Dirac equation in a central field (Schiff)

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem with a mathematical equation in the book Quantum Mechanics by Schiff. The first equality is fine, but the second one is causing trouble. The goal of the equation is to recover ##(\vec{L} + \frac{1}{2} \hbar \vec{\sigma}')^2 = (\vec{L} + \vec{S})^2 = \vec{J}^2##. The conversation then goes into detail about the attempts at solving the problem and ultimately the missing factor is found to be -hbar times the dot product of the Pauli matrices with the orbital angular momentum. The conversation ends with appreciation for the guidance in finding the solution.
  • #1
Not really a homework problem, but I think it fits better in this section.

Homework Statement

I'm having a problem with eq. (53.12) in the book Quantum Mechanics by Schiff. In the context of the Dirac equation, we have
\hbar^2 k^2 = (\vec{\sigma}' \cdot \vec{L})^2 + 2\hbar (\vec{\sigma}' \cdot \vec{L}) + \hbar^2 = (\vec{L} + \frac{1}{2} \hbar \vec{\sigma}')^2 + \frac{1}{4} \hbar^2
The first equality is fine, it is the second one that I can't reproduce. The point of the equation is to recover ##(\vec{L} + \frac{1}{2} \hbar \vec{\sigma}')^2 = (\vec{L} + \vec{S})^2 = \vec{J}^2##.

Homework Equations

\vec{\sigma}' = ( \sigma_x', \sigma_y', \sigma_z')
where the ##\sigma_i'## are ##4\times4## matrices related to the Pauli matrices ##\sigma_i## through
\sigma_i' \equiv \begin{pmatrix} \sigma_i & 0 \\ 0 & \sigma_i \end{pmatrix}
##\vec{L}## is the orbital angular momentum (actually an operator, but that's not important in the present context).

The Attempt at a Solution

I start by looking at the square term on the LHS:
(\vec{\sigma}' \cdot \vec{L})^2 &= ( \sigma_x' L_x + \sigma_y' L_y + \sigma_z' L_z)^2 \\
&= (\sigma_x')^2 L_x^2 + \sigma_x' \sigma_y' L_x L_y + \sigma_x' \sigma_z' L_x L_z \\
&\quad + \sigma_y' \sigma_x' L_y L_x + (\sigma_y')^2 L_y^2 + \sigma_y' \sigma_z' L_y L_z \\
& \quad + \sigma_z' \sigma_x' L_z L_x + \sigma_z' \sigma_y' L_z L_y + (\sigma_z')^2 L_z^2 \\
&= L_x^2 \mathbf{1} + L_y^2 \mathbf{1} + L_z^2 \mathbf{1} = \vec{L}^2
where I have used the properties of the Pauli matrices, namely ##\sigma_i^2 = \mathbf{1}##, with ##\mathbf{1}## the identity matrix, and ##\sigma_i \sigma_j + \sigma_j \sigma_i = 2\delta_{ij}##.

Now, for the square term on the RHS:
(\vec{L} + \frac{1}{2} \hbar \vec{\sigma}')^2 &= \vec{L} \cdot \vec{L} + \frac{1}{2} \hbar \vec{L} \cdot \vec{\sigma}' + \frac{1}{2} \hbar \vec{\sigma}' \cdot \vec{L} + \frac{1}{4} \hbar^2 \vec{\sigma}' \cdot \vec{\sigma}' \\
&= \vec{L}^2 + \hbar \vec{\sigma}' \cdot \vec{L} + \frac{1}{4} \hbar^2 (\sigma_x^2 + \sigma_y^2 + \sigma_z^2) \\
&= \vec{L}^2 + \hbar \vec{\sigma}' \cdot \vec{L} + \frac{3}{4} \hbar^2

Putting all this together, I can rewrite the original equality as
\vec{L}^2 + 2\hbar (\vec{\sigma}' \cdot \vec{L}) + \hbar^2 = \vec{L}^2 + \hbar (\vec{\sigma}' \cdot \vec{L}) + \hbar^2
There is a factor 2 missing in the RHS that I can't find.
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  • #2
Consider $$ \sigma_x' \sigma_y' L_x L_y + \sigma_y' \sigma_x' L_y L_x $$ Does this reduce to zero or something else?
  • #3
TSny said:
Consider $$ \sigma_x' \sigma_y' L_x L_y + \sigma_y' \sigma_x' L_y L_x $$ Does this reduce to zero or something else?
I was so concentrated on the ##\sigma'## that I only saw ##\sigma_x' \sigma_y' + \sigma_y' \sigma_x' = 0##. But of course
\sigma_x' \sigma_y' L_x L_y + \sigma_y' \sigma_x' L_y L_x &= i \sigma_z' L_x L_y - i \sigma_z' L_y L_x \\
&= i \sigma_z' (L_x L_y - L_y L_x) \\
&= i \sigma_z' (i \hbar L_z) =-\hbar \sigma_z' L_z
and so on, such that
(\vec{\sigma}' \cdot \vec{L})^2 &= ( \sigma_x' L_x + \sigma_y' L_y + \sigma_z' L_z)^2 \\
&= (\sigma_x')^2 L_x^2 + \sigma_x' \sigma_y' L_x L_y + \sigma_x' \sigma_z' L_x L_z \\
&\quad + \sigma_y' \sigma_x' L_y L_x + (\sigma_y')^2 L_y^2 + \sigma_y' \sigma_z' L_y L_z \\
& \quad + \sigma_z' \sigma_x' L_z L_x + \sigma_z' \sigma_y' L_z L_y + (\sigma_z')^2 L_z^2 \\
&= (L_x^2 + L_y^2 + L_z^2) \mathbf{1} - \hbar ( \sigma_x' L_x + \sigma_y' L_y + \sigma_z' L_z)\\
&= \vec{L}^2 - \hbar ( \vec{\sigma}' \cdot \vec{L}),
leading to the correct equality.

Thanks a lot for pointing me in the right direction.
  • #4
OK. Good.
  • #5
Could someone please point out where I made a mistake?
The equation in question is a key step in showing the equivalence between the Dirac and Schrödinger equations in a central field. The mistake in your calculation lies in the term involving the Pauli matrices. The correct expression for this term is:
(\sigma_x')^2 + (\sigma_y')^2 + (\sigma_z')^2 = 2(\sigma_x^2 + \sigma_y^2 + \sigma_z^2) = 6\mathbf{1}
Therefore, the RHS of the equation should be:
\vec{L}^2 + \hbar \vec{\sigma}' \cdot \vec{L} + \frac{3}{2} \hbar^2
which accounts for the missing factor of 2. This can also be seen by noting that in the original equation, the term ##(\vec{\sigma}' \cdot \vec{L})^2## is equivalent to the term ##\vec{S}^2##, which has a factor of 2 in front. I hope this helps clarify the issue.

FAQ: Dirac equation in a central field (Schiff)

What is the Dirac equation in a central field?

The Dirac equation in a central field, also known as the Schiff equation, is a relativistic wave equation that describes the behavior of spin-1/2 particles, such as electrons, in a central force field. It is an extension of the Schrödinger equation that takes into account the effects of special relativity and spin.

Who developed the Dirac equation in a central field?

The Dirac equation in a central field was developed by British physicist Paul Dirac in 1928. It was a significant contribution to the field of quantum mechanics and helped to reconcile the principles of quantum mechanics and special relativity.

What is the significance of the Dirac equation in a central field?

The Dirac equation in a central field is significant because it accurately describes the behavior of spin-1/2 particles in a central force field, such as the atomic nucleus. It also helped to explain the phenomenon of spin and led to the prediction of the existence of antiparticles.

What are the applications of the Dirac equation in a central field?

The Dirac equation in a central field has many applications in physics, particularly in the study of atomic and nuclear physics. It is also used in fields such as quantum chemistry, solid state physics, and particle physics.

What are the limitations of the Dirac equation in a central field?

The Dirac equation in a central field is a non-relativistic approximation and does not take into account the effects of strong and electromagnetic interactions. It also does not accurately describe particles with zero spin. These limitations have been addressed by the development of more advanced theories, such as quantum field theory.

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