Dino-might exhibit of Chinese fossils at OMSI

In summary, the conversation revolved around a recent visit to the exhibit of Chinese fossils at OMSI, where animatronic versions of the fossils were on display. The conversation also touched on other fossil displays, such as a T-rex head in downtown DC, and the fascination with dinosaurs and paleontology.
  • #1
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We went to see the exhibit of Chinese fossils at OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) this last weekend, and I thought I'd share some photos. along with the fossils, they had some animatronic versions.



No, not a T-rex but a Tarbosaurus:

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  • #2
Cool. Hmmmm, we haven't been to OMSI for quite a long time.
  • #3
You know, they have a T-rex head downtown in DC. Its nothing as big as Jurassic Park, what jip off! I want a mega T-rex with a head the size of a Jeep!

Actually, I was surprised how small they are. However, its really cool thing to see though. You have to use your imagination and try to picture them with skin though.
  • #4
Janus, your in Oregon too? I love OMSI, especially the labs they have, like the chemistry one. My little (turns 8 this year, so not so little any more) cousin is addicted. My aunt and uncle have to take him like once a month (they're only in Battleground, WA so...yeah)
  • #5
Cool creatures. Wonder how many are still laying somewhere.
  • #6
Well, I'm from the dinosaur capital of the known universe (southern Alberta), but I must admit that you have a mighty impressive display there.

Related to Dino-might exhibit of Chinese fossils at OMSI

1. What types of fossils are included in the Dino-might exhibit?

The Dino-might exhibit at OMSI features a wide variety of Chinese fossils, including skeletons and casts of dinosaurs, ancient fish, amphibians, and even insects.

2. How were the fossils collected and preserved?

The fossils in the Dino-might exhibit were collected by paleontologists on expeditions to China. They were then carefully excavated, cleaned, and preserved using techniques such as molding and casting to create accurate replicas of the original fossils.

3. What can visitors learn about Chinese dinosaurs from this exhibit?

The Dino-might exhibit showcases some of the most iconic and well-studied dinosaurs from China, such as the famous Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops. Visitors can learn about the unique features and behaviors of these dinosaurs, as well as the environment they lived in millions of years ago.

4. Are there any interactive elements in the Dino-might exhibit?

Yes, there are several interactive elements in the exhibit, including a fossil touch table where visitors can feel and examine real fossils, and a virtual reality experience where visitors can explore a prehistoric landscape and interact with dinosaurs.

5. How long will the Dino-might exhibit be at OMSI?

The Dino-might exhibit is a permanent exhibit at OMSI, so visitors can enjoy it for years to come. However, some fossils may be rotated out for conservation purposes, so it is best to check the OMSI website for any updates on the exhibit's content.

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