Directed Distance in Coordinate Geometry: Sign Convention

  • Thread starter batballbat
  • Start date
In summary, the sign convention for directed distances in coordinate geometry is based on the positive and negative directions of the x and y axes. However, when a segment is not parallel to either axis, the displacement does not have a single sign as it is a vector quantity with magnitude and direction. Therefore, it is more useful to work with vectors rather than using an arbitrary convention for determining the sign of a directed segment.
  • #1
in coordinate geometry i am having problem with the sign convention of directed distances. Let P1 and P2 be arbitrary points on the graph. Then what is the sign convention for P1P2 to be positive or negative. I know that if P1P2 is parallel to x-axis or y-axis then the normal convention for positive and negative direction (right=postive...up=positive). But what happens when P1P2 is not parallel to x-axis or y axis. What is the convention to determine whether P1P2 is positive or negative. Please exhaust all the possible cases.
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  • #2
Distances are always positive, so the distance between P1 and P2 is positive.

As for the displacement...displacement is a vector. A signed scalar quantity is not sufficient for describing a displacement in general. In the special case where the displacement lies entirely along one of your chosen coordinate axes, you can do it (because it reduces to a 1D situation). But the short answer to your question is, I think, that the displacement doesn't have a "sign" because it can't be described using a single number. It is a vector quantity (there are infinitely many directions in which it can point, as opposed to just two).

EDIT (to elaborate on this further): you need at least two numbers to describe a vector (if you're in a 2D space, that is). These numbers could be x and y components (in which case either component could be either positive or negative). Alternatively, the two numbers could be the magnitude of the displacement and a bearing/direction, the latter of which is just an angle measured relative to some chosen reference direction.
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  • #3
in my book P1 is above P2 and it says that P1P2 is negative
  • #4
quoted from my book

If the segment is parallel to the x-axis, we say that its
positive sense is that of the positive direction of the x-axis.
If the segment is not parallel to the x-axis, we make the convention
that upward along the segment is the positive sense on
the segment.
  • #5
batballbat said:
in my book P1 is above P2 and it says that P1P2 is negative

So your book assigns a sign to the "directed" segment that is basically the sign of the y-component of the vector between the two points in the segment. Fine.

Obviously there are four possibilities:

1. x-component is positive, y-component is positive
2. x-component is positive, y-component is negative
3. x-component is negative, y-component is positive
4. x-component is negative, y-component is negative

Your book would call 2 and 4 'negative' directed segments. But I think you can probably see the advantage of just working with vectors, rather than doing what they do. They assign an arbitrary convention for directions "along" a segment, but it's not really necessary.
  • #6

FAQ: Directed Distance in Coordinate Geometry: Sign Convention

1. What is directed distance in coordinate geometry?

Directed distance in coordinate geometry refers to the measurement of the distance between two points on a coordinate plane, taking into account both the magnitude (length) and direction of the distance. This is different from the usual distance formula, which only gives the absolute value of the distance between two points.

2. What is the sign convention for directed distance?

The sign convention for directed distance takes into account the direction of the distance on the coordinate plane. The distance is considered positive if it is measured in the same direction as the positive x-axis, and negative if it is measured in the opposite direction.

3. How do you calculate directed distance between two points?

To calculate directed distance between two points, you first need to find the difference between the x-coordinates and the y-coordinates of the two points. Then, use the Pythagorean theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse of the triangle formed by the two points and the origin. Finally, take into account the sign convention to determine the direction of the distance.

4. Why is directed distance important in coordinate geometry?

Directed distance is important in coordinate geometry because it allows for a more accurate description of the distance between two points on a coordinate plane. It takes into account both the magnitude and direction of the distance, which is essential in many real-world applications such as navigation and physics.

5. How is directed distance different from regular distance?

Directed distance is different from regular distance in that it takes into account the direction of the distance on the coordinate plane. Regular distance only gives the absolute value of the distance between two points, while directed distance also indicates the direction of the distance as either positive or negative.
