangle.

which gives 9 states total... (including the 3 states in the middle there which are the same as the ones given by s=0)
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  • #4
No, that's not correct. I think you need to go back and study the addition of angular momenta as you seem to have some basic misunderstandings about angular momentum in quantum mechanics.
  • #5
I just re-edited my 2nd post there, i confused [itex]m_{j}[/itex] with [itex]m_{s}[/itex], but I know that for s=1 [itex]m_{s}[/itex] is -1,0,1 which combined with [itex]m_{l}[/itex] =-1,0,1 gives 9 states in total including the 3 given by s=0 right?
  • #6
Yes, there are nine states. (You meant ms and ml, not mj.)

But think about this. If j=2, then mj can be -2, -1, 0, 1, 2. That's five states. What are the other four in the |j mj> basis?
  • #7
Would those be the case where only one spin is taken into account aka s=1/2, -1/2
which gives [itex]m_{j}[/itex]= -3/2, -1/2, 1/2, 3/2

also, just to clarify, the only possible values for j are 1 and 2 right?
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  • #8
xago said:
Would those be the case where only one spin is taken into account aka s=1/2, -1/2
which gives [itex]m_{j}[/itex]= -3/2, -1/2, 1/2, 3/2

also, just to clarify, the only possible values for j are 1 and 2 right?

FAQ: Dimensionality of total angular momentum space

1. What is the dimensionality of total angular momentum space?

The dimensionality of total angular momentum space is given by the total number of possible quantum states that can arise from the combination of orbital angular momentum and spin angular momentum. This can be calculated using the formula: (2l+1) x (2s+1), where l is the maximum orbital angular momentum quantum number and s is the maximum spin quantum number.

2. How is the dimensionality of total angular momentum space related to the number of electrons in an atom?

The dimensionality of total angular momentum space is directly related to the number of electrons in an atom. This is because each electron in an atom occupies a unique quantum state in the total angular momentum space, and the total number of electrons determines the maximum values of l and s, thus determining the dimensionality of the space.

3. Does the dimensionality of total angular momentum space change for different types of atoms?

Yes, the dimensionality of total angular momentum space can vary for different types of atoms. This is because the maximum values of l and s can differ for different atoms, leading to a different number of possible quantum states and thus a different dimensionality of the space.

4. How does the dimensionality of total angular momentum space impact atomic properties?

The dimensionality of total angular momentum space plays a crucial role in determining atomic properties such as energy levels, spectral lines, and magnetic moments. This is because the allowed quantum states in the space determine the allowed transitions and interactions between the electrons in an atom.

5. Can the dimensionality of total angular momentum space be altered or manipulated?

Yes, the dimensionality of total angular momentum space can be altered or manipulated under certain conditions. For example, in atoms with high spin, the dimensionality of the space can be reduced due to spin-orbit coupling. Additionally, in systems with strong magnetic fields, the dimensionality of the space can be modified through the Zeeman effect.
