Dirac Delta Function Potential (One Dimension)

In summary, the conversation discusses various potentials that are studied in quantum mechanics, such as harmonic oscillators, infinite and finite square wells, and free particles. The dirac delta function potential is also mentioned, which corresponds to an infinitely thin impenetrable wall in classical physics. While the other potentials have real-life situations that resemble them, the importance of the dirac delta function potential in quantum mechanics is not immediately clear. However, it is useful for studying transmission and reflection coefficients without the analytical complexity of other potentials. The conversation ends with a discussion about a problem involving the calculation of reflection coefficients for a finite step potential and the differences between classical and quantum states.
  • #1
Alright, I'm in my first QM course right now, and one of the topics we've looked at is solving the one-dimensional time-independent Schrodinger equation for various potentials, such as the harmonic oscillators, infinite and finite square wells, free particles, and last, but not least, the dirac delta function potential.

For each of these, with the exception of the dirac delta function, I can think of real-life situations that somewhat resemble these potentials. With the harmonic oscillator, we've got diatomic molecules. The potential wells are basically like containers. And free particles are obvious. (Well, these potentials are very rough ideas of what those real life situations would look like.)

But when it comes to the dirac delta function potential, I don't know of any real life situations that resemble it, and thus I cannot figure out why it is important to study it. The book we're using (Griffiths) doesn't seem to explain this. I asked my professor about this, but as I sit here during spring break while trying to think about his response, I guess I didn't really understand it or was satisfied with it. Come to think of it, it was so loaded that I don't even remember what the response was at this point!

So perhaps I could get some enlightenment on this issue here?
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  • #2
essentially the delta potential corresponds to an infinitely thin impenetrable wall classically.

it becomes important in qm as it allows you to look at things like transmission and reflection coefficients without a lot of the analytic clutter which comes with solving something like a finite step potential or a finite square well.
  • #3
CPL.Luke said:
it becomes important in qm as it allows you to look at things like transmission and reflection coefficients without a lot of the analytic clutter which comes with solving something like a finite step potential or a finite square well.

Hmm, I guess that makes sense. I suppose that's why Griffiths begins the topic with a discussion on the difference between classical states (bounded, unbounded, scattering) and quantum ones.

On the other hand, with problem #2.34, he has us calculate the reflection coefficients for the finite step potential on our own. But such is the way of textbooks; they do the easy problems for examples and make you do the hard ones.

Anyway, thanks for the answer.
  • #4
thas odd in my copy of griffiths he dos the finite step potential in the next session, calculating the reflection and transmission coefficients for such a potential is ather difficult and can take a very long time.
  • #5
CPL.Luke said:
thas odd in my copy of griffiths he dos the finite step potential in the next session, calculating the reflection and transmission coefficients for such a potential is ather difficult and can take a very long time.

Really? He does the finite square well after right after the Dirac Delta potential, but then the step potential is left as a problem (#2.34, which is apparently one of those "must do" problems; I've yet to try it). This is the second edition I have. Chapter 2 is pretty lengthy as is, so he might have taken it out and left it as a problem.

FAQ: Dirac Delta Function Potential (One Dimension)

What is the Dirac Delta Function Potential (One Dimension)?

The Dirac Delta Function Potential (One Dimension) is a mathematical concept used in quantum mechanics to describe a potential energy that is concentrated at a single point in space. It is represented by the Dirac delta function, which is a function that is zero everywhere except at the point where it is infinite. This potential is often used to model point particles or point-like interactions.

How is the Dirac Delta Function Potential (One Dimension) used in physics?

The Dirac Delta Function Potential (One Dimension) is used to model point-like interactions between particles or to represent the potential energy of a point particle. It is also used to describe scattering processes and bound states in quantum mechanics. In classical mechanics, the Dirac delta function potential can be used to model a point mass or a point charge.

What are the properties of the Dirac Delta Function Potential (One Dimension)?

The Dirac Delta Function Potential (One Dimension) has several important properties, including being infinitely tall at the point of interaction, and having an area under the curve of 1. It is also symmetric around the point of interaction and has a value of zero everywhere except at the point where it is infinite. Additionally, the Dirac delta function potential is used to represent a localized force or potential energy.

How is the Dirac Delta Function Potential (One Dimension) related to the Dirac Delta Function?

The Dirac Delta Function Potential (One Dimension) is a specific application of the Dirac delta function, which is a mathematical concept used to represent a point-like source or interaction in physics. In the case of the Dirac Delta Function Potential (One Dimension), the delta function is used to represent a potential energy that is concentrated at a single point in space.

What are some real-world examples of the Dirac Delta Function Potential (One Dimension)?

The Dirac Delta Function Potential (One Dimension) has various real-world applications, including modeling the potential energy of a point particle in classical mechanics, representing point-like interactions between particles in quantum mechanics, and describing localized forces in engineering and physics problems. It is also used to model point charges in electrostatics and point masses in celestial mechanics.

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