What is the integral of a square of Dirac delta function?

In summary, the problem involves finding the integral of a squared delta function, which does not have a well-defined answer and may not make sense. Some approaches involve using finite approximations and taking the limit, or using shifty physics logic.
  • #1
Just some guy

Homework Statement

Hi there, I'm stuck at a problem where I have (sorry i don't know how to use mathtype so I'll try my best at making this clear) the integral of a dirac delta function squared:

int[delta(x*-x)^2] between minus infinity and infinity (x*=constant)

I know that the function equals x*(int[delta(x)^2]) but I'm at a bit of a loss as to why :/

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm pretty sure the function int[delta(x-x*)f(x)dx]=f(x*) has something to do with it but I can't quite figure it out.

If f(x)=delta(x-x*) then f(x*)=delta(x*-x*) :? can f(x) even be another delta function?

Thanks for any replies,
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  • #2
I am not a mathematician, but as far as I know int[delta(x)^2] is infinite, hence your integral should also be infinite.

One way to deal with these sort of problems is to replace the delta with a finite approximant and take the limit as the function width goes to zero.
  • #3
This integral diverges. Perhaps the problem was for [tex]\delta(x^2-x*^2)[/tex].
  • #4
pam said:
This integral diverges. Perhaps the problem was for [tex]\delta(x^2-x*^2)[/tex].

The question asked is actually for the square of the delta function, not its argument.

The problem with the square of a delta function is that by the property

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} dx f(x) \delta(x - x_0) = f(x_0)[/tex]

one would expect the answer to be the delta function at x_0 if one just blindly substitutes the delta function for f(x) there, but since the delta function is not really defined outside of an integral, that won't work. So, slightly less naively than that I would say there is no well defined answer and that integral just doesn't make sense. I believe I once found a pdf somewhere on the internet that stated that.

However, I once asked my supervisor about this, and he gave some sort of shifty physicist explanation of it, which I think resulted a result like

[tex]\int_{-L}^{L} dx \delta^2(x) f(x) = 2 \pi L \int_{-L}^{L} dx \delta(x) f(x)[/tex]

where I think he used the Fourier integral representation for one of the delta functions in the first integral. Now, I probably didn't recall this correctly and the RHS is probably wrong, but that was the idea, or something. I know I wasn't really convinced by it, and I think it had something to do with him using a Fourier representation of the delta function using finite limits of +/- L, which I didn't like, so presummably L would be tending to infinity in the above expression. But again, I can't remember what my prof did, and it came off as shifty physics logic, so this may not help you much.
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Related to What is the integral of a square of Dirac delta function?

What is the Dirac delta function squared?

The Dirac delta function squared, denoted as δ2(x), is a mathematical function that represents a point mass at the origin with an area of 1. It is often used in physics and engineering to model impulse or point loads.

What is the value of δ^2(x)?

The value of δ2(x) is 1 at x=0 and 0 everywhere else.

Can the Dirac delta function squared be integrated?

No, the Dirac delta function squared cannot be integrated in the traditional sense. It is a distribution, not a function, and its integral is defined as the area under the curve.

What is the relationship between the Dirac delta function squared and the Dirac delta function?

The Dirac delta function squared is the square of the Dirac delta function. This means that the two functions have the same shape, but the Dirac delta function squared is more concentrated at the origin.

How is the Dirac delta function squared used in applications?

The Dirac delta function squared is commonly used in physics and engineering for modeling point loads or impulses in systems. It is also used in signal processing to represent the response of an idealized system to a single point input.
