Direct product of abelian groups. Isomorphism.

In summary: I will try to use the assumption in my next attempt.In summary, the assumption that G is finite abelian is needed to show that $B\cong C$.
  • #1
Gold Member
Let $A,B,C$ be finite abelian groups. Assume that $A\times B\cong A\times C$. Show that $B\cong C$.

I observed that $(A\times B)/(A\times\{e\})\cong B$ and $(A\times C)/(A\times\{e\})\cong C$.

So I need to show that $(A\times B)/(A\times\{e\})\cong (A\times C)/(A\times\{e\})$.

Let $\psi:A\times B\rightarrow A\times C$ be an isomorphism.

Define $\phi:A\times B \rightarrow (A\times C)/(A\times\{e\})$ as $\phi(a,b)=(\psi(a,b))(A\times\{e\})$.

If I could show that $\ker \phi=A\times\{e\}$ then I'd be done.

For that I need $\psi(a,e)\in A\times\{e\}$ for all $a\in A$, which I am unable to show and this might not even be true.

Please help.
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  • #2
i don't have an answer, but i can tell you your approach is doomed.

let A = B = C = Z2.

we have the automorphism:


note that is is NOT true that the image of Z2x{0} is Z2x{0}, it is:


i feel that the assumption that G is finite abelian has to be used in some essential way, and your approach does not do that.
  • #3
  • #4
Opalg said:
I am no expert on group theory, but my feeling is that maybe you need to use the structure theorem for finite abelian groups for this problem.
I never thoroughly read he structure theorem. So I think now is the time to do that.
  • #5
Deveno said:
i don't have an answer, but i can tell you your approach is doomed.

let A = B = C = Z2.

we have the automorphism:


note that is is NOT true that the image of Z2x{0} is Z2x{0}, it is:


i feel that the assumption that G is finite abelian has to be used in some essential way, and your approach does not do that.
Thank you.

FAQ: Direct product of abelian groups. Isomorphism.

1. What is the definition of a direct product of abelian groups?

The direct product of abelian groups is a mathematical operation that combines two or more abelian groups to form a new group. It is denoted by the symbol "×" and is defined as the set of all possible ordered pairs of elements from the individual groups, with the group operation defined component-wise.

2. How is the direct product of abelian groups different from the direct sum?

The direct product differs from the direct sum in that the direct sum only considers the elements of the individual groups that have a finite number of non-zero components, while the direct product considers all possible combinations of elements from the individual groups.

3. What is the significance of isomorphism in the direct product of abelian groups?

Isomorphism is a concept in mathematics that describes a bijection (a one-to-one correspondence) between two mathematical structures. In the context of the direct product of abelian groups, isomorphism is important because it allows us to identify when two direct products are essentially the same, even if they may appear different at first glance.

4. How do you prove that two direct products of abelian groups are isomorphic?

To prove that two direct products of abelian groups are isomorphic, you need to show that there exists a bijective homomorphism (a function that preserves the group structure) between the two groups. This can be done by explicitly defining such a function and showing that it satisfies the properties of a homomorphism.

5. Can the direct product of non-abelian groups also be isomorphic?

No, the direct product of non-abelian groups cannot be isomorphic. This is because the direct product of groups is only defined for abelian groups, and the definition of isomorphism requires the groups to have the same group structure. However, it is possible for the direct product of non-abelian groups to be isomorphic to a direct product of abelian groups.
