Direction derivative of Ricci scalar w.r.t. killing field

This is a bit of a strange thread ;) In summary, a solution was found for the directional derivative of the Ricci scalar along a killing vector field to be zero, utilizing the twice contracted Bianchi identity and the product rule.
  • #1
Science Advisor

Homework Statement

I didn't really know if this belonged here or in the math section but it is from a physics book so what the heck =D. I have to show that the directional derivative of the ricci scalar along a killing vector field vanishes i.e. [itex]\triangledown _{\xi }R = \xi ^{\rho }\triangledown _{\rho }R = 0[/itex].

The Attempt at a Solution

From previous parts of the problem I had shown that [itex]\triangledown _{\mu }\triangledown _{\nu }\xi ^{\mu } = R_{\nu \rho }\xi ^{\rho }[/itex] and we have, from the Bianchi identity, that [itex]\triangledown ^{v}R_{v\rho } = \frac{1}{2}\triangledown _{\rho }R[/itex] so combining the two we see that [itex]\triangledown ^{\nu }\triangledown _{\mu }\triangledown _{\nu }\xi ^{\mu } = R_{\nu \rho }\triangledown ^{\nu }\xi ^{\rho } + \frac{1}{2}\xi ^{\rho }\triangledown _{\rho }R[/itex]. Since [itex]\triangledown ^{\nu }\xi ^{\rho }[/itex] is anti - symmetric and [itex]R_{\nu \rho }[/itex] is symmetric, their contraction vanishes so we are left with [itex]\triangledown ^{\nu }\triangledown _{\mu }\triangledown _{\nu }\xi ^{\mu } = \frac{1}{2}\xi ^{\rho }\triangledown _{\rho }R[/itex]. Here's where I'm stuck. I tried playing around with the left side, by using the definition of a killing field, to see if I can show that the left side must vanish (possibly by anti - symmetry and\or dummy index relabeling tricks) but I can't seem to simplify it further. Any help is much appreciated thanks!
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  • #2
Hi kevinferreira. Welcome to Physics Forums!

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  • #3
Thanks guys!
  • #4
kevinferreira said:
Actually Kevin, I'm not sure where your calculations went but I'm not sure about your last line with the riemann tensor. You wrote that [itex]\triangledown ^{\nu }\triangledown _{\mu }\triangledown _{\nu }\xi ^{\mu } = \triangledown ^{\nu }R^{\nu }_{\mu \nu \sigma }\xi ^{\sigma }[/itex] but I don't think is even allowed since you have two repeated indices on the top and one on the bottom which doesn't make sense (two nu's on the top and one nu on the bottom) so I don't know if that expression is valid in accordance with the summation convention.
  • #5
Actually, I screwed up the whole thing, it was wrong. so I just wanted to keep the least trace of it possible! =D

Anyway, I've been working on this, and here's what I have.
Start with the twice contracted Bianchi identity (that you implicitly derived in your previous calculations):
[tex] \triangledown^{\mu}R_{\mu\nu}-\frac{1}{2}\triangledown_{\nu}R=0[/tex]
and contract it with your vectorfield:
[tex] \frac{1}{2}\xi^{\nu}\triangledown_{\nu}R=\xi^{\nu}\triangledown^{\mu}R_{\mu\nu}.[/tex]
You recognise what you want on the left side.
  • #6
Ah yes that solves it quite quickly. I solved it as well in the interim between your responses but my calculations had a few extra steps so I like yours better in the end. Thanks mate, cheers!
  • #7
Hi WannabeNewton, I now have the same problem as you did in this thread, can you show how you "solve it quickly" from [itex]1/2\xi^\nu\nabla_\nu R = \xi^\nu\nabla^\mu R_{\mu\nu}[/itex] ? I'm stuck exactly here. Thanks!
  • #8
WannabeNewton said:
Ah yes that solves it quite quickly. I solved it as well in the interim between your responses but my calculations had a few extra steps so I like yours better in the end. Thanks mate, cheers!

Hi WannabeNewton, I now have the same problem as you did in this thread, can you show how you "solve it quickly" from [itex]1/2\xi^\nu\nabla_\nu R = \xi^\nu\nabla^\mu R_{\mu\nu}[/itex] ? I'm stuck exactly here. Thanks!
  • #9
shichao116 said:
Hi WannabeNewton, I now have the same problem as you did in this thread, can you show how you "solve it quickly" from [itex]1/2\xi^\nu\nabla_\nu R = \xi^\nu\nabla^\mu R_{\mu\nu}[/itex] ? I'm stuck exactly here. Thanks!

I hope that by now your question is answered, but for those who are still looking for one, the reason has been mentioned above: [itex]\triangledown ^{\nu }\xi ^{\rho }[/itex] is anti - symmetric and [itex]R_{\nu \rho }[/itex] is symmetric so [itex]\xi^\nu\nabla^\mu R_{\mu\nu}[/itex] vanishes (with the use of the product rule of course).
  • #10
I didn't notice someone responded to this thread after all this time (well granted it wasn't that long a time lmfao). ##\xi^{a}\nabla^{b}R_{ab}## does not vanish because of an antisymmetric and symmetric contraction. There is no contraction of an antisymmetric tensor and symmetric tensor in the above expression; ##\nabla^{a}\xi^{b} = \nabla^{[a}\xi^{b]}## yes but that is not what you have in the above expression. I don't know in what way exactly you are alluding to the product rule but for the above that just gives ##\xi^{a}\nabla^{b}R_{ab}=\nabla^{b}(\xi^{a}R_{ab}) ## and you must do further calculations in order to show that this vanishes identically; it is not immediate.

For anyone still interested, here is one way to solve it very easily (building upon the last sentence above): first note that ##\nabla^{a}R_{ab} = \frac{1}{2}\nabla_{b}R## from the second Bianchi identity. We also have that ##\nabla_{a}\nabla_{b}\xi^{a} = R_{bd}\xi^{d}## hence ##\nabla^{b}\nabla_{a}\nabla_{b}\xi^{a} = \nabla^{b}(R_{bd}\xi^{d}) = \xi^{d}\nabla^{b}R_{bd} = \frac{1}{2}\xi^{d}\nabla_{d}R ##. Now ##\nabla^{b}\nabla_{a}(\nabla_{b}\xi^{a}) - \nabla_{a}\nabla^{b}(\nabla_{b}\xi^{a}) = R_{ae}\nabla^{e}\xi^{a} - R_{be}\nabla^{b}\xi^{e} = 0## so ##\frac{1}{2}\xi^{d}\nabla_{d}R = \nabla^{a}\nabla^{b}\nabla_{b}\xi_{a} = -\xi^{d}\nabla^{a}R_{ad} = -\frac{1}{2}\xi^{d}\nabla_{d}R## hence ##\xi^{d}\nabla_{d}R = 0##.

Related to Direction derivative of Ricci scalar w.r.t. killing field

What is the direction derivative of Ricci scalar with respect to a killing field?

The direction derivative of Ricci scalar with respect to a killing field is a mathematical concept used in differential geometry to measure the change in Ricci scalar along a specific direction on a manifold. It is a directional derivative and is denoted by &nablakR, where k is the killing field.

How is the direction derivative of Ricci scalar calculated?

The direction derivative of Ricci scalar is calculated using the formula &nablakR = kaaR, where ka is the killing vector field and ∇aR is the covariant derivative of the Ricci scalar.

What is the significance of the direction derivative of Ricci scalar?

The direction derivative of Ricci scalar is an important tool in studying the geometry of manifolds. It helps in understanding the behavior of Ricci scalar along a specific direction and can provide information about the curvature and topology of the manifold.

Can the direction derivative of Ricci scalar be used to determine the existence of a killing field?

Yes, the direction derivative of Ricci scalar can be used to determine the existence of a killing field. If the direction derivative is zero for all directions, then the manifold has a killing field. If the derivative is non-zero, then there is no killing field on the manifold.

How is the direction derivative of Ricci scalar related to Einstein's field equations?

The direction derivative of Ricci scalar is related to Einstein's field equations through the contracted Bianchi identity. This identity states that the direction derivative of Ricci scalar is equal to the contraction of the Riemann curvature tensor with the energy-momentum tensor, multiplied by a constant. This connection plays a crucial role in general relativity and the study of gravitational fields.

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