Dirac Equation and commutation relations

So he took the Pauli spin matrices and put them in the upper left corner of a 4x4 matrix, and filled in the rest with zeros. That gave him 2x2 blocks on the diagonal, each of which satisfied the first two equations. He then filled in the off-diagonal terms with the identity matrix (since it commutes with everything). Finally, he checked that the 3rd and 4th equations were satisfied.
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

Consider the Dirac Hamiltonian ##\hat H = c \alpha_i \hat p_i + \beta mc^2## . The operator ##\hat J## is defined as ##\hat J_i = \hat L_i + (\hbar/2) \Sigma_i##, where ##\hat L_i = (r \times p)_i## and ##\Sigma_i = \begin{pmatrix} \sigma_i & 0 \\0 & \sigma_i \end{pmatrix}##.

a) Show that ##[\hat H, \hat L] = -i\hbar c (\alpha \times \hat p)##
b) Evaluate ##[\hat H, \Sigma], [\hat H, J]## and thus ##[\hat H, \hat J^2]##.
c)Evalaute ##[\hat H, \Sigma \cdot \Sigma]##

Homework Equations

##[\hat x, \hat p] = i\hbar \delta_{ij}##

It is also given that ##\alpha_j = \begin{pmatrix} -\sigma_j & 0 \\ 0 & \sigma_j \end{pmatrix}## and ##\beta = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & I \\ I & 0 \end{pmatrix},## I the 2x2 identity.

The Attempt at a Solution

a) is fine, for b) I am getting zero for the first commutator there but I believe that to be wrong. Here is what I have:
$$[\hat H, \Sigma] = [c \alpha_j p_j, \Sigma_i] + mc^2[\beta, \Sigma_i] = c[\alpha_j p_j, \Sigma_i],$$ the second commutation relation there vanishes by expanding out the matrices. Then I also argued this was zero because the ##\alpha_j'##s commute with the ##p_j##'s since they are constant complex matrices. So then the whole expression is zero, again by expanding, but I am not sure what I did wrong. My notes say this shouldn't vanish. Thanks!
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  • #2
CAF123 said:

Homework Statement

Consider the Dirac Hamiltonian ##\hat H = c \alpha_i \hat p_i + \beta mc^2## . The operator ##\hat J## is defined as ##\hat J_i = \hat L_i + (\hbar/2) \Sigma_i##, where ##\hat L_i = (r \times p)_i## and ##\Sigma_i = \begin{pmatrix} \sigma_i & 0 \\0 & \sigma_i \end{pmatrix}##.

a) Show that ##[\hat H, \hat L] = -i\hbar c (\alpha \times \hat p)##
b) Evaluate ##[\hat H, \Sigma], [\hat H, J]## and thus ##[\hat H, \hat J^2]##.
c)Evalaute ##[\hat H, \Sigma \cdot \Sigma]##

Homework Equations

##[\hat x, \hat p] = i\hbar \delta_{ij}##

It is also given that ##\alpha_j = \begin{pmatrix} -\sigma_j & 0 \\ 0 & \sigma_j \end{pmatrix}## and ##\beta = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & I \\ I & 0 \end{pmatrix},## I the 2x2 identity.

The Attempt at a Solution

a) is fine, for b) I am getting zero for the first commutator there but I believe that to be wrong. Here is what I have:
$$[\hat H, \Sigma] = [c \alpha_j p_j, \Sigma_i] + mc^2[\beta, \Sigma_i] = c[\alpha_j p_j, \Sigma_i],$$ the second commutation relation there vanishes by expanding out the matrices. Then I also argued this was zero because the ##\alpha_j'##s commute with the ##p_j##'s since they are constant complex matrices. So then the whole expression is zero, again by expanding, but I am not sure what I did wrong. My notes say this shouldn't vanish. Thanks!

[itex][ \alpha_j p_j, \Sigma_k][/itex] is not zero.
  • #3
Hi stevendaryl,
stevendaryl said:
[itex][ \alpha_j p_j, \Sigma_k][/itex] is not zero.
Thanks, I see my error. Perhaps not related to the topic of the thread, but could you explain why the form of the Dirac Hamiltonian is as it is? My notes just posit the form without saying why.
  • #4
CAF123 said:
Hi stevendaryl,

Thanks, I see my error. Perhaps not related to the topic of the thread, but could you explain why the form of the Dirac Hamiltonian is as it is? My notes just posit the form without saying why.

Well, the idea was that he wanted an equation of the form:

[itex]H \psi = E \psi[/itex]

and it had to be consistent with Special Relativity, which means that [itex]E^2 = p^2 c^2 + m^2 c^4[/itex]

That implies that [itex]H = \sqrt{p^2 c^2 + m^2 c^4}[/itex]. But it's really difficult to work with square-roots. Besides that, in SR, energy and momentum are on the same footing, so Dirac reasoned that if the right side is linear in [itex]E[/itex], then the left side should be linear in [itex]p[/itex]. So he just guessed that it had the form:

[itex]H = c \vec{p} \cdot \vec{\alpha} + \beta m c^2[/itex]

for some constant vector [itex]\vec{\alpha}[/itex] and some constant [itex]\beta[/itex]

Since [itex]H^2 \psi = E^2 \psi = (p^2 c^2 + m^2 c^4) \psi[/itex], the constants [itex]\vec{\alpha}[/itex] and [itex]\beta[/itex] had to satisfy certain conditions:

[itex](c \vec{p} \cdot \vec{\alpha} + \beta m c^2)^2 = c^2 \sum_{i j} (p_i p_j) (\alpha_i \alpha_j) + m c^3 \sum_i p_i (\alpha_i \beta + \beta \alpha_i) + m^2 c^4 \beta^2[/itex]

In order for this to equal [itex]c^2 p^2 + m^2 c^4[/itex], it must be that:
  1. [itex]\alpha_i \alpha_j + \alpha_j \alpha_i = 0[/itex] if [itex]i \neq j[/itex]
  2. [itex]\alpha_i \alpha_i = 1[/itex]
  3. [itex]\alpha_i \beta + \beta \alpha_i = 0[/itex]
  4. [itex]\beta^2 = 1[/itex]
The first two equations are obeyed by the Pauli spin matrices, which are 2x2. In order to accommodate the 3rd and 4th equations, he had to go to 4x4 matrices.
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Related to Dirac Equation and commutation relations

What is the Dirac Equation and what does it describe?

The Dirac Equation is a relativistic quantum mechanical wave equation that describes the behavior of fermions, particles with half-integer spin, such as electrons. It combines both quantum mechanics and special relativity to provide a more complete understanding of the behavior of these particles.

What are commutation relations and why are they important in quantum mechanics?

Commutation relations are mathematical equations that describe how two operators, which represent physical observables, interact with each other. In quantum mechanics, these relations are important because they help us understand the uncertainty principle and how measurements of different observables can affect each other.

How do the commutation relations relate to the Dirac Equation?

The commutation relations are important in the Dirac Equation because they help us understand the behavior of fermions, which are described by this equation. In particular, these relations describe how the position and momentum operators of a fermion do not commute, leading to the uncertainty principle.

What is the significance of the anti-commutation relation in the Dirac Equation?

The anti-commutation relation in the Dirac Equation represents the fact that fermions, unlike bosons, cannot occupy the same quantum state. This has important implications for the behavior of fermions in quantum systems, such as the exclusion principle in atomic structure.

How does the Dirac Equation differ from other wave equations, such as the Schrödinger Equation?

The Dirac Equation differs from other wave equations in that it is a relativistic equation, meaning it takes into account the effects of special relativity. This allows it to describe the behavior of particles with high speeds, such as electrons in an atom. It also incorporates spin, a quantum mechanical property that is not included in the Schrödinger Equation.

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