Direct product of a subset of a group

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem in a homework set regarding subgroups and direct products. The forward implication is questioned and a possible solution is provided, but further work is needed to prove it. The incorrect assumption that |A²| = |A|^2 is addressed and the conversation ends with suggestions to continue working on the problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement"

Homework Equations

H a subgroup of G implies HH = H, where HH is the direct product.

The Attempt at a Solution

For the forward direction, don't we just have |A| = 0 or 1? I think |A| = 0 should be excluded since then A is the empty set, which makes proving the forward direction kind of nonsensical.

For the reverse direction, if A = aH = Hb, then AA = aHHb = aHb, and can't we just send each ah in aH (= A) to ahb in aHb (= AA) for the bijection?

This seems too easy, so I've likely made an oversight. Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Your reverse implication is correct. But the forward implication is not.

If |A²|=|A|, then it isn't necessairily true that |A|=0 or 1. Take the entire group G for example, that satisfies |G²|=|G|, but it isn't, in general, true that |G|=0 or 1. No, you still have to do some work on the implication.
  • #3
Ah, I thought the forward direction was easier because |A^2| = |A|^2, a property that generalizes to cartesian products in general via a simple counting argument. But if this is the incorrect way to approach it, can you provide further suggestions? Thanks.
  • #4
Maybe I'll give you something to get you started.

Consider [tex]x\in A[/tex]. Then [tex]xA\subseteq A^2 [/tex]. But since [tex]|A|=|A^2|[/tex], we actually have xA=A^2.

Now the only thing you have to show is that [tex]x^{-1}A[/tex] is a subgroup of G.
  • #5
No, it is incorrect that |A²|=|A|² :cry:

Try to prove first that [tex]x^{-1}A[/tex] is preserved under inverses. That's the hardest part I think...
  • #6
Thanks, I can certainly take it from there. I guess I'm just having a hard time convincing myself |A^2| =/= |A|^2. I've mostly been working with products of cyclic groups (e.g. in the fundamental theorem of finitely generated abelian groups), and I know the property certainly holds for such products, so I guess I'll look at other groups.

Blah, ok yeah I guess I should have looked at my relevant equation a bit longer.
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  • #7
But the property doesn't hold for cyclic groups... Let C2 be the cyclic group of order 2, then

[tex]|C_2|^2=4~\text{and}~|C_2^2|=2 [/tex]
  • #8
But C_2 is isomorphic to Z_2, and (Z_2)^2 is isomorphic to the Klein 4-group (often denoted V), which has 4 elements?
  • #9
Yes, but you are confused. The A² here means something else, it means AA, not AxA...
  • #10
Ah dammit, sorry for the waste of time. The rest of the homework was on direct products, so that threw me off argh. I'll attempt to forget your hint for now and return to this in a day or two. Thanks.

Related to Direct product of a subset of a group

What is the definition of a direct product of a subset of a group?

The direct product of a subset of a group is a mathematical operation that combines two or more groups to create a new group. It is denoted by the symbol ⋊ (the direct product symbol) and is used to represent the Cartesian product of two or more sets.

How is the direct product of a subset of a group calculated?

The direct product of a subset of a group is calculated by taking each element of the first group and combining it with each element of the second group. This process is repeated until all possible combinations have been formed, resulting in a new group with elements that are ordered pairs.

What is the significance of the direct product of a subset of a group in mathematics?

The direct product of a subset of a group is important in mathematics as it allows us to study and understand complex groups by breaking them down into simpler, more manageable subsets. It also helps to establish relationships between different groups and can be used to solve various mathematical problems.

What are some examples of direct products of subsets of a group?

One example of a direct product of a subset of a group is the direct product of the groups ℤ (the set of integers) and ℚ (the set of positive real numbers). This results in a new group ℤ ⋊ ℚ with elements that are ordered pairs (a, b) where a is an integer and b is a positive real number.

Another example is the direct product of the groups ℤ (the set of integers) and ℤ* (the set of even integers). This results in a new group ℤ ⋊ ℤ* with elements that are ordered pairs (a, b) where a and b are both integers.

What are some properties of the direct product of a subset of a group?

One property of the direct product of a subset of a group is that it is associative, meaning that the order in which the direct products are performed does not affect the final result. It is also commutative, meaning that the order of the groups does not affect the final result. Additionally, the direct product of a subset of a group is always closed under the operation, meaning that the result of the operation is always an element of the group.

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