Direction of dipole's electric field

In summary, the electric field at a point is given by: E(r) = qd/2\pi\epsilonr^{3}, 0, 0. The electric field is only valid for r>d, outside of the dipole.
  • #1
Edit: This is probably suited for the lower-level homework section. But I wasn't sure, as this is part of my second year electromagnetism course.

Homework Statement

Two point charges, -q and +q are aligned along the x-axis, such that they are equidistant from the origin and the +q charge is upon the +ve x-axis. Obtain a formula for the electric field at any point from the dipole.

Homework Equations

This is what's given to me in my lecture notes;

E(r)= [3(p [itex]\bullet[/itex] [itex]\widehat{r}[/itex])[itex]\widehat{r}[/itex] - p]/4[itex]\pi[/itex][itex]\epsilon[/itex][itex]r^{3}[/itex][itex]\widehat{r}[/itex] is the unit vector pointing in the direction of the point in question, from the origin.

p is the dipole moment, a vector pointing from the negative to the positive charge. It's magnitude is equal to qd. d is the vector pointing from the negative to the positive charge.

The Attempt at a Solution

I can derive this formula fine. What confuses me is the direction/signs of the whole thing.

Let's say I wanted to look at a point P, situated on the positive x-axis a distance r from the origin.

Then we'd have;

[itex]\widehat{r}[/itex] = (1,0,0)

If we sub in this [itex]\widehat{r}[/itex] and the dipole moment qd = (qd,0,0) then we get this overall;

E(r) = (qd/2[itex]\pi[/itex][itex]\epsilon[/itex][itex]r^{3}, 0, 0)[/itex]

So we get an electric field only in the x direction. Makes sense. I don't understand the sign though. This overall electric-field in the x-direction gives a positive result. Essentially saying the electric field is pointing in the positive x-direction, TOWARDS the positive charge. This defies all my logic, the electric field should be pointing in the negative x-direction, surely?
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  • #2
The expression is only valid for r>d, i.e. outside the dipole. So when you're on the positive x-axis, you're to the right of both charges. Since the positive charge is closer, its electric field will be stronger than the field due to the negative charge, so the net field will point to the right.

P.S. You posted this problem in the correct section.
  • #3
vela said:
The expression is only valid for r>d, i.e. outside the dipole. So when you're on the positive x-axis, you're to the right of both charges. Since the positive charge is closer, its electric field will be stronger than the field due to the negative charge, so the net field will point to the right.

P.S. You posted this problem in the correct section.

Ah, you're quite right. Deriving the equation uses a Taylor expansion and simplifies everything on the assumption r >> a. Cheers, wouldn't have noticed that.

FAQ: Direction of dipole's electric field

What is the direction of a dipole's electric field?

The direction of a dipole's electric field is determined by the orientation of the dipole. It is defined as the direction in which a positive test charge would be pushed if placed in the electric field.

How is the direction of a dipole's electric field determined?

The direction of a dipole's electric field is determined by the vector sum of the individual electric fields from the positive and negative charges that make up the dipole.

Does the direction of a dipole's electric field change as the dipole rotates?

Yes, the direction of a dipole's electric field changes as the dipole rotates. This is because the orientation of the dipole and the vector sum of the individual electric fields also change.

What is the significance of the direction of a dipole's electric field?

The direction of a dipole's electric field is significant because it determines the force that a charge will experience when placed in the electric field. This is important in understanding the behavior of particles in electric fields and in many applications of electricity and magnetism.

How does the direction of a dipole's electric field affect the potential energy of a charge?

The direction of a dipole's electric field does not directly affect the potential energy of a charge. However, the strength and direction of the electric field can indirectly affect the potential energy by influencing the force experienced by the charge and thus its motion.
