Dipole magnitude and direction (21.67)

In summary, Homework Equations:-The total electric field is the sum of the electric fields caused by the two charges.-The dipole moment is the difference of the two charges' charges.-The attempt at a solution for Part A was to simplify the equation.-In Part B, the attempt was to find the electric field at a point that is in the opposite direction of the dipole moment vector.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

Total electric field = Electric field caused by Q_1 + electric field caused by Q_2
##\vec{e} = \vec{e_1}+\vec{e_2}##
Dipole moment = ##P = Ql##

The Attempt at a Solution


**For Part A**
##\vec{E} = \vec{E_1}+\vec{E_2}##
The charges are opposite so it will be a difference, not a sum.
##\frac{KQ}{(R+\frac{l}{2})^2} - \frac{KQ}{(R-\frac{l}{2})^2}##
Define ##A=(R+\frac{l}{2})^2 ## and ##B=(R-\frac{l}{2})^2##
Then ##\frac{KQ}{A} - \frac{KQ}{B}##
After simplification, ##AB=R^4 + \frac {(R^2) (l^2)}{2}-R^2 l^2 + \frac{l^4}{4}## and ##B-A=-2Rl##
I didn't get the answer above in part A. Maybe my algebra is wrong or something else?

**Now for Part B**
I feel that ##\vec{E}## should be in the opposite direction of the dipole moment vector (DMP). In the picture above, if the neg charge is on the left and the pos on the right, then the dmp points to the left, but the field at the point points to the right, is this correct? Something similar will happen if we switch the positions of the two charges?

THANK you very much!
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  • #2
Must say I can't understand the problem statement. You have the correct answers in front of you ?

I didn't get the answer above in part A
For R >> l you can ignore terms like R2l2 aside R4.

if the neg charge is on the left and the pos on the right, then the dmp points to the left
No, it points to the right.
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  • #3
BvU said:
No, it points to the right.
Yes you are right. I read the textbook and the Dipole Moment points from the neg charge to the positive one.
So I understand part B. But what about part A?
  • #4
Well, what do you get if you only keep the R4 in the denominator of ##
| \vec{E}\, | =\frac{KQ(B-A)}{AB} ## ?

[edit] by the way, ##(r+l/2)^2(r-l/2)^2 = (r^2-l^2/4)^2 = r^4 -r^2l^2/2+l^4/4## [edit]2 never mind, that's just what you wrote...

FAQ: Dipole magnitude and direction (21.67)

1. What is dipole magnitude?

Dipole magnitude refers to the strength or intensity of a dipole moment, which is a measure of the separation of positive and negative charges in a molecule or particle.

2. How is dipole magnitude measured?

Dipole magnitude is typically measured in units of Debye (D), named after Peter Debye who first introduced the concept. One Debye is equal to 3.33564 x 10^-30 Coulomb-meters (C·m).

3. What is the direction of a dipole moment?

The direction of a dipole moment is always from the negative charge towards the positive charge. This is because the negative charge has a higher electron density and therefore a higher electronegativity, causing it to pull the shared electrons closer to itself.

4. How is the direction of a dipole moment represented?

The direction of a dipole moment is typically represented using an arrow pointing from the negative charge to the positive charge, with the length of the arrow indicating the magnitude of the dipole moment.

5. What factors affect the dipole magnitude and direction?

The dipole magnitude and direction of a molecule or particle can be affected by several factors, including the difference in electronegativity between atoms, the shape of the molecule, and the distribution of charge within the molecule.
