Direction of a photon created by bremsstrahlung radiation?

In summary, the bremsstrahlung process involves electrons traveling in the opposite direction of a field gradient, which produces an electromagnetic wave when they are stopped. The direction of radiation can be drawn in a particular direction, but the electrons' deceleration should produce a wave radiating in all directions, with the maximum amplitude being in the plane perpendicular to the velocity. However, the angular distribution of bremsstrahlung, as described on Wikipedia, shows that the emission of radiation is not radial and depends on the angle between the direction of motion and the direction of observation. This means that there is no emission along the line of motion and the direction of maximum emission depends on the initial velocity of the charge carrier.
  • #1
basically any time i have an arc, i have electrons flowing in the opposite direction to the field gradient. so when the electrons reach the other side, they will be stopped, which will then produce an EM wave. In, class, my professor drew the direction of radiation in a particular direction, but the electrons deccelarating should produce a wave radially in all directions shouldn't it? with the max amplitude being in the plane normal to the velocity? ie, the charge carrier's direction of travel?
so why would it the bremsstrahlung process emit radiation in only one particular direction?
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  • #2
Wikipedia has a page on bremsstrahlung, which describes the angular distribution.
  • #3
i ddn't understand any of the math behind angular distribution, but i assume the existence of the 'distribution' implies that radiation is indeed emitted radially?
  • #4
I am not sure what "radially" means here. In the initial description, electrons collide with "the other side", presumable the anode, so their motion at that time is mostly linear. In that case, the second formula in the section on angular distribution applies. The most important part of that formula is $$ \frac { \sin^2 \theta } {(1 - \beta \cos \theta)^5} $$

where ## \theta ## is the angle between the direction of motion and the direction of observation, and ## \beta = v/c ##, the ratio of the velocity with the speed of light. It can be seen immediately that there is no emission along the line of motion, and that there is a maximum, the direction of which depends on the initial velocity.
  • #5

I can explain that the direction of a photon created by bremsstrahlung radiation is dependent on the direction of the decelerating electrons. When an electron is accelerated or decelerated, it emits electromagnetic radiation, including photons. In the case of bremsstrahlung radiation, the electrons are decelerated when they pass through a material with a varying electric field, such as in an arc.

The direction of the emitted radiation is determined by the direction of the decelerating electrons. If the electrons are decelerating in a particular direction, the radiation will also be emitted in that same direction. This is because the emitted radiation is a result of the acceleration or deceleration of the charged particles.

However, it is important to note that the emitted radiation is not limited to only one direction. As you mentioned, the radiation will also be emitted radially in all directions, with the maximum amplitude being in the plane normal to the velocity of the charge carrier. This means that while the majority of the radiation may be emitted in the direction of the decelerating electrons, there will still be some radiation emitted in other directions.

In summary, the direction of the emitted radiation in bremsstrahlung is mainly determined by the direction of the decelerating electrons. However, there will also be some radiation emitted in other directions, as a result of the accelerating or decelerating charged particles.

FAQ: Direction of a photon created by bremsstrahlung radiation?

1. What is bremsstrahlung radiation?

Bremsstrahlung radiation, also known as braking radiation, is a type of electromagnetic radiation emitted by charged particles when they are decelerated or accelerated by an external force, such as an electric field.

2. How is a photon created by bremsstrahlung radiation?

A photon is created by bremsstrahlung radiation when a charged particle, such as an electron, interacts with the electric field of an atom. As the particle is deflected by the field, it loses energy and emits a photon as a result of the energy conservation law.

3. What determines the direction of a photon created by bremsstrahlung radiation?

The direction of a photon created by bremsstrahlung radiation is determined by the direction of the charged particle's motion and the strength and direction of the external electric field. The photon will be emitted in the same direction as the charged particle's acceleration or deceleration.

4. How does the energy of the photon created by bremsstrahlung radiation compare to the energy of the original particle?

The energy of the photon created by bremsstrahlung radiation is equal to the energy lost by the charged particle during the interaction. This means that the energy of the photon can vary depending on the strength of the electric field and the initial energy of the particle.

5. What are some applications of bremsstrahlung radiation?

Bremsstrahlung radiation is used in various fields, including medical imaging (X-rays), nuclear physics research, and industrial non-destructive testing. It is also a significant source of background radiation in the Earth's atmosphere and in outer space.

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