Direction of frictional force during walking

In summary: The time-average friction force on the ground + the time average horizontal air resistance force = 0, for constant average walking velocity.Thinking a bit more, from the free body diagram for the human, the time-average friction force on the ground + the time average horizontal air resistance force = 0, for constant average walking velocity.
  • #1
Will you please explain where actually the force due to friction acts while a man is walking forward.
I am really confused with a lot of confusing things in the internet.
I am unable to give a fixed answer to my students.

I saw somewhere that friction acts in forward direction, please explain it to me.

Since this is my first post in here, I don't actually know the rules, please consider.
Physics news on
  • #3
Friction always opposes the relative motions between two surfaces in contact.
So when the foot moves from left to right,friction is from right to left

I am really confused with a lot of confusing things in the internet.
What is the website where you got confused?

  • #4
When you are walking forward, the bottom of your rear foot exerts a backward frictional force on the ground. The ground exerts an equal and opposite forward force on your rear foot. This force moves you forward.
  • #5
adjacent said:
Friction always opposes the relative motions between two surfaces in contact.
So when the foot moves from left to right,friction is from right to left
He is asking about normal walking, not sliding around. In normal walking there is no relative motion between shoe and ground during most of the stance phase. The horizontal ground reaction force is static friction, not dynamic friction. Its direction is the same as the horizontal acceleration of the body's center of mass.
  • #6
Chestermiller said:
When you are walking forward, the bottom of your rear foot exerts a backward frictional force on the ground. The ground exerts an equal and opposite forward force on your rear foot. This force moves you forward.
Only in the late stance phase. In the early stance phase it is the other way around, and you are braking. See diagram from above link:

  • #7
Hi A.T.:

Very interesting. Am I correct in saying that the integral of the frictional force by the ground over each gait cycle has to be positive? I can't tell from the figure whether this is the case.

  • #8
Chestermiller said:
Am I correct in saying that the integral of the frictional force by the ground over each gait cycle has to be positive?
If your final horizontal speed equals your initial horizontal speed, the integral is only slightly positive due to air resistance.
  • #9
Chestermiller said:
Am I correct in saying that the integral of the frictional force by the ground over each gait cycle has to be positive?

A.T. said:
If your final horizontal speed equals your initial horizontal speed, the integral is only slightly positive due to air resistance.

If all the friction is static (i.e. no sliding), the friction force does no work. The work done to overcome air resistance comes from your muscles, not from friction. The work is done in changing the angles of the joints in the legs.

I don't see any obvious reason why the time-average of the friction force should be take any particular value. You could speculate that it the average would be in different directions depending on how you were moving (e.g. sprinting, or goose-stepping)
  • #10
Thanks AT and AlephZero. Excellent answers.

  • #11
I think we should wait for the OP to return now.
  • #12
AlephZero said:
The work done to overcome air resistance comes from your muscles, not from friction.
Work is not everything. Momentum conservation still applies. At constant average speed the horizontal momentum transfer from the ground, must cancel the horizontal momentum transfer to the air.

AlephZero said:
You could speculate that it the average would be in different directions depending on how you were moving (e.g. sprinting, or goose-stepping)
Different speeds have different air resistance, and therefore require different horizontal momentum transfer from the ground, in order to maintain a constant average speed.
  • #13
AlephZero said:
I don't see any obvious reason why the time-average of the friction force should be take any particular value.

Thinking a bit more, from the free body diagram for the human, the time-average friction force on the ground + the time average horizontal air resistance force = 0, for constant average walking velocity.

(And that seems like a different way to state A.T.s momentum transfer argument).
  • #14
Human walking can be modeled as an inverted pendulum. Without air resistance and muscle action, the horizontal ground reaction force (friction) would be a perfectly symmetrical back/forward profile and sum up to zero during the stance phase.


In reality there is damping and propulsion by the muscles.

FAQ: Direction of frictional force during walking

1. What is frictional force during walking?

The frictional force during walking is the resistance that occurs between the surface of your feet and the ground. It is caused by the interaction of the microscopic bumps and ridges on the surfaces of your feet and the ground, which creates a force that opposes the direction of your movement.

2. What factors affect the direction of frictional force during walking?

The direction of frictional force during walking is affected by the materials and textures of both your footwear and the surface you are walking on. For example, walking on a smooth surface with smooth-soled shoes will result in less frictional force compared to walking on a rough surface with shoes that have a textured sole.

3. How does the direction of frictional force change on different surfaces?

The direction of frictional force can vary on different surfaces. For example, walking on a flat and level surface will result in a horizontal frictional force, while walking uphill or downhill will result in a vertical component of frictional force. Additionally, the direction of frictional force can change on surfaces with varying textures or inclines.

4. How does frictional force affect walking speed?

The direction and magnitude of frictional force can affect walking speed. In general, a higher amount of frictional force will result in a slower walking speed, as more energy is required to overcome the resistance between your feet and the ground. This is why it can be more difficult to walk on rough or uneven surfaces compared to smooth and flat surfaces.

5. Can frictional force be beneficial during walking?

Yes, frictional force can have benefits during walking. It helps to provide traction and stability, allowing us to maintain our balance and prevent slipping or falling. Additionally, frictional force is essential for our ability to push off the ground and propel ourselves forward during walking.

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