D'Inverno derivation of Schwarzschild solution

In summary, D'Inverno's Introducing Einstein's Relativity, on page 187, explains how to reduce the metric to non-zero components: g_{00}= e^{h(t)}(1-2m/r), g_{11}=-(1-2m/r)^{-1}, g_{22}=-r^2, and g_{33}=-r^2\sin^2\theta. This is achieved through a time coordinate transformation by making e^{h(t')}=1, so h(t')=0. The relation used is t'=\int^t_c e^{\frac{1}{2}h(u)}du, where c is an arbitrary constant. This integral is chosen to
  • #1
If you happen to have D'Inverno's Introducing Einstein's Relativity, this is on page 187. He has reduced the metric to non-zero components:
[itex]g_{00}= e^{h(t)}(1-2m/r)[/itex]
The final step is a time coordinate transformation that reduces [itex]g_{00}[/itex] to [itex]1-2m/r[/itex]. This is achieved by making [itex]e^{h(t')}=1[/itex], so [itex]h(t')=0[/itex]. He does this with the relation
[itex]t'=\int^t_c e^{\frac{1}{2}h(u)}du[/itex], c is an arbitrary constant
I suppose that, since c is arbitrary, I can assign whatever value to c to make [itex]h(t')=0[/itex], but why use this particular integral as the relation between t and t'? Is there something special about this integral?
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  • #2
This is pretty easy. You want (1 - 2m/r) dt'2 = eh(t)(1 - 2m/r) dt2, so take dt' = eh(t)/2 dt
  • #3
Ah, OK...but why would the relation not be [itex]t'=\int e^{h(t)/2}dt[/itex]? Instead, they have it as a definite integral from c to t.

FAQ: D'Inverno derivation of Schwarzschild solution

1. What is the D'Inverno derivation of the Schwarzschild solution?

The D'Inverno derivation is a mathematical process used to derive the Schwarzschild solution, which is a solution to Einstein's field equations in general relativity. This solution describes the gravitational field outside a spherical, non-rotating mass, such as a black hole.

2. Who is D'Inverno and why is his derivation important?

Raymond D'Inverno is a British physicist who developed a method for deriving the Schwarzschild solution using the concept of the metric tensor. His derivation is important because it provides a clear and concise mathematical explanation for the Schwarzschild solution, which is a key component of general relativity and our understanding of gravity.

3. What are the assumptions made in the D'Inverno derivation?

The D'Inverno derivation assumes that the spacetime is static, meaning that it does not change with time, and spherically symmetric, meaning that it looks the same in all directions around a central point. It also assumes that matter is distributed uniformly throughout the spacetime.

4. How does the D'Inverno derivation relate to black holes?

The D'Inverno derivation is used to derive the Schwarzschild solution, which is a solution that accurately describes the gravitational field around a non-rotating, spherically symmetric mass. This solution is often used to describe black holes, which are objects with such a high concentration of mass that their gravitational pull is strong enough to trap even light.

5. Are there any limitations to the D'Inverno derivation?

One limitation of the D'Inverno derivation is that it only applies to spherically symmetric and static spacetimes. This means it cannot be used to describe objects that are rotating or have irregular shapes. Additionally, the derivation assumes a uniform distribution of matter, which may not always be the case in real-world scenarios.

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